Still No Open-Carry Bill

Relevant bills filed and their status

Moderator: Charles L. Cotton

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Re: Still No Open-Carry Bill


Post by Shorts »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Conagher wrote:
Thanks for the welcome and the reply. Not to challenge your reply but I am not sure I understand your response. I was thinking your original concern appeared to be reducing the risk of an "anit-gunner's dream" bill being submitted. Avoiding this seems to me to be in the best interest of the TSRA and the NRA. To my knowledge, neither organization has come out against open carry. I know J. Dark and A. Tripp have both corresponded with representatives. Still seems to me there is something to gain by all working together, but maybe I'm missing something.

Now I'm confused. If you are saying Alice Tripp and James Dark are corresponding with in some form of coordination, I can assure you that is not the case. Alice Tripp is the TSRA lobbyist and the Chairman of the TSRA Legislative Committee (I'm Vice-Chairman). We've talked at length about this issue. TSRA and NRA are not taking a position on open-carry as a concept and we have made that clear. In fact, a poster on posted an unfounded complaint about Alice's email explaining that the TSRA legislative agenda is full and we can't take on any more projects. His post was clearly an attempt to get members to drop their membership in TSRA because he didn't like what she wrote. His "I'll take my football and go home" attitude because he doesn't like the fact that he can't force a change in our legislative agenda is most unimpressive.

I agree that it's in all gun owners' best interests not to see the introduction of dangerous, poorly drafted bills. However, that doesn't change the fact that we don't jump into anything at the last minute. We prepare for and plan everything we put on our legislative agenda. Every bill we introduce has been thoroughly analyzed and cross checked to make sure there will be no unintended consequences, in the event it passes. We also evaluate every possible amendment that could be made to our bills, how we will counter those amendments, and what we will do in a worst case scenario. This is why we enjoy the success rate we have amassed for several sessions. Flying by the seat of your pants is irresponsible and we simply cannot be forced into that position. Even in the off-season, we are preparing for the next session, doing things that help pave the way for our legislative agenda.

Like it or not, and sometimes we don't, every time our name (TSRA or NRA) get's connected to a bill, organization or project, there is an assumption in Austin that this is "our" bill or project. So our political capitol gets used up on things other than our agenda. That is why we as an organization, and I as an individual, simply do not do anything that lends our names to something that isn't on our legislative agenda.

As a practical matter, as other posters have said, this thread provides a road map as to how a bill could be drafted, if anyone chooses to do so. If not, then we can all deal with what comes down the pike, if anything.


Charles, the key word is "corresponded" as in, Tripp and Dark were contacted and replied back to inform OCDO of their intentions for the session. There is no "coordination with" Tripp/TSRA. ;-)
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Re: Still No Open-Carry Bill


Post by Conagher »

Mr. Cotton:

Thank you for your reply and explanation. As Shorts indicated, corresponded was used intentionally; and your reference to such correspondence with Alice Tripp is evidence enough. I agree the post you reference was unimpressive and I believe if you read the replies you will see I also made a recommendation for a different course of action. The” I’ll take my football and go home” attitude will not take any of us very far; but if we are honest with ourselves there also appears to be somewhat of a “If you don’t play by our rules, we do not want to play with you” attitude which also has its downfalls. That’s why I suggested we all try to work together to pull out whatever synergy is available.

I understand and appreciate your explanations for preparation and planning. And in concept and even in practice, I agree – though my agreement is irrelevant. However, after working many years in both domestic and international business I have also come to appreciate agility and flexibility. My experience is change is not constant as some have indicated, but rather accelerating at a rapid pace. And though rapid reaction can be uncomfortable, it is often times necessary to maximize the opportunity. It is typically not practical to eliminate all risk before engaging in an opportunity; else the window of opportunity may close. It is usually more effective to take advantage of the open window and manage the mitigation of the risks.

Regardless, my original suggestion was simply that all try to work together to further everyone’s cause. If that is not possible, then so be it (though I must admit I am still not convinced this is impossible).

Personally, I will do what I can to support the NRA, TSRA, and OCDO legislative agendas.

Good Day and God Bless.

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