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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

Zeke and Nate brought back three nice size rattlers cleaned and in a flour sack . She cut them up and put them in two lard buckets with a wet sack wrapped around each one . Wade apologized for taking her bed and Zeke helped him get settled in the shed . Wade was stronger , she mixed sweet oil and camphor to dress his cuts . She told him to rest and Zeke took her and the laundry to the porch and filled the tubs . She washed all their clothes and hung them on her new line .

She hadn't used her last crutch for the last few days and her left side was getting stronger . Her and Zeke talked about getting the cornfield harvested and how to go about it . Wade said he wanted to help so it was going to be easier with all them to work in a few more days . Zeke started putting all the last years hay in the long corn crib in the shed to keep it off the ground and not rot on bottom .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

They enjoyed a supper of fried rattlesnake , bread and gravy with a dried plum pie . Wade really ate a lot and constantly bragged on her cooking . She asked him about his property to the northeast and his plans for it . he said ...When I bought the cattle in South Texas I paid three men to help drive them north and kept them on till the creeks ran dry and my money was gone . I lived in one of the shacks for the last year and a half by myself hoping the springs would start running again but they are still dry . So just figured to sell this small bunch of cows to the army for whatever they will pay . I am penniless ma'am .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

They talked about many things and they prayed for the return of Hosea and the safety of all . Zeke asked Wade where his hat went ? Wade said he thought he lost it crossing back on the river following Bud . But he said it didn't matter , he was glad it was gone because it was a bad memory of long ago .

Zeke told her ...We need to add a room on the back of the livestock shed . There was plenty of room to build out to the north and what with having company plus him needing a warm place in the winter . She agreed and admitted it had been on her mind too . They needed more room for folks . Zeke said they could start framing it out and making cedar shakes for the roof attached to the shed ! It could be kind of a bunkhouse ! Wade said ...I'm good at hewing and truing ! Zeke looked at him and said ...Can you show me how to build a good water trough ? It's been drivin me crazy trying to get true lumber ! Wade said ...Sure ! we will start tomorrow !

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

The next day Zeke and Wade took the single and double tree off the wagon and started cutting down oak trees for beams and corners . They took trees from down river leaving the river untouched at the cabin . They used The black mule and Bud . The black mule was lead baring his teeth at Bud . They drug five big logs to behind the shed so they could build the room in spare time . They cut down several big cedars for shakes ..the wood was real pretty !

They were all excited about making the place bigger for everyone's comfort . Zeke would have a place of his own .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

They would start getting the corn harvested in just a few days . Zeke was figuring the easiest way to get it done , it was July and temperature was over a hundred every day . Work had to be in the morning and evening , the mornings being better . Plus they still had to hunt and gather food . They were looking forward to working together and getting things done !

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

They would need more logs but this was a start . Zeke and wade figured they could drag in at lest five more tomorrow . She went with them riding Zeke's sorrel and hauled the tree trimmings to the side of the cabin on the sledge to be used for firewood . They needed to start building up their wood so it would cure , burn longer and not be so smoky . It didn't take long to cure wood during July and August in Texas .

They set their sights high on getting things done ! Zeke was trying to figure out the best way to get the corn in . She was still having some trouble with her left side from the heat sickness but was improving well . He was NOT going to let her overload herself , she would drive the wagon . Wade said he didn't hardly know squat about farming . He grew up on a horse ranch and knew cattle . He would put Wade cutting and hauling stalks with the sledge behind him picking and husking as she drove the team as he did the picking and husking . As usual Zeke did more than his fair share of the work .

He laughed to himself …...She would try to sneak in some extra work and he wasn't going to have it ! He had to watch her , He loved that girl and his new grandbaby . Captain Jack and Sam would return within the week most likely with news on Hosea . He prayed for Hosea's safe return but had a bad feeling about the news the Rangers might be bringing to them . He had to take care of her and Nate …..whatever it took .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

he got up very early the next morning . There was enough snake meat for each to get a piece and she made sweet frybread with plums in it . She worried for Nate that he would not have milk but she didn't know what to do . Zeke and Wade were going to work themselves hard today and she would help all she could . There was a lot to consider with all the work to accomplish . Their lives depended on what they could do , the corn had to be gotten in for them and the livestock for winter . Zeke had to have a good place to live when winter came . And they had to hunt and gather daily to live .

