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Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:56 pm
by GatoNegro
I am visiting my folks in Arizona. I just went to Wal Mart Open Carrying. Very little attention from the few people that even noticed, and I was the most concerned. It is a good feeling not having to worry about printing. I also stopped at a local convenience store and there were two ICE agents chit chatting with an officer from the local PD. They noticed. No questions, no reaction.

On the other hand, I still feel a little uneasy, so back under my shirt it went, lol.

I hope someday we can do this in Texas. Sometimes when I am mowing the lawn or working on the cars, trying not to print, it would be so much easier to OC.


Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:24 pm
by G26ster" onclick=";return false;

Not stating any opinion, just for info.

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:40 pm
by gigag04
If you are mowing your grass or working on your car at home, you can open carry.

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:25 pm
by Carry-a-Kimber
gigag04 wrote:If you are mowing your grass or working on your car at home, you can open carry.
I'd hate to scratch up the finish on my pistola while wrenchin' under my truck. Plus I don't want to have a .45 that handy after I smash my knuckles when said wrench slips off a nut. :mad5

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:44 am
by stevie_d_64
G26ster wrote:

Not stating any opinion, just for info.
Well, that certainly is a case where you would need to be "more" aware of your situation and surroundings when you do carry openly...This guy probably got a little too complacent, was in the wrong place at the right time for someone else to take advantage of the situation...

Good thing the OC'er wasn't killed on the spot...

But, it is a lesson learned then...

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:05 am
by Beiruty
It is puzilling that OCer did not react. Lack of training and loss of confidence are likely the reason.
Pulling and placing 2 good hits should take less than 3 sec

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:37 am
by OldCannon
This is why I tend to roll my eyes when people rail about wanting open carry. You lose EVERY advantage with the BG when you OC. By the time he (and his friends) walk up to you, he knows where you carry, what you carry, and when to approach you at your weakest time. And I would HOPE that the holster worn in the open is at least level II retention.

I know this is a sensitive issue to many people, and I would never work _against_ supporting any OC laws, but I continue to fail to grasp the advantage, other than to help prevent a CC'er from getting dinged with unintentional "failure to conceal".

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:50 am
by Beiruty
One advantage to OC over CC is speed of draw. drawing from OWB OC should be
blinding fast.

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:32 am
by LarryH
Beiruty wrote:One advantage to OC over CC is speed of draw. drawing from OWB OC should be
blinding fast.
If you are relying on the speed of your draw, you're already reactive, rather than pro-active (IMHO).

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:08 am
by BrianSW99
Beiruty wrote:One advantage to OC over CC is speed of draw. drawing from OWB OC should be
blinding fast.
I actually tested this the other day while practicing for IDPA. I was surprised that my time difference between using an OWB holster with and without a cover shirt was within about a tenth of a second or less.

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:41 am
by baldeagle
Sounds like the guy in Wisconsin wasn't training. He certainly wasn't aware of his surroundings, or the BG would never have gotten close enough to rob him. Now that he's decided to no longer OC, he thinks he'll be safer? As Brian pointed out, training is the key. If you're not constantly training, you're kidding yourself if you think you'll react correctly and put lead on the target. Having a gun doesn't make you safer. Having a gun you can use instinctively, correctly and accurately does.

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:19 pm
by Liberty
If one doesn't have any sort of rertention a draw might be a bit faster. But OCing withoutt retention is a bit risky.

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:19 am
by sgerry
Frankly i hope texas doesn't allow OC. Just my opinion...

I want a baddie to walk into a restaurant / bank / etc and NOT know who to take out first. Keep em guessing!

Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:51 pm
by GatoNegro

I also think that situational awareness is everything. Looks to me like the subject walked into a place he shouldn't have, or at a time he shouldn't have. There probably are situations where a person walks into this situation and can't help it, but I sure try to steer away from that.


Re: Just did the Wally Walk... OC'ing!

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:37 pm
by SA-TX
sgerry wrote:Frankly i hope texas doesn't allow OC. Just my opinion...

I want a baddie to walk into a restaurant / bank / etc and NOT know who to take out first. Keep em guessing!
Thread related content: congrats on the OC Wally walk in AZ.

I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'll say this about OC: I don't necessarily disagree with your decision based on the tactical considerations you cite, but that's for each person to decide, not the law.