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Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:47 am
by billv
I went through the process online of updating my address at the online site for the DPS CHL.

At one point they are asking for my employer, employer's address, phone number, etc. There is no way to get past this without entering the info and entering bogus info would be illegal.

Why are they asking for this information? What section of the CHL code authorizes them to request this information?

This information is not requested on the downloadable change of address form (CHL-70)



Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:52 am
by E.Marquez
billv wrote:I went through the process online of updating my address at the online site for the DPS CHL.

At one point they are asking for my employer, employer's address, phone number, etc. There is no way to get past this without entering the info and entering bogus info would be illegal.

Why are they asking for this information? What section of the CHL code authorizes them to request this information?

This information is not requested on the downloadable change of address form (CHL-70)


No idea why that is,m but as for my thoughts...... I will use the download version of the form and present it in person. My employer, employer's address, phone number are not required information as far as I know for a LEO writing me a ticket (if that should ever happen) nor DPS when changing my address.

Thanks :patriot: for the heads up

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:43 pm
by jordanmills
Will it accept something like "withheld" and an obvious placeholder phone number like 000-000-0000? I'm pretty sure nobody in their right mind would consider that bogus information.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:43 pm
by Ameer
billv wrote:This information is not requested on the downloadable change of address form (CHL-70)

Mail in the CHL-70 form if you don't want to provide the information.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:10 pm
by Droshi
I just went to update my address, and now I'm wondering the same thing. About a year ago I didn't have this, and obviously now it's blank (but required fields).

Kind of lame to ask, I know they would say they will never contact them etc etc. But why ask then? Or maybe it is in case they can't get a hold of you through another method? But still I don't want them calling my office. I never use my office number for anything personal.

Going to mail the CHL-70 form, since apparently that doesn't have that info on it.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:18 pm
by G0C
The application required work history too.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:34 pm
by WildBill
billv wrote:I went through the process online of updating my address at the online site for the DPS CHL.

At one point they are asking for my employer, employer's address, phone number, etc. There is no way to get past this without entering the info and entering bogus info would be illegal.

Why are they asking for this information? What section of the CHL code authorizes them to request this information?

This information is not requested on the downloadable change of address form (CHL-70)


When I got my CHL the DPS Trooper who was doing my background check. She called me at my workphone and left a message so I could call back. She needed a copy of my temporary DL because it wasn't showing up in the system. I faxed a copy and that was the end of it.

There is no CHL code that I know of that authorizes them to request this information. For most people it is easier to contact me at work. That is where I usually spend my time during normal working hours. I don't think that there is an sinister reason behind asking for this information.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:30 pm
by Droshi
I wouldn't guess sinister, but like you mentioned they called you at work. If it was optional information online then I guess no one would care, and people that didn't mind being contacted at work about gun related things would be fine. Others might get fired? Not the govt taking the risk so I guess they don't care or didn't think about it.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:55 pm
by ShootDontTalk
Filling in the blanks in the NSA's database on you? :mad5

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:19 pm
by Crossfire
They want to know where you have lived and physically worked for the past 5 years so they can conduct a local background check.

The do not contact your employer, but if you give them a work phone number, and they have questions, they will contact YOU at that number.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:18 pm
by WildBill
Crossfire wrote:They want to know where you have lived and physically worked for the past 5 years so they can conduct a local background check.

The do not contact your employer, but if you give them a work phone number, and they have questions, they will contact YOU at that number.
:iagree: The voicemail message was left for me, not my employer. I called her back when I had privacy. Our conversation was about my DL not about guns or CHL.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:19 pm
by jbarn
G0C wrote:The application required work history too.
This is not about an application, but a simple address change.... :tiphat:

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:21 pm
by jbarn
Crossfire wrote:They want to know where you have lived and physically worked for the past 5 years so they can conduct a local background check.

The do not contact your employer, but if you give them a work phone number, and they have questions, they will contact YOU at that number.

They don't do a background check on an address change.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:37 pm
by WildBill
jbarn wrote:
Crossfire wrote:They want to know where you have lived and physically worked for the past 5 years so they can conduct a local background check.

The do not contact your employer, but if you give them a work phone number, and they have questions, they will contact YOU at that number.
They don't do a background check on an address change.
Even if they didn't do another background check, that could be part of updating the information in their database to keep it current.

Re: Update CHL address online - asks for employer. Why?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:51 pm
by mojo84
Maybe they figure if you moved you may have a new job. By asking for the info, they'll have it on hand if needed.

As the NSA believes, information is power.