Apple vs orange. In your example, the LEOs are directing traffic around the church for traffic safety, not directing all citizens into the church for mandatory "volunteer" religion.texanjoker wrote:Cedar Park Dad wrote:texanjoker wrote:gigag04 wrote:Seems fair. I think they should burn down their homes too and take away their kids so that those vile offenders can't taint the next generation.Cedar Park Dad wrote:Those who approved it should be fired. If no one approved it then the troopers who actually did it should be fired. If they had permission they should be suspended as "just following orders" is not an excuse, so "hey the boss said I could" doesn't cut it either.
It is rather concerning that people believe everything they read in the liberal media. One would think people would want factual information vs jumping on the bandwagon without proof of any wrong doing. Just a thought, but the same liberal media thinks Obama is the greatest thing to happen to the US. Does that mean we are surrounded by Obama supporters?
Its interesting that those defending police curb stomping the Bill of Rights for a private employer are then calling others who disagree Obama supporters. Does that mean Obama haters hate the Constitution?
The entire point of that post was to get some peoples attention about the liberal media and not believing everything they post w/o facts, but unfortunately that isn't sinking in. This is actually rather concerning that some are so gullible to believe everything the media spins as the truth. No where did I defend anything, in fact there is nothing to defend because there is no proof of any wrong doing in that article. The PD will look into it and nobody has answered whether or not the federal agency in question (not a private agency) has the authority do block a roadway (if that was done) and do this. That would answer a lot whether something was wrong or right. You keep missing that and call for firings, now talk about stomping on the Bill of Rights, wow .
Let me ask you this. Let's assume they are blocking a roadway for a federal agency doing a mandated survey and you believe they should be fired. How is this different then the 100s of leo's that block traffic for churches on Sundays? They interfere with public roadways to help at a religious event for private churches. Should they be fired as well? Where does it stop?