Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by parabelum »

Oh, I should point out that my wife, was deployed for 6months fall2018-spring2019 and had received malaria vaccine did not get sick while being around me.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by PriestTheRunner »

parabelum wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:00 am Very interesting points about the antibodies etc.
I know that in mid December we had ~1/3 of our office come down with “something” flu-like, where majority were out of office for at least 3 days on average.
Then I got sick with “something” around the 2nd week of January. First two days I felt like crud. I couldn’t get comfortable to sleep, when I was awake I just had that feeling of sickness, no fever or anything during the first two days.
Then by day 3 I developed a sore throat and my fever went to 102ish, never much over or under. I remember this was Friday after work.
That weekend I felt so crappy that even the water droplets were painful on the scalp especially. Monday my fever went to 99ish steady but I just felt miserable, but I didn’t go to Doc.
So by Tuesday mid-day I left work and went to the clinic to get checked out. I couldn’t get the crudy feeling to go away where everything is achy etc.
Got tested for flu and strep and guess what, I was negative for both. They gave me some antibiotics :confused5 and some lidocaine gargle for sore throat and sent me home.
I remained in that state for at least another 3-4 days, so 2weeks or so total until I got better.
I always wondered how I could have been negative for flu when all signs and symptoms were flu-like.
Interesting. I would volunteer for the testing.
We had the exact same thing in our house in mid-January. None of the rest of us went to the doctor, but when our youngest (2 at the time) hit a 102 fever we took him in.

Negative for strep, negative for flu- "Here are some antibiotics and fever medicine" (which did NOTHING). A week later he got over it.

This thing has been around since at least November, and I'm betting a large portion of the population has already had it. But the media has to make money by selling fear, and politicians follow the media's lead when it influences the public, so here we are.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by PriestTheRunner »

parabelum wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:00 am Very interesting points about the antibodies etc.
I know that in mid December we had ~1/3 of our office come down with “something” flu-like, where majority were out of office for at least 3 days on average.
Then I got sick with “something” around the 2nd week of January. First two days I felt like crud. I couldn’t get comfortable to sleep, when I was awake I just had that feeling of sickness, no fever or anything during the first two days.
Then by day 3 I developed a sore throat and my fever went to 102ish, never much over or under. I remember this was Friday after work.
That weekend I felt so crappy that even the water droplets were painful on the scalp especially. Monday my fever went to 99ish steady but I just felt miserable, but I didn’t go to Doc.
So by Tuesday mid-day I left work and went to the clinic to get checked out. I couldn’t get the crudy feeling to go away where everything is achy etc.
Got tested for flu and strep and guess what, I was negative for both. They gave me some antibiotics :confused5 and some lidocaine gargle for sore throat and sent me home.
I remained in that state for at least another 3-4 days, so 2weeks or so total until I got better.
I always wondered how I could have been negative for flu when all signs and symptoms were flu-like.
Interesting. I would volunteer for the testing.
We had the exact same thing in our house in mid-January. None of the rest of us went to the doctor, but when our youngest (2 at the time) hit a 102 fever we took him in.

Negative for strep, negative for flu- "Here are some antibiotics and fever medicine" (which did NOTHING). A week later he got over it.

This thing has been around since at least November, and I'm betting a large portion of the population has already had it. But the media has to make money by selling fear, and politicians follow the media's lead when it influences the public, so here we are.

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by TreyHouston »

Towards the end of December my wife got sick with the worst flu the both of us of ever seen. Muscle fatigue achy coughing throughout the night high fever. With a brief interaction with my cousins it was past them and they got sick. When I got back to the office, half my office got it. Took about a week to get over. But it was unlike any flu.
"Jump in there sport, get it done and we'll all sing your praises." -Chas

How many times a day could you say this? :cheers2:

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 »

March 22, 2020- 318,662 world, 13,672 dead. 27,004 infected US,
347 dead. 53,578 Italy, 4,825 dead. 81,397 China. Texas has 557 with 5 deaths. Houston at 154.

March 23, 2020- 354,677 cases worldwide with 15430 dead. 35,345 infected US, 473 dead. 59,138 Italy with 5,476 dead. 81,496 China. Texas has 674 with 8 deaths. Houston 166 with 2 deaths.

March 24, 2020 am- 396,249 cases worldwide with 17,252 dead. 46,805 infected US, 593 dead. 63,927 Italy with 6,077 dead. 81,591 China (is anyone believing this). Texas has 807 with 9 deaths. Houston 199 with 2 Deaths.

