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WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:06 am
by DLBConductor
Event No. 1 at 2:00 p.m. "Plastic in Hand!" :hurry:
My CHL arrived in the mail today. Only 30 days from receipt of my materials to the day my license arrived.
11/10/2011 - Purchased Springfield Armory XD 9mm Sub-Compact
11/12/2011 - Joined a local rifle and pistol club and the NRA.
11/12/2011 - Shooting lessons with a Professional Instructor
12/10/2011 - CHL Class completed (Written: 100 and Range: 247)
12/14/2011 - L1 Fingerprinting Completed
12/14/2011 - CHL Application Mailed Registered Mail
01/14/2012 - Plastic in Hand

Event No. 2 at 2:30 p.m. "UH OH!  - TRAFFIC STOP!" :shock: :oops: :nono: :thumbs2:
I joyfully placed my new CHL license just behind my Driver's License and decided to get a bite of lunch and head to the range to do a little practice. I placed my SA XD 9mm sub-compact in a "cell-phone" carrier and headed out. Not less than three miles from my house, I was stopped by the police for the first time in twenty years! I was coming down a steep overpass and saw the blue lights sparkling in my rear-view mirror. I had set my cruise control on 60-mph but, in my excitement, I think my foot may have unconsciously been over-riding the cruise control. This road is one of those "zero" tolerance areas, so I am usually very careful with my speed.

The policeman was very polite and said "You were going 70-mph in a 60-mph zone." As I handed him my DL, insurance card, and 30-minute-old CHL, he calmly asked, "Where is your gun?" I replied and pointed, "On my right side." He smiled and said, "Just leave it there." Five minutes later, he returned and said, "I am just going to give you a warning but please slow it down." I thanked him for his graciousness and said that would certainly be my intention.

I did not plan to test my CHL license so quickly but the whole experience was very positive. The officer was polite, calm, and professional. He really did not have to cut me a break but I really appreciated his decision to let me off with just a warning.

Event No. 3 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. "Fun at the Range!" :fire
I had lunch at my favorite Mexican Restaurant, stopped by a gun shop to buy an additional 100 rounds of practice ammo, and headed to the range. I had a great time! I practiced from 20' using two hands and then my strong hand (right). After shooting 150 rounds of Independence 115 gr FMJ,  I finished by shooting at a 4" x 6" target with some Home Defense Speer Gold Dot +P 124 gr JHP . After two months of practice and about 800 rounds, my accuracy is greatly improving. I look forward to taking SA and Defensive Shooting classes later this Spring.

Event No. 4 at 5:30 p.m. "Being Assessed as a Potential Victim?" :eek6
On my way home from the range, I stopped to fill up at the local Shell Station near where I was stopped for my "speeding" event three hours earlier. Two months ago, before I took my CHL class and before I started reading TXCHLForum, I spent 100% of my time in the "White Zone." Back in early November of 2011, with zero situational awareness on my part,  I was surprised and accosted in a downtown parking lot by a BG demanding money from me. I was very lucky to have gotten away unscathed. That event started me on my journey to get a CHL. Thanks to the education on TXCHLForum, I now stay in the Yellow Zone whenever I am away from my home.

As I was filling up my car, I kept viewing a 360-degree perimeter and saw a guy spot my car and start to run across the street directly towards me. As he was crossing the street, he started into a big spiel but I stared right at him and moved my body into a strong stance. I was very aware of going from "Yellow" to "Orange" but before I could even say anything to him, he spied the "cell-phone" holder on my waist. Suddenly he started muttering about "needing to get along" and made a 90-degree change in his direction and went towards the store entrance.  My awareness made the BG realize his mother was calling him. Just my attitude and stance was enough to get this yahoo to just keep moving.  I realized I had probably just been assessed as a possible victim (sheep). 

That was my first eventful day with my new CHL.  All in all, everything turned out well. However, I  do hope that my future days are just a little less eventful. In closing, would like to express my thanks to all the members on TXCHLForum who helped wake me from a 68-year-old slumber! I am now awake and take responsibility for my own safety.

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:16 am
by speedsix had a GREAT day!!! Now sleep well WITHOUT visions of "whatifs" dancing in your dreams...

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:44 am
by texas-sig
Congratulations. :thumbs2:

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:56 am
by yogihat
What a day! Thanks for sharing your events. Keep practicing and keep posting :thumbs2:

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:34 am
by johncanfield
Sounds like you are a victim of the Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times" ;-) :txflag: .

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:56 am
by Texas10X
Quite an eventful day! Glad it all turned out okay. Congratulations on getting your plastic!

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:00 pm
awesome write up! welcome to the club!

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:52 pm
by Jumping Frog
Now you need your Wally World nachos . . . :mrgreen:

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:05 pm
by eureka40
What range do you shoot at?

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:19 pm
by DLBConductor
eureka40 wrote:What range do you shoot at?
Central Texas Rifle & Pistol Club (Private) in Waco near China Springs.

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:54 pm
by DLBConductor
Jumping Frog wrote:Now you need your Wally World nachos . . . :mrgreen:
My wife is out of town so I will have to wait until she gets back to document the event. It is my understanding that "without photos, it didn't happen."

I thought about going last evening but, frankly, I don't go to any of our Wally Worlds or Targets after dark. Given my interesting day, who knows what would have happened if I had done my Wally Walk last evening. Yesterday, a man in a wheelchair was robbed at knifepoint in a local Wally World. It takes a real "scum" to rob a disabled person. Fortunately, the police caught the BG about 30 minutes after the robbery.

I will let you have the Wally World Nachos. I will have to be satisfied with a Wally World Salad [especially, if my wife is accompanying me].

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:48 pm
by RPB
Wow, eventful day ... congrats you did well :tiphat:

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:59 pm
by Itnkrman
DLBConductor wrote:
eureka40 wrote:What range do you shoot at?
Central Texas Rifle & Pistol Club (Private) in Waco near China Springs.
Nice gun club...I get woken up every morning at 7:30 sharp by the early birds. :fire Since I'm also a member I can't complain to much as it's also a constant reminder that I need to go join them as well. :woohoo

Re: WOW! What An Exciting First Day With New CHL!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:53 pm
by johnson0317
What an interesting first day! I have had mine since May and have not had that much experience in the entire time (Thank you, Lord). Sounds like that SA really paid off for you.