I didn't mean that Texas has more lenient gun laws, just that sometimes it's nice to be able to sit in the bar area of a restaurant and carry at the same time. I often sit in the bar area because the better servers are normally stationed there, but I don't order alcohol. I think the way Texas treats the "bar within a restaurant" situation makes more sense because you don't have to drink to sit at the bar or in the bar area of the restaurant, but if you go to a place that would be considered 51%, it's more likely that you are there expressly for the purpose of drinking.Scire.Factor wrote:I find FL to be more CCW friendly compared to TX. .... Plus the law with the bar thing doesnt effect me because if I go to Chili's or Applebees - I will sit at the dining section and have 1 beer (if at all).
There are many other states in which I would be happy to live because of their more lenient gun laws, but I think Texas is fairly balanced especially when compared to other states. I would like to see gun laws relax a bit, but know that it's a long process and I may not see anything change for the better in the coming years.