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A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:47 am
by JCole
Last week I stopped to fill up my truck at the 7-Eleven/Shell station at I-30 and Eastchase in Fort Worth. I saw a 30.06 sign on the outside of the building, towards the back, that I had never seen before. It was in English only, but certainly large enough, and had the right wording. Well, I had already paid at the pump, so I finished up and left.

When I got home, I sent an email to 7-Eleven explaining why I would not be patronizing that store anymore.

About two hours later, I got a phone call from the Central District Loss Prevention Manager, apologizing for the sign, and explaining that it was against corporate policy for the signs to be displayed, and that he would order them down, and do a survey of other stores in the area to make sure none of them had the same posting. He also said he would reiterate to the sign vendor, that they were not authorized to be purchased.

All-in-all, it was a very good experience, and I think they did a great job with customer service. I stopped by there yesterday, and the signs were, indeed, gone.

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:54 am
by A-R
That is fantastic. Great work. Glad to know some organizations are receptive to our cause.


Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:12 am
by C-dub
Outstanding. I just might go back in a 7-11 again if the need ever arises.

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:01 am
by lonewolf
Clarification---7-11 will allow customers with valid CHL to carry in their stores? I was under the impression that an employee was not allowed to. Odd. Probably liability concerns.......I certainly wouldn't want to work in a convenience store.

Convenience means having a gun when I need it........

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:13 am
by joe817
Outstanding job JCole ! I go into that one quite often on my way to Wal-Mart to check out the ammo. I'm really surprised it made it all the way to the District Loss Control guy. :thumbs2:

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:20 am
by JCole
lonewolf wrote:Clarification---7-11 will allow customers with valid CHL to carry in their stores? I was under the impression that an employee was not allowed to. Odd. Probably liability concerns.......I certainly wouldn't want to work in a convenience store.

Convenience means having a gun when I need it........

We didn't discuss employees at all, but it is against 7-Eleven's corporate policy to post a 30.06 warning in individual stores. The district manager was based in the metroplex and was well aware what I was talking about. I don't have any idea what the employees are required to follow; although I can make some pretty good guesses.

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:25 am
by shootthesheet
Good job! It is nice to know they are not hostile to CHL customers.

We need to give protections to the individuals that make up corporations so that the business is not held responsible for the employees actions where the defense of the employees life is necessary. Why is the company punished because a criminal harmed someone or the employee harmed someone in process of defending themselves? No matter how we look at things every business is made up of individuals that have come together. I see this as no different than us wanting protections for gun makers against anti-freedom types that want to destroy the companies. And just like the gun makers we can leave in place punishments for defective products and such.

My point is that if we are willing to help protect business from liability they would be more willing to do away with penalties for those who want to store their gun in their car or carry for protection at work. The idea that a corporation is evil and a monolith of greedy and selfish people is absurd. Business are individuals and they deserve the ability exercise their rights the same as the rest of us. I am glad this business has this policy but I want every business to be protected so they can allow employees and customers to protect themselves and not be murdered because a few lawyers and groups want to force their will on the nation. Just my opinion and again good job JCole.

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:12 pm
by arnoldstrong
That's what I like to hear. OP, you did a good thing bringing this to their attention!!!! People like you keep our group strong!! Thanks

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:12 pm
by LostInAustin
Kool! Way to go JCole. Thx. :tiphat:

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:05 pm
by quidni
The 7-11 in my neighborhood just has the "Unlicensed Possession" signs up. To my knowledge, this store has never been held up, either. :mrgreen:

However, a local credit union which IS posted (albeit incorrectly) got "hit" again this last week.

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:31 pm
by joe817
quidni wrote:The 7-11 in my neighborhood just has the "Unlicensed Possession" signs up. To my knowledge, this store has never been held up, either. :mrgreen:

However, a local credit union which IS posted (albeit incorrectly) got "hit" again this last week.
It wouldn't surprise me at all, if robbers actually looked for companies that post 30.06 signs.

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:08 pm
by gwholt1
I am not sure what 7-11 policy is currently, but in 1983 when my wife was working night shift at one in Corpus Christi, the policy was do nothing to resist a robbery. She was cornered by two teenagers with knives and stabbed/slashed 5 times. She nearly bled to death while fighting against the attack and had to crawl to the front of the store to dial for the police (before the 911 system). The two boys stole two cartons of cigaretts. She did survive the attack, but never really recovered emotionally. The boys were caught shortly afterward and tried, during the trial my wife testified to having struggled to defend herself, which resulted in her being asked not to return for employment, due to violating company policy of "no resistance" to a robbery!

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:08 pm
by lonewolf
A "no resistance" policy is infuriating, illogical and inappropriate. Even my children know the reality of that. We have had many discussions regarding fighting in school and such. If someone is bullying you or giving you a hard time, just walk away. If you are attacked--DEFEND YOURSELF. You are never to be the attacker.

In a smash and grab, I agree to let them have the stuff and then I'll be a good witness. If they are attacking me, I will act to protect myself, as your wife did. No other option. That is an instinct that no corporate policy or legal beagle can control. Fighting to protect one's life is what has allowed our species to continue.

I was just at my local convenience store (Valero) and was told my longtime acquaintance, the manager, had been sacked because he kicked the car door of some goobers that stole some beer. I believe that in his case, there was reason to let him go on those grounds. The perps had already made it outside,never accosted or threatened anyone, and were leaving. His actions could have led to serious escalation and problems for coworkers and/or customers. Not a good scenario.

In the twenty five years since, I wonder how many lives those two have destroyed? One was way too many.

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:28 pm
by SlowDave
joe817 wrote:It wouldn't surprise me at all, if robbers actually looked for companies that post 30.06 signs.
Well, if I was a bad guy, I certainly would! I think the smart ones definitely do look for the "free shopping" signs. Of course, robbery is not know to have the highest IQ of all professions, on average. Goes back to my thoughts on carrying some stickers to put at the bottom of 30.06 signs that say something along the lines of "Criminals welcome! Be assured that no one inside is armed and you may freely choose your victims for robbery, murder, etc. with no fear of return fire. Have a nice day!"

Re: A Positive Outcome at 7-Eleven

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:33 pm
by russ
JCole wrote:Last week I stopped to fill up my truck at the 7-Eleven/Shell station at I-30 and Eastchase in Fort Worth. I saw a 30.06 sign on the outside of the building, towards the back, that I had never seen before. It was in English only, but certainly large enough, and had the right wording. Well, I had already paid at the pump, so I finished up and left.

When I got home, I sent an email to 7-Eleven explaining why I would not be patronizing that store anymore.

About two hours later, I got a phone call from the Central District Loss Prevention Manager, apologizing for the sign, and explaining that it was against corporate policy for the signs to be displayed, and that he would order them down, and do a survey of other stores in the area to make sure none of them had the same posting. He also said he would reiterate to the sign vendor, that they were not authorized to be purchased.

All-in-all, it was a very good experience, and I think they did a great job with customer service. I stopped by there yesterday, and the signs were, indeed, gone.
I never payed any attention to the signs at that 7 eleven, for one thing they are no where near the front door. If you fill up at the front 2 islands on either side you would never see them. 30 ft from the front door and in the back of the building is not a legal sign.