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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

You two offered me help . You gave of yourselves without expectation of me . I in my false pride demonized you in my mind as holding your generosity over me . I was sick when you came to my camp Zeke . I made your offer of help a way to further shame me through my own sense of failure . I saddled up and forded the river , I was just leaving with no place to go and no reason to leave . I am sorry . You folks did nothing wrong . I am alive now because of you .

I rode a day to the south making Bud break trail through the shinnery and rough ground . He finally just bucked me off and I followed him back here exhausted and sick . He stayed just out of my reach leading me back till I collapsed . I am so sorry I have caused you good people so much worry and trouble .

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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

Her and Zeke had been silent . They each knew the other was trying to think how to make him feel more at peace here . She said ...Let me get you some broth with salt in it . It will help your stomach settle and give you strength .

Perhaps Zeke will tell you a story of our first meeting here when the first thing I said to him that I would gut shoot him if he didn't leave . She got up to heat the broth and Wade's eyes moved over to Zeke's face waiting .

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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

I'd like to take a break in the story . I don't post this for self-glorification or seeking praise . I have already stated I am not educated and I have no skills at writing . My only redeeming academic accomplishment was that I loved to read . I have always enjoyed history . Both my Great grandfathers were involved in the Civil War . On my mother's side he was captured twice and lost a leg . On my father's side he was a Union spy in Texas .

My dad was born in a dugout west of Stage stand Oklahoma in 1901 . I grew up hearing the old stories , my dad had me when he was fifty one years old . He was seventy years old when I finished high school . LOL , I actually had an uncle in the Spanish American War . My Grandmother below Died at ninety three years old . She drove a wagon from Liberty Hill Texas to Indian Territory in 1898 mostly by herself and had her second child in a dry camp alone at Cashe Creek Oklahoma . She died when I was seven years old , I remember her telling stories .

Though this story is fiction it does contain historical truth . A picture of Grandma in 1952 with my cousin Marcy listening to the radio by the window . Marcy is six years older than me , I had dinner with her and some other cousins a few weeks ago from Oklahoma .

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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by Jusme »

I am enjoying the story, so far. I think you have the makings, to be a fine writer. Everyone who is a professional writer, when asked, how do you start, they always say "page one"

Looking forward to reading more. :tiphat:
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by jason812 »

Judging by the number of views, I think you are well received. I was patiently waiting this morning for new posts to read what was going to happen next. The story is intriguing and I like the pace and style.
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by SewTexas »

Patiently???? who's patient??? lol
this is beautiful. And truly, if you are ever interested in putting this into a book form, I know people....several people in fact, who can help
Gun control is what you talk about when you don't want to talk about the truth ~ Colion Noir

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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

Picture of Grandpa and uncle Carl on horseback in the 1920's at the farm north of Duncan Oklahoma . The Chisolm trail ran through the farm . My Grandpa moved there to buy horses and sell remounts to trail drives and to the army at Fort Sill in Lawton Oklahoma . Grandpa was born during the Civil War and lived through the 'cowboy' period in Texas working on trail drives to Kansas . My Grandma went as a child with her parents To Fort Laramie to hunt buffalo to sell meat to the army there .


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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

These people lead hard lives beyond our understanding . They only had GOD and each other to depend on . But when they talked about the past it was just what was .

Picture of my dad's brothers and sisters . There are veterans of the Spanish American war , WW1 , WW2 and Korea all in one picture .


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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

The year the story is taking place is 1874 . It's a pivotal time in Texas . The 1873 Rifle is here , the gun that won the west . The Civil War reconstruction period comes to an end . The Comanche are defeated and under control opening the Texas frontier for settlement and the big ranches . The trail drive era starts with cowboys and cattle and the Rangers have the new problem of the 'outlaw' period .

The 1870 census shows about 800,000 people living in all of Texas but that is changing fast now in 1874 . Many are moving to Texas .

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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

SewTexas wrote: Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:23 pm Patiently???? who's patient??? lol
this is beautiful. And truly, if you are ever interested in putting this into a book form, I know people....several people in fact, who can help

I thank everyone for the kind words . As I said in the opening post this a story . I'm just telling in a storytellers way . I wing it from one post to the next so I myself don't know where it will go but we shall see .

