Today in Trump's 1st term as President

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by parabelum »

bblhd672 wrote:
parabelum wrote:Sorry, I've been foaming for awhile looking at what Trump is doing. As one of his earliest supporters, engaged in some heated debates here there and everywhere supporting him, I'm getting to a point of being done with Trump.

This "deal" with some of the most fanatic leftists around Shumer and Pelosi leaves me bewildered. It's a great deal? MAGA? "Dreamers"? No wall. No tax reform. Still bowing down to leftist groups. His kids running the show behind scenes seems like. No Soros investigation. Planned Parenthood still kicking....where is this money supposed to be coming from? Debt ceiling increase?

Yea, my sincere apologies to all members here that I've gotten into over Trump. I was wrong. Some think he's genius 100 steps ahead of everyone, I think not. Sadly.

MAGA? Right.
Just keep repeating "at least Felonia von Pantsuit didn't win."
That or MAGA, MAGA, MAGA... :banghead:
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by anygunanywhere »

parabelum wrote:Sorry, I've been foaming for awhile looking at what Trump is doing. As one of his earliest supporters, engaged in some heated debates here there and everywhere supporting him, I'm getting to a point of being done with Trump.

This "deal" with some of the most fanatic leftists around Shumer and Pelosi leaves me bewildered. It's a great deal? MAGA? "Dreamers"? No wall. No tax reform. Still bowing down to leftist groups. His kids running the show behind scenes seems like. No Soros investigation. Planned Parenthood still kicking....where is this money supposed to be coming from? Debt ceiling increase?

Yea, my sincere apologies to all members here that I've gotten into over Trump. I was wrong. Some think he's genius 100 steps ahead of everyone, I think not. Sadly.

MAGA? Right.
The problem isn't Trump. The problem is the RINOs like MCCain, Graham, Ryan, and all the other commie pinko GOP posers.

If the Dems owned all three branches we would be in a world of hurt.

If you want to place blame, place it on congress.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

parabelum wrote:Sorry, I've been foaming for awhile looking at what Trump is doing. As one of his earliest supporters, engaged in some heated debates here there and everywhere supporting him, I'm getting to a point of being done with Trump.

This "deal" with some of the most fanatic leftists around Shumer and Pelosi leaves me bewildered. It's a great deal? MAGA? "Dreamers"? No wall. No tax reform. Still bowing down to leftist groups. His kids running the show behind scenes seems like. No Soros investigation. Planned Parenthood still kicking....where is this money supposed to be coming from? Debt ceiling increase?

Yea, my sincere apologies to all members here that I've gotten into over Trump. I was wrong. Some think he's genius 100 steps ahead of everyone, I think not. Sadly.

MAGA? Right.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by dale blanker »

philip964 wrote:
dale blanker wrote:The President is ending DACA in 6 months. He's giving Congress some time to endorse, promote some revision, or rescind the executive order and come up with an immigration policy. Should be interesting to see if Congress can do anything.

Standby for demonstrations.

I saw The Reagan Show covering Reagan's administration on CNN tonight. Ahh, the good old days! I'm glad I was a delegate for him in central Iowa during the Republican primaries. What a guy!
To me this is nothing but art of the deal. The has created a great bargaining chip out of thin air.

Congress won't fund his wall, so create something to give up to get the wall funded. Brilliant.
I fear you may be right. We don't seem to be able to debate and agree on anything anymore.

Making that "chip" was tough on a lot of people. Oh wait, it turns out they don't have to worry. So much for the deal...
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by DEB »

parabelum wrote:Sorry, I've been foaming for awhile looking at what Trump is doing. As one of his earliest supporters, engaged in some heated debates here there and everywhere supporting him, I'm getting to a point of being done with Trump.

This "deal" with some of the most fanatic leftists around Shumer and Pelosi leaves me bewildered. It's a great deal? MAGA? "Dreamers"? No wall. No tax reform. Still bowing down to leftist groups. His kids running the show behind scenes seems like. No Soros investigation. Planned Parenthood still kicking....where is this money supposed to be coming from? Debt ceiling increase?

Yea, my sincere apologies to all members here that I've gotten into over Trump. I was wrong. Some think he's genius 100 steps ahead of everyone, I think not. Sadly.

MAGA? Right.
I am still a very large Trump supporter. It seems as if every Republican is against him, as well as every Democrat. He is trying to get support for his ideas and not renege on his promises to his supporters. He has tried to get Republican support for those very things you are complaining about. They refuse to step up to the plate, so I believe he is now trying to use fully the art of the deal. He needs support, the Rino's refuse their support, so what is he to do? We have Judges, unelected by the people, putting roadblocks in front of everything, especially concerning Planned Parenthood. or rather "Abortions are Us". Even Abbot is catching heck at every turn. Sanctuary cities get to remain, still can receive all their tax dollars, UT a state funded school, removed all Confederate Statues and on and on. Look at our last, two, Legislative sessions here. I try to look on the bright side, but it appears that only the periphery is ever touched upon in regards to rights, especially those espoused by Christians. Can't have a wall and send Illegals back, because all the businesses who hire these folks will loose money. The rich City folk, who usually are Democrat by the way, will loose their grounds and housekeepers, young Juanita and old Juan. Democrats still support slavery. I also am very angry and upset. We, as Republicans, own both branches, at both the State and National level and still can't get anything passed. Tells me that there is in fact a status quo that must be maintained. Trump has upset that status quo and that same cabal is now doing all they can, to destroy him. Stand fast with him, he needs our support. Otherwise the evil wins. :fire Forgive my disjointed reply, needed to hurry up, LOL.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by parabelum »

Levin had the best synopsis of my (and millions of other Trump supporters and Conservatives) outrage at the recent developments.