March 25, 2020 pm- 468,523 cases worldwide with 21,192 dead. 66,132 infected US, 947 dead. 74,386 Italy with 7,503 dead. 81,667 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 33,006 with 366 deaths. Louisiana has 1,795 with 65 deaths. Texas has 1,289 with 16 deaths. Houston 371 with 2 deaths.

March 26, 2020 am. 492,603 cases worldwide with 22,184 dead. 69,210 infected US, 1,046 dead. 74,386 Italy with 7,503 dead. 81,782 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 33,006 with 366 deaths. Louisiana has 1,795 with 65 deaths. Texas has 1,353 with 17 deaths. Houston 372 with 2 deaths.

March 27, 2020 am. 553,244 cases worldwide with 25,935 dead. 86,012 infected US, 1,301 dead. 80,589 Italy with 8,215 dead. 81,897 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 39,140 with 461 deaths. Louisiana has 2,304 with 83 deaths. Texas has 1,353 with 17 deaths. Houston 461 with 3 deaths.

March 28, 2020 12:48 pm. 640,589 cases worldwide with 29,848 dead. 112,458 infected US, 1,841 dead. 92,472 Italy with10,023 dead. 81,999 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 52,318 with 728 deaths. Louisiana has 2,746 with 119 deaths. Texas has 2,026 with 26 deaths. Houston 543 with 4 deaths.

March 29, 2020 10:48 am. 684,652 cases worldwide with 32,113 dead. 124,763 infected US, 2,187 dead. 92,472 Italy with (no data) dead. 82,120 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 53,520 with 834 deaths. Louisiana has 3,315 with 137 deaths. Texas has 2,535 with 34 deaths. Houston 810 with 6 deaths.

March 30, 2020 10:01 am. 741,030 cases worldwide with 35,114 dead. 143,532 infected US, 2,572 dead 4,865 recovered. 97,689 Italy with 10,779 dead. 82,198 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 60,679 with 1,026 deaths. Louisiana has 3,540 with 151deaths. Texas has 2,306 with 34 deaths. Houston 929 with 8 deaths.

March 31, 2020 9:05 am. 803,313 cases worldwide with 39,014 dead. 164,719 infected US, 3,170 dead 5,945 recovered. 101,739 Italy with 11,591 dead. 94,417 Spain with 8,189 dead. China 82,276 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 67,384 with 1,342 deaths. New Jersey has 16,636 with 198 deaths. Louisiana has 4,025 with 185 deaths. Texas has 3,339 with 48 deaths. Houston 1,054 with 11 deaths.

April 1, 2020 10:58 am. 885,687 cases worldwide with 44,216 dead. 185,477 recovered. USA 190,089 infected, 4,102 dead 7,141 recovered. 105,792 Italy with 12,428 dead. 102,136 Spain with 9,053 dead. China 82,361 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 76,049 with 1,714 deaths. New Jersey has 18,997 with 267 deaths. Louisiana has 5,237 with 239 deaths. Texas has 3,925 with 58 deaths. Houston 1,267 with 13 deaths.

April 2, 2020 12:41 am. 981,221 cases worldwide with 50,230 dead. 204,605 recovered. USA 226,374 infected, 5,316 dead 8,826 recovered. 115,242 Italy with 13,915 dead. 110,238 Spain with 10,003 dead. China 82,432 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 92,381 with 2,373 deaths. New Jersey has 22,255 with 355 deaths. Louisiana has 6,424 with 273 deaths. Texas has 4,612 with 68 deaths. Houston 1,540 with 16 deaths.

April 3, 2020 11:50 am. 1,056777 cases worldwide with 55,781 dead. 221,595 recovered. USA 257,773 infected, 6,586 dead 9,311 recovered. 115,242 Italy with 13,915 dead. 117,710 Spain with 10,935 dead. China 82,509 (is anyone believing this). New York state has102,863 with 2,935 deaths. New Jersey has 25,590 with 537 deaths. Louisiana has 9,159 with 310 deaths. Texas has 5,254 with 86 deaths. Houston 1,729(+189) with 23 deaths.

April 4, 2020 11:32 am. 1,141,180 cases worldwide with 60,960 dead. 235,775 recovered. USA 278,942 infected, 7,174 dead 9,920 recovered. 119,827 Italy with 14,681 dead. 124,736 Spain with 11,744 dead. China 82,543 with 3,330 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 103,172 with 2,935 deaths. New Jersey has 29,895 with 646 deaths. Louisiana has 10,297 with 370 deaths. Texas has 6,059 with 104 deaths. Houston 2,029 (+552) with 26 deaths.

