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Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:14 pm
by frreed
Went out to my truck this morning to find my truck unlocked, console open and my Sig Pro gone. I am compulsive about locking my truck and the key lock appears to have been messed with. I can no longer lock the door with the key.

Carrollton PD sent an officer to make a report. He was great. He sympathetically laughed and told me that I was the 3rd call on a vehicle break in and the 3rd where a pistol was stolen. All occurred in this neighborhood.

I got lazy. I disarmed when I visited a church member in the hospital and left the pistol in the console. When i got home, I changed clothes and carried a different pistol. Lesson learned the hard way. I disarm often and need to get a safe for the car. Perhaps the most disturbing thing about this is that there are 3 pistols (Berreta, Sig and Glock) and at least 30 bullets running around the streets in the hands of criminals.

Apparently this is not an uncommon occurrence in this area.

Just a reminder.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:50 pm
by sugar land dave
Yes, it does sound like you have learned a hard lesson. Times are hard and the bad guys are out working long hours. Sorry for your loss. Hopefully your insurance will help with replacement.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:35 pm
by Tregs
Where in Carrollton?
My neighbors have had their cars broken into several times and are having a gate installed across the driveway.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:00 pm
by frreed
Just south of Hebron off Josey lane.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:32 pm
by msandoval858
I got lucky. Recently my truck was broken in to and I lost a backpack with a laptop and iPad in it. Fortunately, they didn't bother going through everything else and left my Kimber CDP untouched.

It sucked losing the expensive electronics, but knowing my pistol could have been in the hands of a criminal is even concerned me even more.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:44 pm
by VMI77
frreed wrote:Went out to my truck this morning to find my truck unlocked, console open and my Sig Pro gone. I am compulsive about locking my truck and the key lock appears to have been messed with. I can no longer lock the door with the key.

Carrollton PD sent an officer to make a report. He was great. He sympathetically laughed and told me that I was the 3rd call on a vehicle break in and the 3rd where a pistol was stolen. All occurred in this neighborhood.

I got lazy. I disarmed when I visited a church member in the hospital and left the pistol in the console. When i got home, I changed clothes and carried a different pistol. Lesson learned the hard way. I disarm often and need to get a safe for the car. Perhaps the most disturbing thing about this is that there are 3 pistols (Berreta, Sig and Glock) and at least 30 bullets running around the streets in the hands of criminals.

Apparently this is not an uncommon occurrence in this area.

Just a reminder.

This consequence is another reason why 30.06 signs are a gift to criminals. Any business that posts a 30.06 sign is not only failing to make their facility safer, they are increasing the danger and threat of violence for the larger community. But apparently, the anti-gun nuts would rather help put guns in the hands of criminals that have a CHL holder on their premises.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:09 pm
by C-dub
frreed wrote:Just south of Hebron off Josey lane.
Used to live in that area. Wife and I lived in the Rosemeade Town Homes when we were first married. Wait! That's Old Denton south of Hebron.

I'm curious about your break-in. Did you have a light on in the front of your house where your truck was parked? That was the difference in our neighborhood the last time some thieves came through here.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:18 pm
by frreed
Yep, have a halogen lamp on the porch and there is a street light on the corner. The officer did say that they had a witness who saw two white males trying to open his car at 5:00 a.m. This apparently happened in front of his house.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:47 am
by wheelgun1958
frreed wrote:Just south of Hebron off Josey lane.
DART bus stop on Josey in front of KFC by Tom Thumb per Google Maps. Less than 5 miles to the DART station. Just an observation.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:02 am
by punkndisorderly
Thanks for the reminder not to leave valuables, gun especially, in vehicles.

We've been having a rash of auto burglaries in my town. 90%+ of the time, the doors are unlocked. From what the police tell me, the majority are thugs from Houston that come to the suburbs because a) we have good stuff and b) we're complacent and make it easy for them (car doors unlocked, garage doors open, etc). The re's also a significant number who are stupid teens who pretty much steal in their own neighborhood. They walk theneighborhood after normal folks go to bed and jiggle handles.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:44 pm
by ricor
Please please please all. Invest in a good vehicle safe.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:01 pm
by Lambda Force
VMI77 wrote:This consequence is another reason why 30.06 signs are a gift to criminals. Any business that posts a 30.06 sign is not only failing to make their facility safer, they are increasing the danger and threat of violence for the larger community. But apparently, the anti-gun nuts would rather help put guns in the hands of criminals that have a CHL holder on their premises.
It applies to 46.035 also. If any guns are stolen from parking lots at colleges, Joe Straus and his co-conspirators helped the criminals get their hands on those guns.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:47 am
by surprise_i'm_armed

Sorry to hear of your loss.

By any chance, do you have an NRA sticker on your vehicle?

Or any other kind of bumper sticker or decal that would indicate gun ownership?

The LEO pointed out that 3 vehicles had been hit, and all had firearms in them.


Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:40 am
by Dave2
surprise_i'm_armed wrote:The LEO pointed out that 3 vehicles had been hit, and all had firearms in them.
Dunno, but if I lived in that neighborhood I'd probably assume that something's going on and keep a very close watch on things. I mean what are the chances that a thief (or thieves) breaks into three random cars and they all just happen to have had guns left in them overnight? I know it's not zero, but I'll bet it's pretty close.

I've got a good friend near there who carries up to three pistols on him at any given time. I don't think he ever leaves any of them in the car, but I told him about the string of thefts anyway.

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:40 pm
by C-dub
Dave2 wrote:
surprise_i'm_armed wrote:The LEO pointed out that 3 vehicles had been hit, and all had firearms in them.
Dunno, but if I lived in that neighborhood I'd probably assume that something's going on and keep a very close watch on things. I mean what are the chances that a thief (or thieves) breaks into three random cars and they all just happen to have had guns left in them overnight? I know it's not zero, but I'll bet it's pretty close.
I wondered about that , but didn't think about the sticker possibility. The only stickers on any of my vehicles are the ones required by the state. Oh, and that little one the place that changes my oil puts there to remind me when my next change is due.