McKnife wrote:I do recall 2 signs upon entering the parking lot:
One said "All vehicles subject to search at anytime on property."
The other said "All persons subject to search at anytime on property."
Since when do we give up rights upon entering a parking lot... especially one owned by the city?
Yeah, good luck with that. If they ask to search my vehicle/person I will gladly say bye. Better have a cop and a warrant. Nothing being held there I am willing to give up my rights for.
My office has a similar sign as you enter that property. Something to the effect of entrance onto the property is consent to random searches of person, property and private vehicles. Right under the No Drugs, Alcohol or Weapons text and right above the violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law text. Granted, it's a little different as it is private property and I guess if I vehemently objected, I am always free find a different employer.
Did make me write a couple of letters to my state reps in favor of those nice parking lot bills though.