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How to escape the white zone

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:27 pm
by straybrit
I have a freshly minted CHL and I'm due to pick up my intended carry gun soon. In trying to prepare to start carrying I've been looking to live more in the yellow zone than the white. Which is great - when I remember. Which I normally don't. I've had too many years of just floating along in my little bubble and I need to break those habits and let reality in.

Reading some of the scenarios in Never Again make me realise that in a trouble situation I'd be more likely to stand there doing my slack jawed idiot impression (which some people say I have a great deal of talent at :???: ) than taking decisive action.

So - the question is - does anyone have some good ideas about mental preparation and how to form those better habits of being watchful and ready 'just in case'?

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:35 pm
by bizarrenormality
Make it a game. You get points every time you notice someone you know before they notice you. You lose points every time they notice you first. One point each in locations you frequently see them (work, school, church) and five points out in the world at the grocery store, the mall, in the car next to you at the red light. Make an appropriate reward for winning and penalty for losing. A new game starts every day.

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:36 pm
by RPB
I have 'always' paid attention when walking out of the house/store etc and look before even exiting the door

My niece recently noticed/learned I never sit with my back to a door at a restaurant, but sit so I can see the door ... and often near an exit so I don't have to wait for Tommy Vaughn.

(Tommy Vaughn broke the window through which Dr. Suzanna Hupp escaped during the Luby's massacre, probably few recall his name) ... =firefox-a" onclick=";return false;

Besides, it's more fun to watch people come and go than to stare at a back wall ;-)

My front door has a window in it now, but when I lived in the city I had peepholes at my level and at a level kids could look through too, so they could look out before going out.... of course they never did, but they were kids.

When getting home, look/use headlights if you need to, while pulling into the drive to sweep the yard before exiting...
Half of Houston's carjackings happen at victims' home ... 040301.php" onclick=";return false;

There's lots better people than myself to advise you on this ... I mostly watch for rattlesnakes and rabid skunks now, found a porcupine in the front yard,by the foundation of my house about 8 feet from the door last year trying to invade my home ... I heard the leaves rustling ...

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:11 pm
by bizarrenormality
Is it the same guy>" onclick=";return false;

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:05 pm
by rdcrags
Nowadays, I have no problem being aware of who is/are around me. I used to muddle through deep in thought on something else as I walked through an area in public. But my problem still is that I only profile. A so-called clean-cut individual doesn't put me on alert like it should. So, I am working on that.

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:38 pm
by ELB
A guy I train a lot with (member of this board, as a matter of fact, but I don't know how active) came up with a...I don't know what you call it, a mnemonic I help with "being alert." As he says, everyone tells you to "be alert," but how do you be alert?

His answer is" Hands/Eyes, Shirt/Shoes, Hats/Tats" When you say it quickly, it flows, makes it easier to remember.

Hands - check the hands, can you see them, is one behind a leg, in pockets, under shirt, are they holding a weapon, gloves etc
Eyes - What are they looking at? Are you being watched, are you being deliberately ignored (IOW, watched surreptitiously)? is the face visible, mask, glasses, facial hair, color, etc
Shirt - Correct for the situation, or out of place (coat in summer)? Color, long/short sleeve, etc
Shoes - Notice the pants on while moving eyes to shoes, what kind of shoes, are they appropriate for the rest of attire? E.g. a police-type uniform with anything other than black shoes or boots would be a bit odd.
Hats - Not just is he wearing a hat, but hair, no hair, hair color, etc
Tats - Not only tattoos (and what do they indicate), but skin -- color, how much can you see (shorts, short sleeves), jewelry, bracelets, watches...

Does it all hang together? does it make sense? A muscled up teen/twenty-something guy with violent images and words tattooed on him, gangbanger clothes, and a hand hidden in behind his leg or inside his shirt, watching you as you walk, might warrant additional attention over a guy in an power company shirt and a hard hat looking up at the poles.

Seems like a bit of work at first, but with some practice it begins to be like crossing the street --- you more or less automatically or subconsciously look both ways and determine whether it's safe to cross (I hope!); with enough practice it should become fairly automatic and not seem so involved.

And if nothing else, it will make you a better witness. ;-)

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:53 pm
by powerboatr
not lighten the seriousness of the being alert and all
but i never ever sit with my back to the door when i am at the VA.
if i have to go see the head shrinker...i sit and move the chair to block the door so he/she has to leap from a window to get out if i make em nervous :biggrinjester:

i use this in the world as well, I always have an exit, even when we drive into our driveway.....
search as the headlights flash the yard, usually see lots of deer.
take a quick look at the doors.
we are lucky, as we have only tow houses on my street. mine and my parents next door. but lots of dark areas if a bg wanted to hang out.

so far we have only be startled by deer looking for something in my bbq

i like the hats and tats thinking, might add baggy pants to.