April 5, 2020 12:46 pm. 1,249,107 cases worldwide with 67,999 dead. 256,059 recovered. USA 324,052 infected, 9,132 dead 16,789 recovered. 128,948 Italy with 15,362 dead. 130,759 Spain with 12,418 dead. China 82,602 with 3,333 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 122,056 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 34,124 with 864 deaths. Louisiana has 12,496 with 409 deaths. Texas has 6,872 with 123 deaths. Houston 2,281(+252) with 35 deaths.

April 6, 2020 11:56am. 1,292,564 cases worldwide with 70,798 dead. 271,013 recovered. USA 338,995 infected, 9,683 dead 17,727 recovered. 128,948 Italy with 15,887 dead. 135,032 Spain with 13,169 dead. China 82,665 with 3,335 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 123,160 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 37,505 with 917 deaths. Louisiana has 13,010 with 477 deaths. Texas has 7,295 with 140 deaths. Houston 2,243 (-38) with 41 deaths.

April 7, 2020 11:04 am. 1,365,004 cases worldwide with 76,507 dead. 292,467 recovered. USA 369,069 infected, 11,018 dead 20,003 recovered. 132,547 Italy with 16,523 dead. 140,510 Spain with 13,798 dead. China 82,718 with 3,335 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 123,160 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 41,090 with 1,003 deaths. Louisiana has 14,867 with 512 deaths. Texas has 8,157 with 153 deaths. Houston 2,968 (+725) with 44 deaths.

April 8, 2020 11:28 am. 1,452,378 ( +87,374) cases worldwide with 83,615 dead. 308,617 recovered. USA 401,166 (+32,097) infected, 12,936 dead 22,539 recovered. 135,586 (+3,039) Italy with 17,127 dead. 146,690 (+6,180) Spain with 14,555 dead. China 82,809 with 3,337 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 140,386 (+17,530) with 5,489 deaths. New Jersey has 44,416 with 1,232 deaths. Louisiana has 16,284 with 582 deaths. Texas has 9,211(+1,054) with 177 deaths. Houston 3,492 (+524) with 57 deaths.

April 9, 2020 12:51pm. 1,506,936 ( +54,558) cases worldwide with 91,783 dead. 344,467 recovered. USA 432,596 (+31,430) infected, 15,774 dead 24,790 recovered. 139,422 (+4,836) Italy with 17,669 dead. 152,446 (+5,756) Spain with 15,238 dead. China 82,883 with 3,339 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 160,108 (+19,722) with 7,067 deaths. New Jersey has 47,437 with 1,504 deaths. California has 19,127 with 507 deaths. Louisiana has 17,030 (+746) with 652 deaths. Texas has 10,079(+868) with 194 deaths. Houston 3,770 (+278) with 66 deaths.

April 10, 2020 1:50pm. 1,650,210 ( +143,274) cases worldwide with 100,376 dead 368,669 recovered. USA 475,749 (+43,153) infected, 17,925 dead 27,565 recovered. 147,577 (+8,155) Italy with 18,849 dead. 157,053 (+4,607) Spain with 15,970 dead. China 82,883 with 3,339 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 170,758 (+10,650) with 7,844 deaths. New Jersey has 54,588 with 1,932 deaths. California has 20,345 (+1,218) with 552 deaths. Louisiana has 19,051 (+2,021) with 755 deaths. Texas has 11,814(+1,735) with 231 deaths. Houston 4,601 (+831) with 75 deaths. For detailed information on Texas see ... b9cafc8b83 For worldwide information on Covid-19 ... 7b48e9ecf6

Houston now has more Coronavirus deaths than murders, that occurred on the 9th. The large increase in Houston cases is supposedly from tests from two weeks ago coming in.

The difference between the East side of the US and the West side is getting very apparent when you look at the John Hopkins Covid-19 map. ... index.html

New York mass grave for unclaimed bodies.
Last edited by philip964 on Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by TreyHouston »

philip964 wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:32 pm
Houston now has more Coronavirus deaths than murders, that occurred on the 9th. The large increase in Houston cases is supposedly from tests from two weeks ago coming in.
This is “Houston AREA” extending from huntsville to beaumont to matagorda, uncluding bryan/college station to Austin.

It should only be Harris County...

3,074 positive
34 dead
80% unused ventilators
32% open hospital beds (21% used for covid patients) ... -outbreak/
"Jump in there sport, get it done and we'll all sing your praises." -Chas

How many times a day could you say this? :cheers2:
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

TreyHouston wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:18 pm
philip964 wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:32 pm
Houston now has more Coronavirus deaths than murders, that occurred on the 9th. The large increase in Houston cases is supposedly from tests from two weeks ago coming in.
This is “Houston AREA” extending from huntsville to beaumont to matagorda, uncluding bryan/college station to Austin.

It should only be Harris County...

