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Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:19 am
by WarHawk-AVG
Here is the deal folks...I am in the Texas State Guard...we are NOT a Paramilitary force, we are a group of "Citizen Soldiers" who have volunteered to give our time and our money, and our hearts and minds and body to be an Emergency Response Force, a force multiplier to assist law enforcement and medical personnel when due to overwhelming destruction they themselves are spread so thin they become practically ineffective .

Texas is known as being the best state in the union...the best because when push comes to shove Texans TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN...period...we don't need outside help to pick up the pieces and offer a handup...its our nature and in our spirit as Texans.

We can no longer rely on the Federal Government to protect our we can see their main focus is on ramrodding this unwanted and bloated healthcare package down our is now up to US TEXANS to step up to the plate and defend our own...its time we put SELF back in self defense!
The only way to do that is keep talking, keep going to TEA parties, keep making your face in the sea of faces be seen...but also in putting your name on the dotted line, putting your money where your mouth is...and by surging the ranks of the Texas State Guard I GUARANTEE someone in Austin will take note. We need a swelling or a surge of Texans willing to go the extra mile, not just to attend TEA party meetings or rallies, but to put on a uniform and stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow Texans in time of need...not to say "I will"..but to SHOW "I AM!"

There are a conglomeration of people in the Texas State Guard, former military, civilians, doctors, lawyers, law enforcement, medical, heck we even have a rocket scientist, literally, it does NOT matter if you are former military and you do enlist, you will not be sent to a 11-13 week bootcamp, you will however go to a few weekends of bootcamp style training to test your mettle and to basically educate you on proper military etiquette and protocol though, we want dedicated people who will be there when they say they will and know some on how to be a semi-professional soldier.

I am not asking you to just jump feet 1st and sign up...get educated on the Texas State Guard, knowledge is power and helps you make rational and proper decisions." onclick=";return false; Go to the website, talk to a recruiter, we need honorable, dedicated people willing to step across that line in the sand, deep inside a voice is screaming "Enough is Enough, I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it anymore.

And ladies..this applies to you too, just because you stay at home with the kids doesn't mean you are exempt from squaring your shoulders and showing your kids that when you say something you mean it, we can use EVERYONE that is willing to serve.

I guess all my ranting and raving all boils down to a few words. Its now time to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk, put your money where your mouth is!" onclick=";return false;

More info to look over ... 9final.pdf" onclick=";return false;

Email me at WarHawk-AVG (at) comcast (dot) net
Or PM me for contact info and we can talk over the phone

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:34 am
by TLynnHughes
I have worked alongside the Texas State Guard a time or two and you folks are amazing! I appreciate all you do for the great State of Texas. I have considered "enlisting" but it just isn't a possibility at this time. My current position has me deploying to some of the same events that you folks do so it would be a conflict at this time. Maybe in the future though...

Thanks again for all you do! :txflag:


Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:50 am
by WarHawk-AVG
TLynnHughes wrote:I have worked alongside the Texas State Guard a time or two and you folks are amazing! I appreciate all you do for the great State of Texas. I have considered "enlisting" but it just isn't a possibility at this time. My current position has me deploying to some of the same events that you folks do so it would be a conflict at this time. Maybe in the future though...

Thanks again for all you do! :txflag:

You can't with a viable reason, there is NO dishonor in that, its you the people we serve...others can...who is willing to step across this line, like so many ago at the Battle of the Alamo, Goliad, and San Jacinto? And at the very least...if you cant join us...we do all we do with minimal funding...we pay for everything out of pocket to support you, our fellow Texans.

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:36 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Warhawk-AVG, long time no see!

From the TSG website:
Enlistment Requirements
  • Resident of Texas or enrolled student
  • Age 17 to 60
  • Reasonable Good Health
  • Pass criminal background check
  • Valid Texas Drivers License
  • Prior Military Service - Honorable discharge required
  • Helpful skill sets: Law Enforcement, JAG/Military experienced Attorneys, Rescue, Medical [Doctors, Nurses, Dentist, Dental Asst., Paramedics, EMT], Civil Affairs, Chaplain, Communications, IT, CPA
  • Prior Military Service NOT required
  • No educational requirement for enlistment
  • Educational and age requirements exist for officer commissioning
  • Federal Service retirement NOT affected
  • NO overseas deployment
That one in red disqualifies me, as I've never served in any branch of the military. Besides, I'm getting pretty close to 60 and my health status is so-so, so they would probably prefer not to have me anyway. But it sounds like a worthwhile organization.

