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Online pharmacy?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:04 am
by RHenriksen
I'm trying to save some $ from my $110/month Crestor bill. Can anyone recommend an online pharmacy or other cheap source for filling scripts? I've googled for Canadian pharmacies, but have no idea which ones might be valid & which are scam artists. Any leads based on personal good experiences would be most welcome.

Re: Online pharmacy?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:02 pm
by DrBillC
I think it's illegal to order drugs and import them into the US. But, I think one can bring a 90 day supply into the country in person. At any rate, Canada does license its pharmacies and dealing with a licensed pharmacy should offer the best protection. See:" onclick=";return false;

Another alternative is to ask your prescribing physician if a generic would work as well as Crestor for you. Unfortunately, Crestor doesn't go off patent until 2012, the earliest that a generic equivalent will be available.

Re: Online pharmacy?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:04 pm
by hoot
Isn't crestor a statin? If YES, then ask your doctor to prescribe a generic. If you need a list of generic statins, check out the pharmacy at" onclick=";return false;. Umm... I just checked for you. They have both pravastatin(my favorite) and lovastatin.
I am glad I checked. I was not aware that pravastatin was available as a generic. I think I will take my own advice and ask my
doctor. ... dId=553163" onclick=";return false;

Re: Online pharmacy?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:12 pm
by nitrogen
It's currently one of those things that is illegal, but rarely enforced.

If you're not importing controlled substances, you're fine. In the rare instance you're "caught" your drugs will just get nabbed by ICE. Most pharmacies will reissue your order at no cost in the unlikely event this happens.