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:09 am
by KWalk313000
ELB wrote:His answer is" Hands/Eyes, Shirt/Shoes, Hats/Tats" When you say it quickly, it flows, makes it easier to remember.
Going to start using this. I like it

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:07 am
by Skiprr
This was originally prepared for the 2010 Texas CHL Forum Day at PSC, and is a class I still teach. It will be available online for a limited time.

No sales pitch: you can't buy it. It simply will be removed from the Web in a few weeks. ... der_v2.pdf

The "White Zone," though not by name, is addressed...

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:04 am
by kjolly
Not all crimminals dress like crimminals. Profiling limits your awareness. I do know that the extra weight and responsiblity when carrying in effect makes me safer and more aware.

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:10 am
by RoyGBiv
Skiprr wrote:This was originally prepared for the 2010 Texas CHL Forum Day at PSC, and is a class I still teach. It will be available online for a limited time.

No sales pitch: you can't buy it. It simply will be removed from the Web in a few weeks. ... der_v2.pdf

The "White Zone," though not by name, is addressed...
Thanks.! :tiphat:

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:13 am
by RPB
bizarrenormality wrote:Is it the same guy>" onclick=";return false;
I don't know ..I also knew a young heavyset guy by the same name in Pasadena. I recall reading the one at Luby's was a car mechanic or into cars, but I'm pretty sure that I recall hearing the car dealership's jingle/song in the 1960s in Houston and so there could be an age difference, but they might be related ... no idea :headscratch

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:47 pm
by cbunt1
ELB wrote:A guy I train a lot with (member of this board, as a matter of fact, but I don't know how active) came up with a...I don't know what you call it, a mnemonic I help with "being alert." As he says, everyone tells you to "be alert," but how do you be alert?

His answer is" Hands/Eyes, Shirt/Shoes, Hats/Tats" When you say it quickly, it flows, makes it easier to remember.

Hands - check the hands, can you see them, is one behind a leg, in pockets, under shirt, are they holding a weapon, gloves etc
Eyes - What are they looking at? Are you being watched, are you being deliberately ignored (IOW, watched surreptitiously)? is the face visible, mask, glasses, facial hair, color, etc
Shirt - Correct for the situation, or out of place (coat in summer)? Color, long/short sleeve, etc
Shoes - Notice the pants on while moving eyes to shoes, what kind of shoes, are they appropriate for the rest of attire? E.g. a police-type uniform with anything other than black shoes or boots would be a bit odd.
Hats - Not just is he wearing a hat, but hair, no hair, hair color, etc
Tats - Not only tattoos (and what do they indicate), but skin -- color, how much can you see (shorts, short sleeves), jewelry, bracelets, watches...

Does it all hang together? does it make sense? A muscled up teen/twenty-something guy with violent images and words tattooed on him, gangbanger clothes, and a hand hidden in behind his leg or inside his shirt, watching you as you walk, might warrant additional attention over a guy in an power company shirt and a hard hat looking up at the poles.

Seems like a bit of work at first, but with some practice it begins to be like crossing the street --- you more or less automatically or subconsciously look both ways and determine whether it's safe to cross (I hope!); with enough practice it should become fairly automatic and not seem so involved.

And if nothing else, it will make you a better witness. ;-)
May I have your permission to steal this writeup? It's one of those brilliantly simple ways to articulate that which is not always easy to explain to someone! I'd like to use it in my classes....

Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:03 pm
by Jusster
kjolly wrote:Not all crimminals dress like crimminals. Profiling limits your awareness. I do know that the extra weight and responsiblity when carrying in effect makes me safer and more aware.

Too many people seem to get all caught up in “stereotyping” other people. I try to determine a threat based on a person’s demeanor/behavior and actions. Not how they are dressed, what tattoo’s they have, and definitely not color as stated above. But to each their own I guess….

When you finally strap on your new tool of choice, for me, it in itself is a constant reminder to be aware of my surroundings. Congrats on your plastic :clapping:



Re: How to escape the white zone

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:04 pm
by bayouhazard
Being observant takes practice. When you first started driving, maybe it was overwhelming with all the other cars around you, but that changed with practice. When you first started hunting (or birdwatching) maybe you didn't notice half the things your more experienced companion did. It takes practice.

On the subject of mindset, it takes a mental shift to be willing to accept that TODAY may be the day you need to use deadly force. We hope not but we have to be mentally prepared. That is somethng missing in many people who freeze in an emergency because they can't believe it's really happenng to them.