Again thank you


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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

The next morning after breakfast Zeke saddled the black mule and rode to the bend in the river the cattle were pastured on . He had to haze a few in off the prairie but they were doing well with plenty of grass , water and shade . There were actually sixteen cows and three calves about three months old . The calves were nice and fat . Zeke was thinking about Nate and those mama cows .

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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

Wade was much better the next morning . He sat and ate with her and Zeke and they talked . Zeke told Wade he would care for Bud a few days and give him a little corn along . Wade was very appreciative to them both for their help . It was like he was learning something new .

She asked Wade if he knew Captain Jack Coffee and Sam Wallace . He said ...Of coarse ! My father broke Captain Jack in when he joined the Rangers . Sam is a year or two older than me . You do know Sam Wallace is Big Foot Wallace's son don't you ? Zeke choked on his cornmeal mush !

When he got his breath he said ...Sam is Big Foot's son ? Wade said ...Sure ! We played together as kids when Big Foot and my father rode together . I know Jack Coffee's family too . She said ...Did you know Captain Jack came out of retirement to track down Ed Barstow and Dan Wilson ? Wade said ...Then they are dead men !! She said as she chewed her mush ...Well me and Zeke saved him and Sam the trouble . We both killed them two days before they caught up to them here . Wade dropped his spoon of mush on the floor and said ...You and Zeke killed them !! She said ...Yes . And explained the circumstances .

Wade sat dumbfounded as they told the story .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

Then Wade asked ...And Sam and Captain Jack helped you get your hay in and built you a clothesline and outhouse ! She said ...Why yes ! They are very nice to have visit and they will be back in a week or so hopefully . Wade just shifted his gaze from her to Zeke and back again saying ...I have misjudged how much strength you have ! Ranger history was made here ! I hope I can see them when they return , I would truly enjoy that .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

She explained about Hosea being missing and them investigating his disappearance . He said ...I am so sorry and hope Hosea has been detained for some reason . I know he would have returned if he could . We should start praying for his safe return today . You and Zeke have done so much for me including saving my life . Please let me pray with you together .

She said ...Of course ! I am facing their return with mixed thoughts and emotions . I know you and Zeke already have thought and understand .

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chuck j
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Re: Tumbleweeds


Post by chuck j »

Nate got fussy and Zeke picked him up off his pallet . Nate got quiet quick and Zeke said ...We need ta go huntin Nate ! I seen a big pile a rocks over to the bend where the cows are an I bet we could get a couple of Texas chickens if we try ! You stick with Grampa Zeke and we'll go get lunch and maybe even supper .

Zeke said ...We are goin huntin ma'am and we will be back pretty quick . Zeke got the shawl and the Beck rifle then went to the mule in the yard . Wade said ...Zeke is a heck of a good man ma'am ! I'm a fortunate man to have met both of you . You bring sanity to an insane world .She stared at Zeke and Nate riding out to the southwest and said ...GOD gave us Zeke . Without him we would be dead . I thank our Lord daily for sending him .

As Zeke and Nate rode slow to the bend in the river Zeke started talking to Nate ...You know Nate I like Wade ! Yea....I think he's had a hard time of a lot of thangs seems ta me but he's got bottom to him . I think things are gonna get better for him . It's a wonder ain't it Nate the folks that come here ? Your mama is a smart woman son . Yep she's a smart woman .

You know I ain't said nothin bout it but when I stayed with that family of Lipan Indians last winter down on the Gulf of Mexico in the valley there was a really nice daughter bout half my age makin eyes at me ! Now I know it's hard ta believe but it's true ! Fact is since I'm your Grampa now and got me a family I been thinkin bout that girl . Her name was Onawan ...that means 'wide awake' in Lipan and yea she's just like me and your mama havin to be busy all the time . Zeke laughed and said I might could get you a grandma ! What do you think about that Nate ! Nate laughed too .

Back at the cabin Wade asked her ...Did Zeke say he was going to get some Texas chickens ? She started laughing .
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