3,074 positive
34 dead
80% unused ventilators
32% open hospital beds (21% used for covid patients) ... -outbreak/
Here are accurate up to date county by county numbers. ... b9cafc8b83

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 »

TreyHouston wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:18 pm
philip964 wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:32 pm
Houston now has more Coronavirus deaths than murders, that occurred on the 9th. The large increase in Houston cases is supposedly from tests from two weeks ago coming in.
This is “Houston AREA” extending from huntsville to beaumont to matagorda, uncluding bryan/college station to Austin.

It should only be Harris County...

3,074 positive
34 dead
80% unused ventilators
32% open hospital beds (21% used for covid patients) ... -outbreak/
But Harris County is building a 250 bed, $60 million, 60 day build, emergency Coronavirus hospital in the Astrodome parking lot.

I use the Houston Channel 2 viewing area for Houston Coronavirus and murders.

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by TreyHouston »

philip964 wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:34 pm
TreyHouston wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:18 pm
philip964 wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:32 pm
Houston now has more Coronavirus deaths than murders, that occurred on the 9th. The large increase in Houston cases is supposedly from tests from two weeks ago coming in.
This is “Houston AREA” extending from huntsville to beaumont to matagorda, uncluding bryan/college station to Austin.

It should only be Harris County...

3,074 positive
34 dead
80% unused ventilators
32% open hospital beds (21% used for covid patients) ... -outbreak/
But Harris County is building a 250 bed, $60 million, 60 day build, emergency Coronavirus hospital in the Astrodome parking lot.

I use the Houston Channel 2 viewing area for Houston Coronavirus and murders.
75 million, tax payers have to cover 25% of the cost
"Jump in there sport, get it done and we'll all sing your praises." -Chas

How many times a day could you say this? :cheers2:

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 » ... ng-project

Hospital admission Covid -19 tracking. Maybe a better indication of where we are right now vs testing for Covid or deaths.

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 »

March 22, 2020- 318,662 world, 13,672 dead. 27,004 infected US,
347 dead. 53,578 Italy, 4,825 dead. 81,397 China. Texas has 557 with 5 deaths. Houston at 154.

March 23, 2020- 354,677 cases worldwide with 15430 dead. 35,345 infected US, 473 dead. 59,138 Italy with 5,476 dead. 81,496 China. Texas has 674 with 8 deaths. Houston 166 with 2 deaths.

March 24, 2020 am- 396,249 cases worldwide with 17,252 dead. 46,805 infected US, 593 dead. 63,927 Italy with 6,077 dead. 81,591 China (is anyone believing this). Texas has 807 with 9 deaths. Houston 199 with 2 Deaths.

March 25, 2020 pm- 468,523 cases worldwide with 21,192 dead. 66,132 infected US, 947 dead. 74,386 Italy with 7,503 dead. 81,667 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 33,006 with 366 deaths. Louisiana has 1,795 with 65 deaths. Texas has 1,289 with 16 deaths. Houston 371 with 2 deaths.

March 26, 2020 am. 492,603 cases worldwide with 22,184 dead. 69,210 infected US, 1,046 dead. 74,386 Italy with 7,503 dead. 81,782 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 33,006 with 366 deaths. Louisiana has 1,795 with 65 deaths. Texas has 1,353 with 17 deaths. Houston 372 with 2 deaths.

March 27, 2020 am. 553,244 cases worldwide with 25,935 dead. 86,012 infected US, 1,301 dead. 80,589 Italy with 8,215 dead. 81,897 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 39,140 with 461 deaths. Louisiana has 2,304 with 83 deaths. Texas has 1,353 with 17 deaths. Houston 461 with 3 deaths.

March 28, 2020 12:48 pm. 640,589 cases worldwide with 29,848 dead. 112,458 infected US, 1,841 dead. 92,472 Italy with10,023 dead. 81,999 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 52,318 with 728 deaths. Louisiana has 2,746 with 119 deaths. Texas has 2,026 with 26 deaths. Houston 543 with 4 deaths.

March 29, 2020 10:48 am. 684,652 cases worldwide with 32,113 dead. 124,763 infected US, 2,187 dead. 92,472 Italy with (no data) dead. 82,120 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 53,520 with 834 deaths. Louisiana has 3,315 with 137 deaths. Texas has 2,535 with 34 deaths. Houston 810 with 6 deaths.

March 30, 2020 10:01 am. 741,030 cases worldwide with 35,114 dead. 143,532 infected US, 2,572 dead 4,865 recovered. 97,689 Italy with 10,779 dead. 82,198 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 60,679 with 1,026 deaths. Louisiana has 3,540 with 151deaths. Texas has 2,306 with 34 deaths. Houston 929 with 8 deaths.

