Suspended/Invalid Licence

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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by Bart »

GeekDad wrote:They double fine you
Double jeopardy?

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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by GeekDad »

Bart wrote:
GeekDad wrote:They double fine you
Double jeopardy?

Funny... but I like to read the law more literally then the legislators do, its my understanding that the founding fathers wanted it this way so people can easily know their rights and fight for them, but through the bastardized legislation process now with all these lawyer terms it me off how off target we are with the constitution
I believe the Founding Fathers meant for the law to be understood by every man, so he/she could understand their rights and defend them. The convoluted laws of today have stripped us of our understanding and as such, our rights. CHL Holder Since 05/04/2012
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by gigag04 »

The double jeopardy thing doesn't apply to civil actions, which is what a DL suspension well as the associated surcharges...

This is why OJ can be acquitted of murder, but found responsible in a civil proceeding. Civil court uses a lower burden of proof.

A DL suspension is lame, and I feel it is double dipping on the state's part, but it definitely not double jeopardy folks.
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by boba »

I'm not afraid to be the voice in the wilderness saying if someone is fined for a driving offense, and the driver still hasn't paid the fines "about 6 years" later, it's not unreasonable for DPS to suspend the license until the fines are paid in full.
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by TexasGal »

Just thought I would point this out:

This is copied straight off the DPS website. Question #19 of the FAQ on Eligibility:
It specifically states a Texas ID is ok in place of a DL. ... hlfaqs.htm

The Concealed Handgun Law sets out the eligibility criteria that must be met. For example, you must be qualified to purchase a handgun under all state and federal laws. A number of factors may make you ineligible to obtain a license, such as: felony convictions and some misdemeanor convictions, including charges that resulted in probation or deferred adjudication; pending criminal charges; chemical or alcohol dependency; certain types of psychological diagnoses protective or restraining orders, and defaults on state or city taxes, governmental fees, or child support.

You will also need to submit a completed application, including all the required supplemental forms and materials. These include: two recent color passport photos; electronic fingerprints submitted using L-1 Enrollment Services (L-1); a copy of your Texas driver license or identification card, and proof of class completion, as well as shooting proficiency.

After receiving completed application packets, the DPS will conduct extensive background checks of juvenile records for the previous 10 years and all adult records.
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by speedsix » ID card won't work for this guy because the unpaid fees will come up in the investigation ...anyone who's all paid up would be fine...

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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by speedsix »

GeekDad wrote:
Tbucher1218 wrote:The $250 insurance surcharge is for three consecutive years, as my son found out. So it adds up if not paid every year. Than possibly penalties for non payment.
The surcharge is a rip off, it goes to the same "Non-Profit" company that handles all the Toll Cartels money... oh I mean NTTA.

Thank you Gov. Perry for giving my tax dollars to this fraudulent company to build highways that you intend me to pay for, furthermore then give them mafia like backing from the state if you do not pay the tolls its suddenly becomes a state issue, instead of a Civil issue as it should be like for any other company.


...from the DPS website... " Who receives the money collected
Each surcharge collected by the Department under this law will be remitted to the Texas State Comptroller's office on a monthly basis. The Trauma Center and Texas General Revenue Funds receive 99% of the revenue collected, while the Department receives the remaining 1% for the administration of the program."" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by TexasGal »

speedsix ID card won't work for this guy because the unpaid fees will come up in the investigation ...anyone who's all paid up would be fine...

Yes, and thats to be expected. I thought he said one of the reasons DPS gave him when he called them included he had to have a valid driver's license. Paying the balance owed is a given, and the smart thing to do. Documentation for the CHL app just doesn't have to be a DL. It can be a state ID.
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by speedsix »

...I wouldn't doubt someone told him that to pressure him to pay up...thinking like some here...if he can afford a CHL, he can afford to pay up...I don't really blame them for telling him that...a healthy man can pick up $900 doing yard work or cleaning out garages...if he wants's just gotten to be a "back-burner issue"...till it affects something we want...I got closets full of back-burner stuff!!!
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by The Annoyed Man »

speedsix wrote:...I wouldn't doubt someone told him that to pressure him to pay up...thinking like some here...if he can afford a CHL, he can afford to pay up...I don't really blame them for telling him that...a healthy man can pick up $900 doing yard work or cleaning out garages...if he wants's just gotten to be a "back-burner issue"...till it affects something we want...I got closets full of back-burner stuff!!!
It reminds me of when I worked in the classified advertising department of a newspaper publisher for a while. They put me in charge of collections, and I went through all $400K+ of unpaid advertising that was over 180 days past due to determine what could be collected, what should be referred out to a credit bureau, and what should be written off. I actually did a pretty bang up job.

