Today in Trump's 1st term as President

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Bitter Clinger »

apvonkanel wrote:Via CNN: "Ryan told fellow Republicans they are 'moving on' from health care"
So the Democrats still own Obamacare as it implodes, the RINOs have exposed that they are NOT there to do the people's will (they should be worried about the next election), and Trump comes out as thwarted by his own party who are unable to competently execute in accordance with his campaign promises.

REPEAL OBAMACARE, vote out the Dems and the career Republican politicians who care more for their own personal gain than for their constituents, and Make America Great Again! All things in good time.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

I really wish they would have forced a vote on this. When Obamacare implodes in a year or so and tens of millions are left with no options available under that system, it would have been nice to clearly show that every single dem and a handful of repub's voted to let that happen. May have helped with the mid-terms. That said, I'll defer to Ryan on the best way to play it politically.

I say move on to other things. The Freedom caucus has demonstrated that they want Obamacare to stay in place, so let them have their wish. Tax reform, National Reciprocity, and the Hearing Protection Act are all waiting in the wings.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by bblhd672 »

Bitter Clinger wrote:
apvonkanel wrote:Via CNN: "Ryan told fellow Republicans they are 'moving on' from health care"
So the Democrats still own Obamacare as it implodes, the RINOs have exposed that they are NOT there to do the people's will (they should be worried about the next election), and Trump comes out as thwarted by his own party who are unable to competently execute in accordance with his campaign promises.

REPEAL OBAMACARE, vote out the Dems and the career Republican politicians who care more for their own personal gain than for their constituents, and Make America Great Again! All things in good time.
President Trump is a leader without a party behind him.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by anygunanywhere »

bblhd672 wrote:.
CW2 just got closer.
Heh heh. True dat.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Lambda Force »

Bitter Clinger wrote:So the Democrats still own Obamacare as it implodes,
Nope. Now Trump, Ryan and the rest of them own all the bad parts of Obamacare they refused to repeal when they had the chance. As far as I'm concerned, the financial penalty for opting out is now called the Trump Tax.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by apvonkanel »

Lambda Force wrote:
Bitter Clinger wrote:So the Democrats still own Obamacare as it implodes,
Nope. Now Trump, Ryan and the rest of them own all the bad parts of Obamacare they refused to repeal when they had the chance. As far as I'm concerned, the financial penalty for opting out is now called the Trump Tax.
Trump tax indeed! They had seven years to get it ready. The fact that they couldn't get a passable bill ready in that time shows me they aren't as concerned with actually having the bill as they were rallying the votes behind the idea of having the bill. Heck, if Trump and his team spent less time campaigning for 2020 and playing golf, maybe they could have put that time into working on a healthcare bill that would have made improvements. (I only bring up those two examples because they are two specific things that the president specified when rightfully calling out his predecessor). It seems like "Drain the swamp" turned into "wallow in it".
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Mxrdad »

I think the Repubs thought there would be no way in you know what, that trump would win. They were probably gearing up to be on the defense again and got caught with their pants down. I bet not 1 of them truly believed Trump could win. That still is no excuse for not having some kind of plan together though. I think maybe they rushed through it thinking they would have enough support to squeak it by but surprise! I'm hoping they attempt it again in the near future. From what I understand, there is nothing to stop them to try again.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by TreyHouston »

This is all part of the plan brothers. Obama care now is on the democrats.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Liberty »

Politicial games. The Freedom Caucus, claims it wasn't good enough. The Leftist are jumpining with joy, the Establishment Republicans are claiming victory because the failure will be blamed on Democrats. We don't even know what the plan was. The only certainty is that American people continue to get screwed over and in todays world everyone is a winner in the blame game.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Abraham »

Has overturning/repealing/junking Obamacare now and forevermore forgotten?


He'll just keep working on scrapping it.

Or, are there some of you that think otherwise?

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

From his book Art of the Deal, you negotiate from a position of strength by not caring if you make the deal.

Deal didn't happen, walking away, going to do other things. I'm going to start tax cuts now, done with Obamacare, its the law of the land.