March 31, 2020 9:05 am. 803,313 cases worldwide with 39,014 dead. 164,719 infected US, 3,170 dead 5,945 recovered. 101,739 Italy with 11,591 dead. 94,417 Spain with 8,189 dead. China 82,276 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 67,384 with 1,342 deaths. New Jersey has 16,636 with 198 deaths. Louisiana has 4,025 with 185 deaths. Texas has 3,339 with 48 deaths. Houston 1,054 with 11 deaths.

April 1, 2020 10:58 am. 885,687 cases worldwide with 44,216 dead. 185,477 recovered. USA 190,089 infected, 4,102 dead 7,141 recovered. 105,792 Italy with 12,428 dead. 102,136 Spain with 9,053 dead. China 82,361 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 76,049 with 1,714 deaths. New Jersey has 18,997 with 267 deaths. Louisiana has 5,237 with 239 deaths. Texas has 3,925 with 58 deaths. Houston 1,267 with 13 deaths.

April 2, 2020 12:41 am. 981,221 cases worldwide with 50,230 dead. 204,605 recovered. USA 226,374 infected, 5,316 dead 8,826 recovered. 115,242 Italy with 13,915 dead. 110,238 Spain with 10,003 dead. China 82,432 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 92,381 with 2,373 deaths. New Jersey has 22,255 with 355 deaths. Louisiana has 6,424 with 273 deaths. Texas has 4,612 with 68 deaths. Houston 1,540 with 16 deaths.

April 3, 2020 11:50 am. 1,056777 cases worldwide with 55,781 dead. 221,595 recovered. USA 257,773 infected, 6,586 dead 9,311 recovered. 115,242 Italy with 13,915 dead. 117,710 Spain with 10,935 dead. China 82,509 (is anyone believing this). New York state has102,863 with 2,935 deaths. New Jersey has 25,590 with 537 deaths. Louisiana has 9,159 with 310 deaths. Texas has 5,254 with 86 deaths. Houston 1,729(+189) with 23 deaths.

April 4, 2020 11:32 am. 1,141,180 cases worldwide with 60,960 dead. 235,775 recovered. USA 278,942 infected, 7,174 dead 9,920 recovered. 119,827 Italy with 14,681 dead. 124,736 Spain with 11,744 dead. China 82,543 with 3,330 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 103,172 with 2,935 deaths. New Jersey has 29,895 with 646 deaths. Louisiana has 10,297 with 370 deaths. Texas has 6,059 with 104 deaths. Houston 2,029 (+552) with 26 deaths.

April 5, 2020 12:46 pm. 1,249,107 cases worldwide with 67,999 dead. 256,059 recovered. USA 324,052 infected, 9,132 dead 16,789 recovered. 128,948 Italy with 15,362 dead. 130,759 Spain with 12,418 dead. China 82,602 with 3,333 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 122,056 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 34,124 with 864 deaths. Louisiana has 12,496 with 409 deaths. Texas has 6,872 with 123 deaths. Houston 2,281(+252) with 35 deaths.

April 6, 2020 11:56am. 1,292,564 cases worldwide with 70,798 dead. 271,013 recovered. USA 338,995 infected, 9,683 dead 17,727 recovered. 128,948 Italy with 15,887 dead. 135,032 Spain with 13,169 dead. China 82,665 with 3,335 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 123,160 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 37,505 with 917 deaths. Louisiana has 13,010 with 477 deaths. Texas has 7,295 with 140 deaths. Houston 2,243 (-38) with 41 deaths.

April 7, 2020 11:04 am. 1,365,004 cases worldwide with 76,507 dead. 292,467 recovered. USA 369,069 infected, 11,018 dead 20,003 recovered. 132,547 Italy with 16,523 dead. 140,510 Spain with 13,798 dead. China 82,718 with 3,335 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 123,160 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 41,090 with 1,003 deaths. Louisiana has 14,867 with 512 deaths. Texas has 8,157 with 153 deaths. Houston 2,968 (+725) with 44 deaths.

April 8, 2020 11:28 am. 1,452,378 ( +87,374) cases worldwide with 83,615 dead. 308,617 recovered. USA 401,166 (+32,097) infected, 12,936 dead 22,539 recovered. 135,586 (+3,039) Italy with 17,127 dead. 146,690 (+6,180) Spain with 14,555 dead. China 82,809 with 3,337 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 140,386 (+17,530) with 5,489 deaths. New Jersey has 44,416 with 1,232 deaths. Louisiana has 16,284 with 582 deaths. Texas has 9,211(+1,054) with 177 deaths. Houston 3,492 (+524) with 57 deaths.

