gave me an idea, and not wanting to hijack the thread, I decided to start a new post.Drawing on a bad guy
Have you ever been drawn on? If so, what are the details? Circumstances?
Wildscar gave the details of how he bugged out of a bad situation rather than match force with force.
Here's my incident...
Turn back the clock to a spring Sunday in 1987. I was a senior in high school and was going to see a movie with a friend of mine and his kid brother who was probably in 7th grade. After the movie, we are cruising a street through town where there is a traffic light literally every block. It's warm and the windows are down in my '68 Ford PU. Kid brother is seated between me and my friend. I notice a small car driving erratically behind us and at the next light, it pulls up on the driver's side (mine) and screeches to a halt. Two late 20 something thugs are in the vehicle and saying something in an attempt to get our attention. When I make eye contact with the passenger he asks if we are looking for trouble (edited-10 year old daughter rule). I said, "No man, we're cool,...not looking for trouble."
I keep my eye on him as we are stopped at the light and he bends over pulls a short barrelled shot gun from the floor board and takes aim out the window literally 5 to 6 feet from me. I remember slumping behind the door frame and into the seat while glancing for crossing traffic. I floored the old 390 V8 and the truck lurched forward as I barely peeked over the dash. After covering some distance, I sat back up and looked back expecting to see the thugs laughing at us. Wrong! They ran the light too and the chase was on. I remember running several lights and passing a McDonald's that ALWAYS had a cop in the parking lot...not this day.
Now this is just downright dangerous as we are driving about 80 mph through traffic lights with thugs in hot pursuit. I see an opportunity to make a left hand turn and ditch these guys in traffic before they can turn. I simultaneously downshift and brake in a cloud of tire smoke and narrowly make the turn without being hit by oncoming traffic. The thugs wait in the intersection to make the turn while I open the old motorcraft carb as far as it will go. We make our way to a farm to market road and bury the speedo in the dash all the while glancing to see if we are being followed. I remember thinking, "Man I wish I would get pulled over..."
Back at my friend's house we replay the incident trying to make sense of it while kid brother is silent and white as a ghost and begins to sob. It's then that my friend and I learn his kid brother thought he would be cute and flip those guys the bird out the beer window while they followed us from the theater. Yeah, I almost got my head blown off because of someone flying the bird.