Sound familiar.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Take Down Sicko »

Repealing ObummerCare will take a long time now....if the sound of things. Mean while we continue to pay high dollar for medical treatment and penalties if you dont have health insurance.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Skiprr »

Liberty wrote:Politicial games. The Freedom Caucus, claims it wasn't good enough. The Leftist are jumpining with joy, the Establishment Republicans are claiming victory because the failure will be blamed on Democrats. We don't even know what the plan was. The only certainty is that American people continue to get screwed over and in todays world everyone is a winner in the blame game.
The highlighted sentence is untrue. Unlike the Obamacare process where our lovely friend Nancy Pelosi coyly told fellow legislators and all of the rest of America that we "had to pass the bill to see what's in it," once a working draft of the 2017 bill was put forward, it was made public and anyone with internet access could read not only the full text of the bill, but the proposed budget impact: ... /1275/text

Obamacare affects me personally--and will continue to do so this year and next--to the tune of over $22K per year when considering nothing but premiums and max out-of-pocket. My premiums have almost tripled since 2014 and, for comparable plans available in the third most populous county in the U.S., for 2017 my choices of insurers were reduced to just three: Community Healthcare System, Molina Healthcare, and Blue Cross Blue Shield. As recently as 2015, in Harris County we had choices that included Blue Cross, Aetna, Humana, and United Health Care. Not only have all the major insurers but Blue Cross pulled out of the marketplace for Harris County, but--in the city with the largest medical center in the world--under Obamacare no insurer in Texas any longer offers PPO plans of any type at any cost, and major hospital systems like M.D. Anderson (ranked No. 1 for cancer care by U.S. News & World Report) decline to accept any Obamacare plans of any kind.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but we're not waiting for Obamacare to implode. It already has. The federal cost of Medicaid in FY 2015 was over 49% higher than the Dept. of HHS had projected just one year earlier. And that give-me-something-for-nothing socialism--and liberal sense of entitlement thereto--is doing nothing but growing. Medicaid spending hit taxpayers to the tune of $554.3 billion in fiscal year 2015, a 12.1% increase over 2014 and over 5% higher than the HHS 2014 estimate (and, mind you, both the Medicaid and CHIP programs require matching payments from the states, and that $554.3 billion number does not include expenditure from the tax coffers of the states). As a comparison, for FY 2015 the federal budget for the entirety of the U.S. military and defense programs was $598.5 billion. One of the inconvenient truths of Obamacare--besides skyrocketing premiums and greatly diminished choices--is that, since 2013, about 84% of all new Obamacare enrollees were people given the "gift" of a Medicaid free-ride.

Yes, I am insanely frustrated over what's occurred this week in D.C. over healthcare reform. But my frustration is not with the White House or the Speaker. The plan wasn't perfect, but I'm pretty confident I'll go to my grave without ever seeing a perfect piece of legislation. However, to me, it seemed a good compromise to move forward with reform. We all knew going in that there would be no such thing as a total repeal of Obamacare; any solution would have to keep certain elements of it--like no exclusion for pre-existing conditions--in place. We also knew that it was highly unlikely that any of the snowflake dems would vote for any early iteration of the bill. But to have a handful of republicans refuse to support it and let it proceed to the Senate for consideration/refinement?

What I'm left with is the image I can't remove of Nancy Pelosi at the podium, clearly tempted to dislocate her shoulder by patting herself on the back, and her Botox gloating grin at the podium while she chuckles and repeats "rookie mistake"...and even telling us how passing a bill requires building consensus and building your caucus; this from the woman who helped shove Obamacare down the nation's collective throats, telling us we don't need to understand the bill or what's in it, because the plebeian U.S. taxpayers obviously must be too stupid to understand what is in their best interests.

Since I can't unsee that image...

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by dale blanker »

The healthcare "plan" now is to wait for Obamacare to implode or explode before pursuing a final replacement. Ok, this should embarrass the Dems and force consensus on a replacement.
As Timon from Lion King would say "we're all ok with that?" :confused5
Why wait? Why not at least try to improve the current plan while a better system is still being pursued?
Here are some thoughts about that: ... -repeal-it
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Mxrdad »

Good post there Skiprr. President Trump is not done with this whole health care disaster. We have a long way to go yet and while I wish those knuckleheads in Washington would get their act together, we all know that will never happen. I too will be hurt financially from these results.

Dale: Why wait??????? Why not try to at least improve the current plan?????? Thats pretty much what that bill was. Remember the little nick-name attached to it? It was Called Obama Care Lite. And letting it implode, as Skiprr mentioned above, too late. It's already imploded. And don't hold your breathe waiting for the Top Dem's to be embarrassed. They have no soul.

President Trump is just starting, I trust he will have other plans and will attempt to tackle it again. It's sad that the biggest threat to America is from the far left. They are doing more damage to this country than all of the Terrorist's combined.
Just some guy's opinion.
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