Now, be aware that the delinquent customers were ALL attorneys. The company was a publisher of law journals (Los Angeles Daily Journal, San Francisco Daily Journal, California Lawyer Magazine, etc., etc.). The ads were mostly attorneys advertising their services in some form or other. They would buy a classified ad, run up a fairly small bill.....say $400-$500....and then just not pay it. The previous collections guy would just let it sit there unpaid until the next time they wanted to run an ad, then he made them pay for the old ad before he would allow the new one to run.

Me, I took all the ones that would not pay but could if they weren't moral cripples, and I sent them all out to the credit agencies. Then we wouldn't ever hear from them again until they wanted to refinance their house and they couldn't because there was a ding on their credit histories. They would call me, all kind of ticked off and just outraged that someone would be so harsh with them. My response would go something like this:

"Well sir, you ignored every attempt to collect, every letter that was sent to you. This was debt that you agreed to and signed for before we ever ran your ad. You never called and made arrangements to make payments. You just disappeared. I'm sorry, but I can't have the ding on your credit lifted until you pay the bill. No, not the original've been charged 1.5%/month (18% per annum) interest ever since the bill went past 90 days old, and now it is 3 years old and the interest has compounded. What? You don't pay interest? With all due respect sir, that's not your decision to make. Sir, you made money off of our money for the past 3 years, and we don't allow that to happen interest free, and you agreed to our advertising terms by signature when you placed your ad. The full amount is due, and I can't lift the hold on your credit until it has been paid. You want to speak to the publisher? Sir, he's the one who personally told me how to handle these matters, but if you want try and argue with him about it, good luck. He's a Wharton MBA and his pencil is sharper than a #11 scalpel. What? You would like to pay half now, and half in 30 days, and you would like to start a new ad now? No, I can't do that, but what I can do is take your payment in full to bring your balance down to zero, and then you can make prepayments into your account's balance until you've got it up to where it will pay for new ad if you want.

"No? You can't afford that? Sir, what kind of car do you drive? A Lexus? Have you ever missed a payment on your car? No? Then I don't understand why you can't pay your $400 plus interest advertising bill. It's got to be less than a Lexus payment. No? You can't afford to both pay your debt to us and keep up your Lexus payments? Well sir, I wish I had your problems. I drive a 1981 Honda Civic. Please don't hesitate to call me back when your are ready to get that credit hold lifted so you can refinance. Have a good day sir."

I could go on. I've had dozens and dozens of conversations along those lines. I eventually got most of the debt paid down and we ended up writing off about $100K or so. The point is that we enter into covenants with one another and with society all the time. We agree to be bound by certain terms. If we cannot keep our end of the agreement, that doesn't void it. The other party has to agree to voiding it too before it can be considered void. If you default on your obligations under that agreement, that doesn't absolve you of the responsibility to hold up your end of things. You still owe. One of the reasons the economy is in the tank is because banks were forced to loan money on homes to people who could not afford to pay them back. Nobody forced those people to take those mortgages. The only people who were compelled in those transactions were the banks who were forced by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and other financial charlatans to give out those loans. So when home buyers bought those mortgages, they basically swore on their sacred honor to repay them. Where is that honor now?

I understand that people have setbacks and get into financial trouble. That still doesn't automatically relieve them of their responsibilities to make good on their debt. If they make arrangements to pay in installments to get caught up, they are honor bound to meet that obligation.
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by DarkSide »

i had 2000 Dollars in surcharges. I used the Indigence program. They dismissed all my fees , and then reinstated my license. My sister did the same thing got the same results." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by smoothoperator »

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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by DarkSide »