April 9, 2020 12:51pm. 1,506,936 ( +54,558) cases worldwide with 91,783 dead. 344,467 recovered. USA 432,596 (+31,430) infected, 15,774 dead 24,790 recovered. 139,422 (+4,836) Italy with 17,669 dead. 152,446 (+5,756) Spain with 15,238 dead. China 82,883 with 3,339 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 160,108 (+19,722) with 7,067 deaths. New Jersey has 47,437 with 1,504 deaths. California has 19,127 with 507 deaths. Louisiana has 17,030 (+746) with 652 deaths. Texas has 10,079(+868) with 194 deaths. Houston 3,770 (+278) with 66 deaths.

April 10, 2020 1:50pm. 1,650,210 ( +143,274) cases worldwide with 100,376 dead 368,669 recovered. USA 475,749 (+43,153) infected, 17,925 dead 27,565 recovered. 147,577 (+8,155) Italy with 18,849 dead. 157,053 (+4,607) Spain with 15,970 dead. China 82,883 with 3,339 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 170,758 (+10,650) with 7,844 deaths. New Jersey has 54,588 with 1,932 deaths. California has 20,345 (+1,218) with 552 deaths. Louisiana has 19,051 (+2,021) with 755 deaths. Texas has 11,814(+1,735) with 231 deaths. Houston 4,601 (+831) with 75 deaths.

April 11, 2020 7:14pm. (29hrs) 1,771,514 ( +121,304) cases worldwide with 108,503 dead 402,110 recovered. USA 526,396 (+50,647) infected, 20,463 dead 31,270 recovered, 38,964 total USA hospital admission. 152,271 (+4,694) Italy with 19,468 dead. 181,026 (+10,756) Spain with 16,606 dead. China 83,014 with 3,343 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 170,758 (+10,260) with 8,627 deaths. New Jersey has 58,151 with 2,183 deaths. California has 21,706 (+1,3,61) with 631 deaths. Louisiana has 20,0141 (+936) with xxx deaths. Texas has 13,023(+1,455) with 266 deaths. Houston 5,283 (+831) with 81 deaths. For detailed information on Texas see ... b9cafc8b83 For worldwide information on Covid-19 ... 7b48e9ecf6
For Covid-19 hospital admissions ... ng-project ... -pandemic/

Harris County "invests" $11 million for emergency healthcare facility in the Astrodome parking lot. Has 250 beds.
Texas near as I can tell has 1,500 people in the hospital currently for Corvid-19. This is 17% of that amount for just Harris County. Not sure if the taxpayers are renting the tents or we own all this now. Total cost is $60 million with the difference being picked up by the rest of Texas and USA. BTW thats about $1000 a square foot for the tents and equipment and furnishings. The much larger Astrodome is right there and is currently unused vacant space.

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by crazy2medic »

Leave it to the Govt to waste time and money or use a sledge hammer when a ball peen hammer would work!
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If you ain't paranoid you ain't paying attention
Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here- John Parker

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 »

March 22, 2020- 318,662 world, 13,672 dead. 27,004 infected US,
347 dead. 53,578 Italy, 4,825 dead. 81,397 China. Texas has 557 with 5 deaths. Houston at 154.

March 23, 2020- 354,677 cases worldwide with 15430 dead. 35,345 infected US, 473 dead. 59,138 Italy with 5,476 dead. 81,496 China. Texas has 674 with 8 deaths. Houston 166 with 2 deaths.

March 24, 2020 am- 396,249 cases worldwide with 17,252 dead. 46,805 infected US, 593 dead. 63,927 Italy with 6,077 dead. 81,591 China (is anyone believing this). Texas has 807 with 9 deaths. Houston 199 with 2 Deaths.

March 25, 2020 pm- 468,523 cases worldwide with 21,192 dead. 66,132 infected US, 947 dead. 74,386 Italy with 7,503 dead. 81,667 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 33,006 with 366 deaths. Louisiana has 1,795 with 65 deaths. Texas has 1,289 with 16 deaths. Houston 371 with 2 deaths.

March 26, 2020 am. 492,603 cases worldwide with 22,184 dead. 69,210 infected US, 1,046 dead. 74,386 Italy with 7,503 dead. 81,782 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 33,006 with 366 deaths. Louisiana has 1,795 with 65 deaths. Texas has 1,353 with 17 deaths. Houston 372 with 2 deaths.

March 27, 2020 am. 553,244 cases worldwide with 25,935 dead. 86,012 infected US, 1,301 dead. 80,589 Italy with 8,215 dead. 81,897 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 39,140 with 461 deaths. Louisiana has 2,304 with 83 deaths. Texas has 1,353 with 17 deaths. Houston 461 with 3 deaths.