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:38 pm
by TLynnHughes
The Annoyed Man wrote:Warhawk-AVG, long time no see!

From the TSG website:
Enlistment Requirements
  • Resident of Texas or enrolled student
  • Age 17 to 60
  • Reasonable Good Health
  • Pass criminal background check
  • Valid Texas Drivers License
  • Prior Military Service - Honorable discharge required
  • Helpful skill sets: Law Enforcement, JAG/Military experienced Attorneys, Rescue, Medical [Doctors, Nurses, Dentist, Dental Asst., Paramedics, EMT], Civil Affairs, Chaplain, Communications, IT, CPA
  • Prior Military Service NOT required
  • No educational requirement for enlistment
  • Educational and age requirements exist for officer commissioning
  • Federal Service retirement NOT affected
  • NO overseas deployment
That one in red disqualifies me, as I've never served in any branch of the military. Besides, I'm getting pretty close to 60 and my health status is so-so, so they would probably prefer not to have me anyway. But it sounds like a worthwhile organization.
But if you go on down a couple, it says that prior military is not required. It's just that if you ARE prior military you have to be honorably discharged.


Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:45 pm
by SQLGeek
A friend of mine clued me in on the TSG a little while back. I am going to be looking into it.

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:17 pm
by pbwalker
So I've been meaning to sign up, but my job has me traveling a bit, sometimes on Saturdays. I wouldn't feel comfortable signing up if I couldn't give 100%...

Are there exceptions for those who could possibly be unavailable on a Saturday?

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:51 pm
by WarHawk-AVG
pbwalker wrote:So I've been meaning to sign up, but my job has me traveling a bit, sometimes on Saturdays. I wouldn't feel comfortable signing up if I couldn't give 100%...

Are there exceptions for those who could possibly be unavailable on a Saturday?
yes with a valid excuse...they do expect you to try to be at the drills, its 1 weekend a month, but if you have a valid excuse, but not EVERY time, I think the requirement is 70% of the drills or like 9 out of may be 10 out of 12 but not sure. Our leaders are understanding...we know in these hard times people have to work, its not active duty 24/7 ya know.

And just like Federal Service if activated you are protected from employment loss due to military service...there is more to it and a trained recruiter will know more.

I can tell you what I know and have learned from actually participating and being at drill and training...the heavy "signing up" stuff is best left to a recruiter

If you want to learn more shoot me some questions to WarHawk-AVG (at) comcast (dot) net

or PM me and I will give you my phone number and we can talk over the phone..just put TXSG on there...if you don't want to go to the TMAR side there is Army, Medical, and Airforce side as well.

in the mean time...this is a bit more info you can look over ... 9final.pdf" onclick=";return false;

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:37 pm
by The Annoyed Man
TLynnHughes wrote:But if you go on down a couple, it says that prior military is not required. It's just that if you ARE prior military you have to be honorably discharged.

Thanks, I guess I missed that. :oops:

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:09 pm
by RPB
I read this too ... ... at2007.pdf" onclick=";return false;
8 hours a month ain't bad at all..... actually sounds like 8 hours of fun in a way.
I'd love to do it if it weren't for my current physical condition, which at my age I don't think will improve a lot very quickly.
I'd have jumped at the chance to do that 10 or 20 years ago if I'd known. I'd hate to be more of a liability than an asset.
I'd sign me and my kayak up for Maritime, but my kayaking has even been curbed lately due to health. Also of interest was commnications; Ham radio where they had classes and tests right there and people got the No Code Tech licenses ...etc. Lots of interesting benefits, learning, freind-makin' and pride in being part of that outfit ..... wish I was able to.

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:23 pm
by williamkevin
I think I will surely join at some point. I am currently an Air Guard AGR....but my active duty time was as a Marine, and under the uniform I wear today, I'm still one. I am assuming of course that I need to wait until I retire or leave the Air Guard to join. Given the choice, I would join the State Guard wearing the Eagle, Globe and Anchor! Thanks Warhawk for the reminder!


Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:03 am
by yahoshua
The 8th Regiment has produced some new brochures that are approved for distribution, take a look at them and see what you think about them. ... Page_1.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... Page_2.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... Page_1.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... Page_2.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:22 pm
by mojo84
This sounds interesting. Will request additional information. Can someone give and estimate of the costs involved for the uniform and other gear provided by the volunteer?

Re: Texas State Guard

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 5:29 pm
by magillapd
I think you get a fee TX CHL and TX hunting/fishing combo license as well.

I'm not qualified but I think it's a great thing.