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He isn't just an ordinary CHL. He is "a licensed security officer and has a carry permit for the weapon".
Two points.
First, while I am out and about my day, I would never get into a "show and tell" session with anyone over my holstered handgun.
Holstered guns in public are meant to stay holstered, unless they are getting drawn for business.
Second, I read:
This is one example why it is useful for any licensed security officer, CHL, or law enforcement officer to regularly compete in IDPA. There is a reason the range command is "unload and show clear". Compete often enough and it becomes second nature and an ingrained habit. You'd never have to say, "I did not know there was a bullet in the chamber".Zambrana reportedly took out the magazine of the Reuger 9mm weapon but did not know there was a bullet in the chamber. . . Investigators said Zambrana is a licensed security officer and has a carry permit for the weapon, . .