March 28, 2020 12:48 pm. 640,589 cases worldwide with 29,848 dead. 112,458 infected US, 1,841 dead. 92,472 Italy with10,023 dead. 81,999 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 52,318 with 728 deaths. Louisiana has 2,746 with 119 deaths. Texas has 2,026 with 26 deaths. Houston 543 with 4 deaths.

March 29, 2020 10:48 am. 684,652 cases worldwide with 32,113 dead. 124,763 infected US, 2,187 dead. 92,472 Italy with (no data) dead. 82,120 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 53,520 with 834 deaths. Louisiana has 3,315 with 137 deaths. Texas has 2,535 with 34 deaths. Houston 810 with 6 deaths.

March 30, 2020 10:01 am. 741,030 cases worldwide with 35,114 dead. 143,532 infected US, 2,572 dead 4,865 recovered. 97,689 Italy with 10,779 dead. 82,198 China (is anyone believing this). New York state has 60,679 with 1,026 deaths. Louisiana has 3,540 with 151deaths. Texas has 2,306 with 34 deaths. Houston 929 with 8 deaths.

March 31, 2020 9:05 am. 803,313 cases worldwide with 39,014 dead. 164,719 infected US, 3,170 dead 5,945 recovered. 101,739 Italy with 11,591 dead. 94,417 Spain with 8,189 dead. China 82,276 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 67,384 with 1,342 deaths. New Jersey has 16,636 with 198 deaths. Louisiana has 4,025 with 185 deaths. Texas has 3,339 with 48 deaths. Houston 1,054 with 11 deaths.

April 1, 2020 10:58 am. 885,687 cases worldwide with 44,216 dead. 185,477 recovered. USA 190,089 infected, 4,102 dead 7,141 recovered. 105,792 Italy with 12,428 dead. 102,136 Spain with 9,053 dead. China 82,361 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 76,049 with 1,714 deaths. New Jersey has 18,997 with 267 deaths. Louisiana has 5,237 with 239 deaths. Texas has 3,925 with 58 deaths. Houston 1,267 with 13 deaths.

April 2, 2020 12:41 am. 981,221 cases worldwide with 50,230 dead. 204,605 recovered. USA 226,374 infected, 5,316 dead 8,826 recovered. 115,242 Italy with 13,915 dead. 110,238 Spain with 10,003 dead. China 82,432 (is anyone believing this). New York state has 92,381 with 2,373 deaths. New Jersey has 22,255 with 355 deaths. Louisiana has 6,424 with 273 deaths. Texas has 4,612 with 68 deaths. Houston 1,540 with 16 deaths.

April 3, 2020 11:50 am. 1,056777 cases worldwide with 55,781 dead. 221,595 recovered. USA 257,773 infected, 6,586 dead 9,311 recovered. 115,242 Italy with 13,915 dead. 117,710 Spain with 10,935 dead. China 82,509 (is anyone believing this). New York state has102,863 with 2,935 deaths. New Jersey has 25,590 with 537 deaths. Louisiana has 9,159 with 310 deaths. Texas has 5,254 with 86 deaths. Houston 1,729(+189) with 23 deaths.

April 4, 2020 11:32 am. 1,141,180 cases worldwide with 60,960 dead. 235,775 recovered. USA 278,942 infected, 7,174 dead 9,920 recovered. 119,827 Italy with 14,681 dead. 124,736 Spain with 11,744 dead. China 82,543 with 3,330 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 103,172 with 2,935 deaths. New Jersey has 29,895 with 646 deaths. Louisiana has 10,297 with 370 deaths. Texas has 6,059 with 104 deaths. Houston 2,029 (+552) with 26 deaths.

April 5, 2020 12:46 pm. 1,249,107 cases worldwide with 67,999 dead. 256,059 recovered. USA 324,052 infected, 9,132 dead 16,789 recovered. 128,948 Italy with 15,362 dead. 130,759 Spain with 12,418 dead. China 82,602 with 3,333 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 122,056 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 34,124 with 864 deaths. Louisiana has 12,496 with 409 deaths. Texas has 6,872 with 123 deaths. Houston 2,281(+252) with 35 deaths.

April 6, 2020 11:56am. 1,292,564 cases worldwide with 70,798 dead. 271,013 recovered. USA 338,995 infected, 9,683 dead 17,727 recovered. 128,948 Italy with 15,887 dead. 135,032 Spain with 13,169 dead. China 82,665 with 3,335 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 123,160 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 37,505 with 917 deaths. Louisiana has 13,010 with 477 deaths. Texas has 7,295 with 140 deaths. Houston 2,243 (-38) with 41 deaths.

