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Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:03 pm
by ATX-Carry
I hope this generates at least a laugh or two...

But in any case, I just started carrying last week, and already have run into a problem...

How do you manage to keep your pants from dropping when carrying 2lbs of iron strapped to your belt and standing unbuckled - weapons hot, as it were, at a urinal?

So far I haven't exposed 'anything' but I can foresee a situation in which I unzip, lose traction, reach for trou... I mean you can picture this awkward situation in your mind- right?

Even sitting down in a stall - a situation I disdain for a variety of reasons unrelated to this topic, I'd rather people only see a pair of shoes down there instead of a Ruger.

Any suggestions, puns, jokes or other helpful input?


Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:05 pm
by Gunner4640
I wear my gun on a seperate belt. no problems standing. :smilelol5: Have not had the sitting come up yet "rlol"

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:27 pm
by bizarrenormality
There are a couple dozen threads on this subject already and they all go to pot.

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:31 pm
by ATX-Carry

Wait - is this Dave or the wife?

Either way, my hat's off to your superior colon, but every now and then, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. :woohoo

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:07 pm
by C-dub
If you're going to stand, figure out how to do that without undoing your belt.

If you must sit, better hope for stalls with walls to the floor or some kind of flat surface to place your gear on while doing your business. Place tissue paper over it if you must to keep a wandering eye from seeing it through the small space between the door and side. Or turn everything inside your pants. Or just hold it and wait until you get home.

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:44 pm
by Rrash
I keep my belt buckled when standing. When sitting, I usually bring a bag/backpack/etc., and I quietly unholster in the privacy of my stall, placing it safely in the container, and hang it on the hook, and do my business.

There are some funny stories if you search from them on here. My favorite is where a gentleman accidentally left his firearm in the stall. I think about it every time I use my 2nd office.

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:52 pm
by cheezit
glocks dont weigh 2lbs

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:53 pm
by ATX-Carry
Thanks folks- I did find the other email threads - its actually quite a relief to see that

a) other people find this challenging also, and
3) I'm not the only one that abhors the public potty

I do have a maxpedition bag that I carry in sometimes - maybe transfer to that (discreetly) would be my best bet.

Seems like a good topic for a sticky (or icky) thread!

Cheezit, I was generalizing... I usually carry my ruger LC9, which I think is 29 oz. dry, however the holster and two clips add weight. I also have a titanium kubotan poker on my keychain and a blade somewhere or other on my person. I'm working on downsizing my EDC habit a little ;)

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:00 pm
by gigag04
I won't advocate my method as it involves using the trigger guard hanging from the hook. Sme idiot might AD into the ceiling so don't do it.

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:24 pm
by baldeagle
I always sit. I never use a urinal. I pick the stall with no stall to its left, if possible. Whether or not I can get into that stall, I always carefully lower my trousers with the weapon tilted to the inside, carefully place them on the floor in such a way that the weapon is completely covered by the trousers and then reverse the procedure when standing afterwards. I've never had a problem doing this.

If I were to use a urinal, I would not unbuckle my belt, but since that sometimes presents a problem, I always sit.

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:38 pm
by longtooth
bizarrenormality wrote:There are a couple dozen threads on this subject already and they all go to pot.
So far they have so remember Grated & we will lock it.
:tiphat: Carry on.

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:50 pm
gigag04 wrote:I won't advocate my method as it involves using the trigger guard hanging from the hook. Sme idiot might AD into the ceiling so don't do it.
Another genius of the P7M8 design!

Since bathrooms come in a bewildering variety of configurations, you pretty much have to make the best of what you are presented with. In the bathroom at my former office, I never had a problem unhooking the holster from my belt and resting it on the paper holder, but that configuration of location, size and shape of the paper holder is not common.

Another solution I have read of but never resorted to is to unhook the holster and rest it inside your pants while you sit, and retrieve and reverse immediately prior to standing.

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:23 am
by Skiprr
Try searching the Forum for the word "bathroom."

You'll get 1,325 results.

Just sayin'...

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:33 am
by TheCytochromeC
cheezit wrote:glocks dont weigh 2lbs
Loaded they just about do. My 27 with 165 grn bullets weighs in at 787g or ~1.73lbs.

Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:41 am
by johncanfield
ATX-Carry wrote:..its actually quite a relief to see that
a) other people find this challenging also, and
3) I'm not the only one that abhors the public potty
That pretty much sums it up for me