dale blanker wrote:Congress advise and conscent? Read the article.rotor wrote:Perhaps Mr. Obama should have thought of this when devising a "treaty" that did not have the advise and consent of the senate. I am sure that the veterans wounded by Iran IED's support Trump. Israel does. Europe only cares about the dollars to be made in Iran. As long as we hear "Death to America" for the millionth time I won't be upset about cancellation of this stupid deal. The bad thing is that this will hurt the Iranian people who are really good people under an oppressive government. This Iran deal was about as good as the N.K. deal and look where we are with that.dale blanker wrote:Ok, Congress has more to do besides NK, tax reform, infrastructure, healthcare, hurricanes, and oh yes, budget. Now it's foreign policy too...philip964 wrote:https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-wont ... 1507908636
Trump won't certify Iran deal.
https://www.vox.com/world/2017/10/13/16 ... -decertify
"That requirement is a matter of US law — specifically a law called the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA), put in place in May 2015 to give Congress oversight over an Obama administration agreement of which many members were skeptical. INARA requires the president to publicly certify every 90 days that Iran is in technical compliance with the deal and, more broadly, that “suspension of sanctions [is] appropriate and proportionate to the specific and verifiable measures taken by Iran with respect to terminating its illicit nuclear program” as well as “vital to the national security interests of the United States.”
The agreement was supposed to focus on nuclear development, not all Iran behavior. It apparently provided more insight to Iran's nuclear program than we had previously achieved "trusting but verifying" Russia's. Note that the Secretary of Defense, retired USMC General Mattis, had testified before Congress than certification should be made.
Iran “deal” that the bum rammed through, with a little help of fellow travelers from both sides might I add, was and is unconstitutional.
By the by,
Nuclear development is part of Iran’s behavior. Just a side note.