She finished the frybread and filled two lard buckets with water to take with them down river to fell and drag logs . The black mule and Bud made a good team , Zeke had to adjust the harness out to fit Bud him being a big horse but it was all working out . She sat down at the table , she could hear Zeke and Wade putting stock on grass and the trace chains dragging the ground as they harnessed the team .

She bowed her head while holding Nate and said ...Lord help us today . We have much to do Lord , protect Zeke and Wade that they are not harmed . Protect Nate and myself and guide us in all we do . Thank you for all you have given to us Lord . Thank you . Amen

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

There was food on the table and coffee made when they came in the door .They ate and talked of the day ahead , everyone was very optimistic at getting much done . They had the sorrel saddled and ready to pull the sledge that was loaded with saws , axes , ropes . The team was harnessed and ready as they all walked out of the cabin and fell in working together . The sun was not up yet as they walked down river to start a hard day .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

Reaching the river the sun was above the horizon and it was a beautiful morning . Zeke and Wade helped her load trimmed branches from yesterdays felling and trimming . They would get a headstart with stocking up on firewood . She would haul it to the west side of the cabin and just drag it off the west side of the cabin to be cut into fire wood later .

Zeke and Wade walked the tree line and picked out the trees to be taken according to need and ease of dragging them out then snaking them to the cabin . She had a load on the sledge tied down and started back the cabin . It was a lot of walking for her and Zeke told her to rest at the cabin before she walked back and they would have her another load .

She left leading the sorrel and Zeke and Wade started the hard work of felling and trimming

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

She had left leaving Nate under a huge pecan tree close to them . Zeke and Wade were really wanting to make some logs ! They started sawing a nice pecan tree first , they used the two man saw and notched the opposite side of the cut . When they had sawed far enough they wedged the saw cut and kept going driving the wedge tighter as they went . The tree fell just where they wanted it and they trimmed the top and branches to cut as firewood and stacking it out in the clear so they could load it for her . They sat on their log and passed a cool lard bucket of water back and forth talking and getting a drink .

They started on a second pecan tree the same size as the first , it was real nice and straight . Zeke was enjoying working with Wade . Wade seemed relieved and much happier and out going ...he even laughed a lot and was not shy about working . They had unharnessed the team and put them on grass close to them in the shade ..they were going to work hard getting the new logs to the cabin .

As they finished trimming the second tree she showed up leading the sorrel pulling the sledge . Zeke and Wade were loading it and Wade said ..Dang ! This little sledge is really handy ! Zeke said ...It sure is ! Hosea built it and it's solid as a rock ! It's easy ta use and can carry a lot . They got her loaded and she left after giving Nate a drink , she picked up the lead rope of the sorrel and Zeke said … Now you just drag that wood off and leave it where it lay ! Don't you be stackin or haulin it around ! Your gonna get plenty of work just goin back and forth .

She looked at him out of the corner of her eyes and said ...Alright . She took off walking the sorrel home . Zeke told Wade ...You got ta watch that woman ! She'll work herself ta death and enjoy every second of it ! Wade looked at him and said ...You mean like you ?

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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by BigGuy »

chuck j wrote: Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:18 pm I'd like to take a break in the story . I don't post this for self-glorification or seeking praise . I have already stated I am not educated and I have no skills at writing . My only redeeming academic accomplishment was that I loved to read . I have always enjoyed history . Both my Great grandfathers were involved in the Civil War . On my mother's side he was captured twice and lost a leg . On my father's side he was a Union spy in Texas .

My dad was born in a dugout west of Stage stand Oklahoma in 1901 . I grew up hearing the old stories , my dad had me when he was fifty one years old . He was seventy years old when I finished high school . LOL , I actually had an uncle in the Spanish American War . My Grandmother below Died at ninety three years old . She drove a wagon from Liberty Hill Texas to Indian Territory in 1898 mostly by herself and had her second child in a dry camp alone at Cashe Creek Oklahoma . She died when I was seven years old , I remember her telling stories .

