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Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:55 am
by Abraham
At times, frustration with the "intransigence" of the left has caused a few to leave the board.

If you're one of them, please return.

You'll be welcomed back.

Don't let the left discourage you.

Come back and let your voice be heard.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:31 am
by Sputz
I'm going to be somewhat of a devils advocate but I can understand the way those that have left feel. Talk about killing peace officers confiscating firearms and revolution are the exact extremist views the anti's want to see so they can prove gun owners are unstable. I believe that kind of talk is doing more harm for the cause than good.


Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:52 am
by anygunanywhere
Who is quitting?

What did I miss?


Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:59 pm
by 2firfun50
Sputz wrote:I'm going to be somewhat of a devils advocate but I can understand the way those that have left feel. Talk about killing peace officers confiscating firearms and revolution are the exact extremist views the anti's want to see so they can prove gun owners are unstable. I believe that kind of talk is doing more harm for the cause than good.

While I haven't left the board yet, I'm thinking about it for the same reason I left the republican party. Why am I thinking of leaving? The same reason I left the republican party. There just isn't much room for right leaning centerists anymore. I feel just a little too liberal for this forum.

Yep, I'm a little too liberal and don't like "intransigence" people on either side. Had to look that one up, but that door definitely swings both ways.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:11 pm
by Oldgringo
Is there dissention in Camelot? Say it ain't so.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:19 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Sputz wrote:Talk about killing peace officers confiscating firearms and revolution are the exact extremist views the anti's want to see so they can prove gun owners are unstable.
I can't read all posts/threads because I just don't have time. Please post a link to these posts and I'm take care of every one.


Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:20 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
2firfun50 wrote:
Sputz wrote:I'm going to be somewhat of a devils advocate but I can understand the way those that have left feel. Talk about killing peace officers confiscating firearms and revolution are the exact extremist views the anti's want to see so they can prove gun owners are unstable. I believe that kind of talk is doing more harm for the cause than good.

While I haven't left the board yet, I'm thinking about it for the same reason I left the republican party. Why am I thinking of leaving? The same reason I left the republican party. There just isn't much room for right leaning centerists anymore. I feel just a little too liberal for this forum.

1. Fully support 2A, yep
2. Fully support gay rights, yep. Everyone gets equal protection under the law, especially under the tax code.
3. Abortion, don't want to pay for it, don't support it for me or mine, but its a moral issue, not an issue of law.
4. Support diversity, yep.
5. I planned my my long term financial strategy based on the 3 legged stool approach starting years ago as appropriate. You know, personal savings, company pension, and social security. Paid social security, medicare, medicaid since day one of my working life. Over 47 yrs. Now the Tea Party wants to take away one of the legs and allow companies to take away the other.
6. I don't believe any of the Tea party candidates truly support individual rights and freedoms. I haven't heard of one of them making a hard push to repeal the Patriot Act, get rid of the TSA, or disband the DHS.
7. I think local LEOs and DA's may be getting off a little too easy here. As an example, Mr. Cotten states the LEO crime rate is 5 times that of CHLs, but has refused to share the data.

Yep, I'm a little too liberal and don't like "intransigence" people on either side. Had to look that one up, but that door definitely swings both ways.
Why did you feel it's okay to violate Forum Rules by listing your opinions on issues we can't/don't discuss?


Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:36 pm
by KaiserB
Abraham wrote:At times, frustration with the "intransigence" of the left has caused a few to leave the board.

If you're one of them, please return.

You'll be welcomed back.

Don't let the left discourage you.

Come back and let your voice be heard.

I quit posting a long time ago when those who were supposedly conservative on this forum demonstrated that they used the same ignorant tactics that they complained the libtards were using.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:31 pm
by 2firfun50
My original post has been edited and I sincerely apologize to all the board members. Sorry, I'll do better next time.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:47 pm
by newTexan
I can understand the frustration. I am too liberal for many of my conservative friends and too conservative for many of my liberal friends.

The last election cost me about a dozen friends, equally divided.

I plan to stay on the board, but I doubt I'll be contributing to many of the political discussions.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:51 pm
by RX8er
I typically stay 50 feet away from topics like this and the other "hot topics" here.

