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walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:06 am
by winters ... -tote-guns

Since when does walmart have any legal right to even ask to see someones chl even if they have a liquor license? I could care less if they ask me to leave but asking for my chl crosses the line. I own supressors and you would be surprised by the people who think they have some legal right to inspect my paper work.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:11 am
by bmwrdr
They have no right to do so, it takes a law enforcement official.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:13 am
by cyphertext
bmwrdr wrote:They have no right to ask for your CHL, it takes a law enforcement official.
They have every right to ask... but you have every right and are not legally bound to show it to them. Of course, you don't show it to them, they give you verbal notice and you must leave.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:16 am
by ScottDLS
I guess they could say if you don't show it to them, you have to leave. In my opinion better than posting 30.07. Also another reason why I probably won't OC at WalMart. They don't have any right to "demand" it from you, but you don't have a "right" to be in their store either.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:18 am
by parabelum
Personally, since WM allows OC and CC, in the world of ignorance and paranoia, coupled with the fear of litigation, I don't have problem showing my CHL as proof that I am legal to OC (I presume that it's a moot point for CC) in their store.
Don't take your frustration out on someone who just works for a minimal wage, doing something their Corporate told them to do.
Eat an elephant one bite at the time.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:20 am
by Tracker
Give time. It'll blow over there. It may be how they are placating the antis

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:21 am
by mojo84
I don't understand if one is going to open carry why they would not be willing to confirm they have an LTC of that want to continue to receive the privilege to open carry in private property.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:22 am
by JerryK
“The whole time I felt like I was looking over my shoulder,” she said. “To me, I’m lawfully carrying. I should not be stopped for something that I am not doing wrong.”
BUT you are walking into a business that carries a liquor license to protect, and that changes the game. I support this small section of the debate on the law. this will all settle down after a period of time as we become used to it. BUT I also agree we need to fight the MDA as hard as we can. I have personally ordered the Cards from the TSXX and carrying a few of those with me at all times.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:26 am
by LSUTiger
parabelum wrote:Personally, since WM allows OC and CC, in the world of ignorance and paranoia, coupled with the fear of litigation, I don't have problem showing my CHL as proof that I am legal to OC (I presume that it's a moot point for CC) in their store.
Don't take your frustration out on someone who just works for a minimal wage, doing something their Corporate told them to do.
Eat an elephant one bite at the time.


By my OCing I'm telling the world I am licensed. I'll show my license if they don't ask me to leave. Better than 30.07 or them making MWAG calls and police showing up, so I'll return the courtesy if asked to show license.

Not a huge deal for me, now if they demand to take down info or copy my license then I will just leave. They are not the police and have no legal authority to do that.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:27 am
by parabelum
If I saw someone walking on my property in civilian clothes sporting a carry rig and he/she told me that they are LE, and if I saw no insignia/ID on their person to confirm that, you better believe that I'd ask to see their LE ID. Otherwise, I'm going to be a very very upset property owner, to say the least.

Not sure if that analogy makes sense, but it does to me.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:36 am
by rentz
i understand why they are asking employees to do this in stores that sell alcohol....BUT they should be leaving this to law enforcement not asking employees to approach openly armed citizens.

either way i don't know why there is anyone taking offense, you're openly carrying be prepared to be asked but it doesnt mean you legally have to answer unless its an LEO...but they also have the right to ask you to leave

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:39 am
by The Annoyed Man
ScottDLS wrote:I guess they could say if you don't show it to them, you have to leave. In my opinion better than posting 30.07. Also another reason why I probably won't OC at WalMart. They don't have any right to "demand" it from you, but you don't have a "right" to be in their store either.
Yep. And if you don't want to be asked, you can always cover it up. NOT that big a deal if buying the alcohol means that much to you.

It's just another example of having to make choices. Choices are a fact of life.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:45 am
by winters
So the police should pull every car over every day to make sure you have a drivers license? It just makes it look like someone who is open carrying is automatically doing something illegal.

Did I say anywhere that I have some right to be in their store? It was ment as a conversation starter.

Its not about that I have any right to be in there store its the fact they are telling the public they think they have some legal right to even ask.

I guess they are willing to accept the liability of one of their employees walking up to someone illegally carrying and possibly get shot over it. Not something I would do.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:45 am
by Abraham
While I wish they wouldn't, they have every right to ask to see your LTC as it's their store.

No want to show LTC?

Skedaddle, hit the bricks, adios, buh-bye.

You say you won't do any further business with Walmart?

Guess what?

They don't care.

Re: walmart asking for chl

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:46 am
by Abraham
Or, get over yourself and proudly show them your LTC!