"President Trump had defied conservatives and Republicans by cutting a stop-gap debt limit and budget deal with Democrat leadership. Trump not only turned his back on the people who elected him, but also gave away his biggest bargaining chips for a wall on the southern border.

Now the president who said he would shut down the government in order to get the wall completely backtracked. Not only is he not shutting down the government, but the debt is completely out of control and they’re doing absolutely nothing about it but adding to it.

He’s going to increase the debt limit without getting anything for it. All the leverage for a border wall has been thrown out the window. After that, what Barack Obama did with DACA was unconstitutional then and is still today. Trump campaigned on rescinding this and he is throwing his promise out the window.

DACA puts people on the way to legalization and citizenship and of course they will vote Democrat. This is why the Democrats support this policy. To add, Trump is not going to deport DACA recipients, but they shouldn’t receive benefits.

American citizens are not treated this way, because they do not get second, third or fourth chances when it comes to the law. The issue here is the Constitution, but nobody seems to care about it." ... er-6-2017/

What happened to "lock her up" and "build that wall", "China is ...... us with trade", "out of control spending", "drain the swamp" etc.?

All were used to make the masses elect him, now that he's in, what do we have? I guess it's better then the witch but let's be honest here, this is NOT what some of us fought so hard for to elect him.

When the Leader starts to stray away, it is up to us to remind him just where we stand, and not to chant "MAGA" and pretend that he's doing a swell job. He is not.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by mloamiller »

parabelum wrote:Sorry, I've been foaming for awhile looking at what Trump is doing. As one of his earliest supporters, engaged in some heated debates here there and everywhere supporting him, I'm getting to a point of being done with Trump.

This "deal" with some of the most fanatic leftists around Shumer and Pelosi leaves me bewildered. It's a great deal? MAGA? "Dreamers"? No wall. No tax reform. Still bowing down to leftist groups. His kids running the show behind scenes seems like. No Soros investigation. Planned Parenthood still kicking....where is this money supposed to be coming from? Debt ceiling increase?

Yea, my sincere apologies to all members here that I've gotten into over Trump. I was wrong. Some think he's genius 100 steps ahead of everyone, I think not. Sadly.

MAGA? Right.
I share a lot of the same frustrations, but feel the GOP as a whole is as much to blame, if not more so, than Trump. It's obvious Trump doesn't have full support of his own party; if he did, I think we would have seen a lot more progress to-date. He's shown a willingness to push his agenda much more than the GOP has shown a willingness to back him up. The health-care debacle is a perfect example.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Liberty »

mloamiller wrote: I share a lot of the same frustrations, but feel the GOP as a whole is as much to blame, if not more so, than Trump. It's obvious Trump doesn't have full support of his own party; if he did, I think we would have seen a lot more progress to-date. He's shown a willingness to push his agenda much more than the GOP has shown a willingness to back him up. The health-care debacle is a perfect example.
We had our opportunity to vote for conservatives. The Republican voters instead voted for someone with few stated conservative principles or record of statesmanship.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by parabelum »

All the legal American citizens need not apply. Move over. Dreamers are going to be dreaming on a cloud paid for by you.

"President Donald Trump’s son-in-law set up a secret back channel to help a top Democratic Senator lobby White House officials in favor of the “DACA” amnesty for 800,000 young illegals." ... a-amnesty/

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by parabelum »

"For many years, people have been talking about getting rid of debt ceiling altogether, and there are a lot of good reasons to do that,” Trump told reporters. “It complicates things, it’s really not necessary"

Huh? Eliminate debt ceiling altogether? Complicates things? Not necessary?

You think you could run your business or home like this? Where will the dadgum money come from with unlimited debt ceiling?

This is pure insanity. ... SKCN1BI249

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by stroo »

I wasn't a Trump supporter but did vote for him because he wasn't Hillary and I thought he would nominate a good Supreme Court Justice to replace Scalia.

Well, he still isn't Hilary and Gorsuch is going to be a great Justice, I think. So I got what I voted for.

Plus he has eliminated a ton of regulations, exited the Paris Climate treaty, relied on some very good Generals in military matters and nominated a number of good to excellent Cabinet officers.

So up to now, despite some big blunders mainly in tweets and off the cuff remarks, I am still pretty happy.

On the other hand, if he turns to the Democrats, we won't have anybody in DC anymore except Senator Cruz, a couple other senators and about 15-40 Representatives. We could be headed into dangerous waters.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... SKCN1BJ1V5

Trump extends debt ceiling 3 months and gets 15 billion in aid for hurricane victims. Supported by Democrats. Not sure who the 90 were who voted against it.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by parabelum »

I'd watch the use of profanity David. Welcome to the forum.

I am little surprised however, I knew we wouldn't get everything but this has turned 180 far quicker then I could have imagined. I just hope and pray that he will come to his senses. Give us some 2A EA's , something....

Making a deal with Shumer and Pelosi is making a deal with devil. I want to vomit when I see those two.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by spectre »

parabelum wrote:"For many years, people have been talking about getting rid of debt ceiling altogether, and there are a lot of good reasons to do that,” Trump told reporters. “It complicates things, it’s really not necessary"

Huh? Eliminate debt ceiling altogether? Complicates things? Not necessary?

You think you could run your business or home like this? Where will the dadgum money come from with unlimited debt ceiling?
You couldn't run your business or your personal finances like that without declaring bankruptcy periodically to get a clean slate. Maybe that's Trump's plan to deal with the national debt. He did that as a business leader a few times.
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