April 7, 2020 11:04 am. 1,365,004 cases worldwide with 76,507 dead. 292,467 recovered. USA 369,069 infected, 11,018 dead 20,003 recovered. 132,547 Italy with 16,523 dead. 140,510 Spain with 13,798 dead. China 82,718 with 3,335 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 123,160 with 4,159 deaths. New Jersey has 41,090 with 1,003 deaths. Louisiana has 14,867 with 512 deaths. Texas has 8,157 with 153 deaths. Houston 2,968 (+725) with 44 deaths.

April 8, 2020 11:28 am. 1,452,378 ( +87,374) cases worldwide with 83,615 dead. 308,617 recovered. USA 401,166 (+32,097) infected, 12,936 dead 22,539 recovered. 135,586 (+3,039) Italy with 17,127 dead. 146,690 (+6,180) Spain with 14,555 dead. China 82,809 with 3,337 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 140,386 (+17,530) with 5,489 deaths. New Jersey has 44,416 with 1,232 deaths. Louisiana has 16,284 with 582 deaths. Texas has 9,211(+1,054) with 177 deaths. Houston 3,492 (+524) with 57 deaths.

April 9, 2020 12:51pm. 1,506,936 ( +54,558) cases worldwide with 91,783 dead. 344,467 recovered. USA 432,596 (+31,430) infected, 15,774 dead 24,790 recovered. 139,422 (+4,836) Italy with 17,669 dead. 152,446 (+5,756) Spain with 15,238 dead. China 82,883 with 3,339 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 160,108 (+19,722) with 7,067 deaths. New Jersey has 47,437 with 1,504 deaths. California has 19,127 with 507 deaths. Louisiana has 17,030 (+746) with 652 deaths. Texas has 10,079(+868) with 194 deaths. Houston 3,770 (+278) with 66 deaths.

April 10, 2020 1:50pm. 1,650,210 ( +143,274) cases worldwide with 100,376 dead 368,669 recovered. USA 475,749 (+43,153) infected, 17,925 dead 27,565 recovered. 147,577 (+8,155) Italy with 18,849 dead. 157,053 (+4,607) Spain with 15,970 dead. China 82,883 with 3,339 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 170,758 (+10,650) with 7,844 deaths. New Jersey has 54,588 with 1,932 deaths. California has 20,345 (+1,218) with 552 deaths. Louisiana has 19,051 (+2,021) with 755 deaths. Texas has 11,814(+1,735) with 231 deaths. Houston 4,601 (+831) with 75 deaths.

April 11, 2020 7:14pm. (29hrs) 1,771,514 ( +121,304) cases worldwide with 108,503 dead 402,110 recovered. USA 526,396 (+50,647) infected, 20,463 dead 31,270 recovered, 38,964 total USA hospital admission. 152,271 (+4,694) Italy with 19,468 dead. 181,026 (+10,756) Spain with 16,606 dead. China 83,014 with 3,343 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 170,758 (+10,260) with 8,627 deaths. New Jersey has 58,151 with 2,183 deaths. California has 21,706 (+1,3,61) with 631 deaths. Louisiana has 20,0141 (+936) with xxx deaths. Texas has 13,023(+1,455) with 266 deaths. Houston 5,283 (+831) with 81 deaths.

April 12, 2020 11:19 am. (16hrs) 1,800,791 (+30,277 average of +75,290 over 2 days) cases worldwide with 110,892 dead 412,777 recovered. USA 530,830 (+4,434 average of 39,862 over 2 days) infected, 20,646 dead 32,314 recovered, 82,809 JH hospitalized, 39,460 (+496) UofM hospitalized. 152,271 (+0) Italy with 19,468 dead. 166,019 (-15,007) Spain with 16,672 dead. China 83,134 with 3,343 dead (is anyone believing this). New York state has 181,825 (+11,067) with 8,650 deaths, 33,244 hospitalized. New Jersey has 58,151 with 2,183 deaths. California has 22,416 (+710) with 634 deaths. Louisiana has 20,014 (+0) with 806 deaths. Texas has 13,391(+368) with 273 deaths, 1514 hospitalized. Houston 5,289 (+6) with 82 deaths. For detailed information on Texas see ... b9cafc8b83 For worldwide information on Covid-19 ... 7b48e9ecf6
For Covid-19 hospital admissions ... ng-project

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 » ... 14670.html

New Cannonball record run set April 4th in an Audi A8.

Used lack of traffic with Coronavirus to achieve record run.

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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 » ... -cdc-says/

Coronavirus not leading cause of death in US.
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