We are all about protecting 2A, but let us not forget about 1A as well. Let's give everyone an opportunity to speak and not bash them because we don't agree with their position or point of view. We can all have intelligent, meaningful, and nice debates because we are adults.

On a personal note, I read and listen to both sides and everything in the middle. I am amazed at what I still learn to this day just by listening to a position on something that I don't agreed with. Not saying that I changed my POV, but that I learned something. I like debate and I like playing devil's advocate. I think it is important that we have members from as many different POV as possible. With that, we can all see what the dark, errrr, I mean other side is talking about. :mrgreen:

No, let's all just get along and not lose any members.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:53 pm
by nitrogen
I stopped coming here for a long time for a lot of those reasons.

People are not stupid because you disagree with them.

Proponents of gun control are proponents because they fear something. In order to stop them, you have to figure out what they are afraid of, and attack that fear. This article from JFPO is a great primer of what i am talking about. ... efense.htm" onclick=";return false;
How does my correspondent "know" that his neighbors would murder him if they had guns? He doesn’t. What he was really saying was that if he had a gun, he might murder his neighbors if he had a bad day, or if they took his parking space, or played their stereos too loud. This is an example of what mental health professionals call projection – unconsciously projecting one’s own unacceptable feelings onto other people, so that one doesn’t have to own them.


Defense mechanisms are normal. All of us use them to some extent, and their use does not imply mental illness. Advocates of victim disarmament may be misguided or uninformed, they may be stupid, or they may be consciously intent on evil, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are "mentally ill".
Liberals aren't stupid about guns. They are wrong, but they aren't stupid.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:40 am
by Andrew
nitrogen wrote:I stopped coming here for a long time for a lot of those reasons.

People are not stupid because you disagree with them.

Proponents of gun control are proponents because they fear something. In order to stop them, you have to figure out what they are afraid of, and attack that fear. This article from JFPO is a great primer of what i am talking about. ... efense.htm" onclick=";return false;
How does my correspondent "know" that his neighbors would murder him if they had guns? He doesn’t. What he was really saying was that if he had a gun, he might murder his neighbors if he had a bad day, or if they took his parking space, or played their stereos too loud. This is an example of what mental health professionals call projection – unconsciously projecting one’s own unacceptable feelings onto other people, so that one doesn’t have to own them.


Defense mechanisms are normal. All of us use them to some extent, and their use does not imply mental illness. Advocates of victim disarmament may be misguided or uninformed, they may be stupid, or they may be consciously intent on evil, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are "mentally ill".
Liberals aren't stupid about guns. They are wrong, but they aren't stupid.
I've actually used several of the techniques outlined in the article with a good rate of success. Always invite your anti-gun debater to an afternoon at the range.

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:06 am
by lbuehler325
I have a theory on why some might leave the group. Given the President's seeming willingness to push 'forward' on limiting our rights through executive order if necessary, I could see a lot of folks wanting to disassociate with a group that essentially says 'I have guns, please come take mine first because I really disagree with the government on this issue'.

Let's assume we live in a country where the God given right's affirmed to us in our Constitution no longer apply. Not a far stretch given the current environment. Let's assume we lived in a country where we could be categorized as extremist elements due to our affinity for the Constitution... a country where those 'extremists' could then be held indeterminately without trial under the provisions of the NDAA... a country where we can be survailed through our internet posts (SOPA)... a country where the masses would sacrifice their liberty for a false sense of government provided security.

Despite what people say, I have very little faith in people, and unfortunately believe that the vast majority of gun owners would simply cave to the government's wishes rather than defend the constitution.

Gun owners, and gun rights supporters, just might consider disassociating from the group to lay low for a while, lest they be the target of 'big brother'.

Fortunately for me, ALL of my firearms, ammunition, and high capacity 'feeding devices' were tragically lost in an unavoidable boating accident ;-)

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:28 am
by AEA
Just for the record.........
In all my posts where I may seem irritated about the current state of affairs and what's coming or not........

I do not plan/intend to kill ANYONE (including LEO's/Military, whoever), unless they are trying to kill me. Pretty simple.