Though this story is fiction it does contain historical truth . A picture of Grandma in 1952 with my cousin Marcy listening to the radio by the window . Marcy is six years older than me , I had dinner with her and some other cousins a few weeks ago from Oklahoma .

My father was stationed at Fort Sill and we lived in Geronimo, about 9 mile south of there. I've been to Cash Creek many times in my youth.

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

They had three trees down and trimming the last one felled when she showed back up . They loaded the sledge with firewood and Zeke told Wade ...We got three down , why don't we tie on one and you can start snaking em to the cabin ! Wade agreed so they brought the team around and put a chain on the first tree they had taken down . Wade drove the team and she lead the sorrel toward the cabin she carried her Henry on her shoulder . Zeke stayed and finished trimming the last tree felled .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

They talked going to the cabin , the team were leaning into their collars pulling the log . The sorrel had all he could pull on the sledge . She helped getting the chain off and rolling the log next to the others at the livestock shed . Wade took the team to the water trough and left them to drink their fill . He helped her get the firewood off and she watered the sorrel while Wade hauled water from the well to refill the trough . They started back empty and made good time , Zeke had the last tree trimmed and started another one .

Zeke told her ...Can you give Nate a drink and hold him a bit ? She said … Sure ! So she sat under the huge pecan tree and played with Nate . Wade helped Zeke saw down the fourth tree , they loaded the sledge and tied onto another log with the team . Zeke was trimming the last tree when Wade and her left with their loads . They talked all the way to the cabin and repeated stacking the log and unloading the firewood . They gave the stock a quick drink and headed back . They were happy with the progress , things were moving quickly !

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

Zeke had the last tree trimmed , the limbs stacked out in the clear and started on another tree . As Wade and her walked up to the stack of firewood to haul Wade said ...He is working too hard ma'am , he's going to hurt himself or get careless ! He's just trying to go too fast . I'm just concerned . She looked at all Zeke had done and walked over to him . She said ...We have had too many talks about work ! You need to slow down and rest , you will get more done ! Now ask me how I know !! Zeke slowed down and was thinking . She said ...Do you know how much Nate and me love you !

Zeke looked around avoiding her eyes and said ...Yes ma'am I do . I'm gonna take a break right now . They all sat down and passed the lard bucket getting a drink .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

They got six nice logs by a little after noon . They had a mountain of firewood to cut and they had done well ! She told Wade as they hauled a load to the cabin ...You have to watch Zeke or he'll kill himself working so slow him down if he needs it . They kept walking and Wade thought ...They both want me to watch the other and make sure they don't work their selves to death ….this could get tricky .

They had a light lunch of bacon sandwiches , they planned on building onto the shed . It was fun planning the job . She had helped Hosea build the shed and cabin , she understood the process . Having more living room was going to be really nice and Zeke would have a permeant home ! No more sleeping in the livestock shed . She hoped Wade would stay with them a while , in the short spell he had been here he seemed so much happier . He enjoyed working together and was trying to fit in .

They prayed for Hosea's safe return , they prayed for guidance and strength . She asked Wade ...Your a pastor , do your have any plans to follow that calling ? Wade hesitated and looked at the table and said ...I don't know if I was truly called to minister to others . I have killed and maimed many men . I have hidden from GOD , my life has been a failure . I don't see how I could honestly help others .

They all sat there , no one spoke . And then she rose to her feet and said in a firm voice ...You have been tested ! You have been put in the crucible ! You have been shown the way . You have had the impurities taken from you . You understand and know more than most ever will ! You HAVE been called and shown . We are all sinners . GOD has given you the experience to help others ! This is your time to know GOD is calling you ! He has prepared you . Paul was a murderer of GOD's faithful and GOD struck him blind on the Damascus road and he remade Paul . Later Paul said that he was only strong in his weakness ! GOD remade you and you realize your weakness and from that knowledge you are made strong . GOD had to remake you and you are ready !
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