Yall are to hard on the guy! He just another man just like you and I. How dare you scold him on his actions. Yeah she should have insurance. There are scary places in Texas where the law cant reach you. or don't want to. Your are on you own in some places and the poor people are pinned down to work and Live. I'm sure if i look in your closets ill find stuff yo don't want to be aired. Its like you don't take pride in your fellow brother. I believe members of this group aim to tare down people and not than build them up. Its not Our Job to decide who can carry a weapon. Some of you where born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Some of us come from the slums the ghettos and projects and aim to be better American citizens. Be Law abiding citizens climb form the muck in witch we came. Some of you don't need CHLS because you ride in the nice part of town in nice cars and live in nice houses. No crime. Where I have lived where people DIE! Just the other day a man was shot. A girl was dragged behind a car. I go to some slummy places cause that where my family live. Some of y'all have never faced scorpions or other gangs and never will. You live in my perfect world where the stress of your JOb is your Burden. Where I walk and others walk you a breath a away from death. You say move away or don't go there but see how you can move all your family out the hood? believe it or not Brothers there are men that carry a guns with out a license and don't care. People have full automatic weapons. They don't care if they get cought they will shoot their out and come back in and do it again. People come her to learn and share and aboard knowledge, You get in a gun fight with the wrong guy kill him and all his brothers will find you if they cant they will find your Little girls and Wife. you luck out and kill them there are many that come out to replace them. that Guy is a poor man trying to keep his head above water. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get that paper$. If you have to drive to work or school with no insurance for two weeks to get a check to latter get insurance. I don't think some of you know where this man is coming from. never been in his shoes. If you do you so busy trying to be elder men then men that actually see that in some-places your logic does not compute. there are roads cops don't patrol. I have road with quite a few LEOs in cities Ive worked as a firefighter. I called in officers i know and they say I'm not going there with out more than 6 units. that guy probs need that license more than we all do. All of us are a breath away from poverty. I have friends that are millionaires; Even they told me u can loose it all in one day. Embrace people in the Site and don't hide behind your computer and talk trash and hide behind your gun or badge or degree. You cant shot twp or more people at one time that have you surround. Think about the other person and what God would do.
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by anygunanywhere »

DarkSide wrote:Yall are to hard on the guy! He just another man just like you and I. How dare you scold him on his actions. Yeah she should have insurance. There are scary places in Texas where the law cant reach you. or don't want to. Your are on you own in some places and the poor people are pinned down to work and Live. I'm sure if i look in your closets ill find stuff yo don't want to be aired. Its like you don't take pride in your fellow brother. I believe members of this group aim to tare down people and not than build them up. Its not Our Job to decide who can carry a weapon. Some of you where born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Some of us come from the slums the ghettos and projects and aim to be better American citizens. Be Law abiding citizens climb form the muck in witch we came. Some of you don't need CHLS because you ride in the nice part of town in nice cars and live in nice houses. No crime. Where I have lived where people DIE! Just the other day a man was shot. A girl was dragged behind a car. I go to some slummy places cause that where my family live. Some of y'all have never faced scorpions or other gangs and never will. You live in my perfect world where the stress of your JOb is your Burden. Where I walk and others walk you a breath a away from death. You say move away or don't go there but see how you can move all your family out the hood? believe it or not Brothers there are men that carry a guns with out a license and don't care. People have full automatic weapons. They don't care if they get cought they will shoot their out and come back in and do it again. People come her to learn and share and aboard knowledge, You get in a gun fight with the wrong guy kill him and all his brothers will find you if they cant they will find your Little girls and Wife. you luck out and kill them there are many that come out to replace them. that Guy is a poor man trying to keep his head above water. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get that paper$. If you have to drive to work or school with no insurance for two weeks to get a check to latter get insurance. I don't think some of you know where this man is coming from. never been in his shoes. If you do you so busy trying to be elder men then men that actually see that in some-places your logic does not compute. there are roads cops don't patrol. I have road with quite a few LEOs in cities Ive worked as a firefighter. I called in officers i know and they say I'm not going there with out more than 6 units. that guy probs need that license more than we all do. All of us are a breath away from poverty. I have friends that are millionaires; Even they told me u can loose it all in one day. Embrace people in the Site and don't hide behind your computer and talk trash and hide behind your gun or badge or degree. You cant shot twp or more people at one time that have you surround. Think about the other person and what God would do.
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Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence


Post by clarionite »

carlson1 wrote:
jz75455 wrote:
Keith B wrote:
Tbucher1218 wrote:The $250 insurance surcharge is for three consecutive years, as my son found out. So it adds up if not paid every year. Than possibly penalties for non payment.
Ahh, that may 'splain it. :tiphat:
$250 every year for three years with penalties. This is after the $300 ticket for no insurance... Fair?
The punishment must equal the wrong to be just. I do not believe this was justice. It appears to me that you received a heavy punishment for the crime.
As someone who was just rear ended two weeks ago. I don't believe requiring someone to have insurance to drive on the same public roads I drive on is wrong.
And charging a stiff penalty for those who put the rest of us at financial risk because of their greed and stupidity is fair in my opinion.

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