tell or not to tell

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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by Kyle(Houston) »

I follow the Don't ask Don't tell policy :lol:

If they don't ask me(and no one has yet) I don't tell :thumbs2:
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by StrykerDM »

frankie_the_yankee wrote:When I lived in the Northeast I spent a lot of time proseltyzing for gun rights, carry rights, etc. So rather than make any kind of secret about it (to friends), I did a lot of "consciousness raising". Sometimes I would even attempt to raise the consciousness of people who I regarded as fools. (Not hard to find in the Northeast.) We all have our little ways of amusing ourselves, don't we?
Speaking of the north east, I have a buddy from New Jersey that moved to Texas last year and has since bought several rifles, cowboy boots, and gotten his chl. Just so you know, there is hope. ;-)

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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by Eagles1181 »

Don't do it.

They do not need to know, and regardless of what they promise word will get around and somebody will say something at the wring time.

This is one where I can actually speak with a voice of experience. (twice :banghead: )


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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by Tactical_Texan_CHL »

I agree. Don't tell anyone unless absolutely neccessary. There are relatively few people who know about mine. My wife, MIL, FIL, Mom, brother, some close LEO friends, a few people that took the class with me, and a few shooting buddies. A couple of people at my church know, but only because I took them shooting, and the CHL topic came up as to how to get one. Two of them are now considering taking the class and getting their CHL, and I'm helping them with it, so they know I have mine.
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by tboesche »

Wife and daughter know. I told my buddy that lives downt he street. Mainly because i am working on him, trying to get him more comfortable aound guns. He has no objections to me carrying at his house. Several of my coworkers know that I am pro gun and pro self defense. I am sure they SUSPECT, but they do not know. No one else knows, nor do they need to know.
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by craig_o »

I've talked with a couple friends who know I've taken some steps to get a CHL and have a passion for guns, but I've also told them flat-out that I will never, ever tell them if and when I'm carrying or even if I get a liscence.

The fewer people who know, the better.

The girlfriend and the immediate family get to know. That's it.
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by bpet »

I guess I agree with the Yank on this one "I can see the arguments for both sides, but as for myself, I've never paid it no mind. If I feel like telling someone I tell them. If I don't I don't. If they know they know. I don't much worry about it."

Although I keep my status to myself, close friends and some relatives know that I carry. Those that don't have asked when they brought up the subject relating to their plans to get a CHL, and I didn't lie. Not sure what I'd have said if it was a casual friend who asked. A stranger would get a polite "It's none of your business".
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by 45 4 life »

There was 18 people in my CHL class that included my son. They were all related to me or friends of mine. It took me awhile to get everyone scheduled and I had a great instructer that helped allot. He also mentioned that it was one of the less demanding classes he had ever given. That is the base group that know I carry 24/7.

Same as a reason given above, I do not want anyone giving it away if I am ever in a bad situation.

I have found one thing of interest and it would interesting to know if any of you have noticed this. Close friends that I have made since receiving the CHL are also licensed. I know that this is mostly due to where we hang out, and our beliefs, but it still surprises me.
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by LedJedi »

I'm a strong advocate of sharing your chl status with close friends and family. Afterall, that's what got me to get a CHL. One of my buddies who had been carrying for a while started talking to me about it. Eventually I saw his wisdom. I'd like to repay the favor in kind to my other friends. I now have my wife with packet in hand and going to class in Feb, i've since bought my mom a 9mm (at her request) and she's thinking about getting a CHL as well. It has also afforded me the opportunity to take a few friends shooting that have never been. All of them have found that they really liked the experience.

I have only had one such negative incident (which was discussed at great length on this board) due to my policy of sharing with friends/family. I was specifically asked NOT to carry at a dinner party for a good friend of mine after I had already accepted the invitation. I ended up declining the invite because the way the topic was approached made me uncomfortable and generally offended my principles on the issue. Those friends and I have since come to a very nice understanding on the subject. We share invitations for public events that are not in their home, but they know not to invite me to their home with the stipulation that I not carry as I feel strongly about this topic and it puts me in an awkward position. That has turned out to be a happy medium for us.

ALL other incidents relating to friends and family has been very positive, even those that generally don't like firearms.

I DO CAUTION ABOUT SHARING WITH PEOPLE AT WORK though. This can be a touchy area and can actually get some heat on you. I personally DO share this information with co-workers that I have reason to think are of like mind or would be approachable about the idea. You must be much more calculating about this though and very much realize that for every one person you tell at work they will likely tell 2-3 others and you should be ok with that.

I have never had a negative incident at work (crossing fingers) due to sharing my beliefs, but I have been approached by several co-workers asking general questions about CHL and how to get one and the conversations have allowed me to purchase OC/CS spray for 3-4 ladies at work which is something I generally do by request anyway.

I believe in the right environment that sharing this information with co-workers can be productive and can bring about some positive change. Your mileage may vary though as all work environments are not created equally. Use caution and common sense.
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by seamusTX »

The problem with work is that things change, unexpectedly and outside your control. I've been in a couple of work situations where everyone was agreeable, met socially outside work, etc. Then upper management did the old shuffle and the new boss was a martinet or had favored toadies. A couple of them tried to can me and would have done it with any excuse.

The more personal information they know about you, the more it can lead to bias. It could be your religion, your political persuasion, your hobbies, just about anything.

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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by rl168 »

I have the same question too after I got my CHL. I read through the posts on this forum and decided not to tell anyone. So far, only my wife knows and one of my buddies who likes to go shoot, and I've told them not to mention to anyone.
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by TDDude »

I don't tell anybody and to quote that famous cowardly lion "NO ONE! NO HOW!"

Only guys who know I"m carrying are other CHL holders that I'm with.

One never knows who is going to say something to the wrong person at some time and then people get funny.

Life is too short & I"m to busy to try to change the views of idiots so I just simply keep it to myself.
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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by xrod69 »

do not tell.

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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by locknload »

Since I've been attacked twice, I do tell other women to arm themselves and take responsibility for their own safety and defense. On the other hand, I do NOT tell anyone that I'm armed or if I'm armed. They have to just guess or assume ... and you know what assume makes! :lol:

Reminds me of an incident that happened on Thursday. I had to take my GD to get fingerprints redone for her nursing license. There was a guy in there, who was re-applying for his CHL. We started talking, and I asked him where he went to shoot and found out that he frequents the same place DH and I shoot. Well, another guy came in and heard the last part of our discussion and said that he wanted to get his CHL. After the CHL holder left, the new guy asks me what I'm carrying. BIG red flag! :eek6 I just smiled at him and said, "There are two things that a gentleman would never ask a lady: her age and her carry status." :nono: :lol: Well, he was not to be deterred, and he kept on trying to find out, but I just turned the topic to what guns he had ... and there were many, if he was to be believed.

I don't tell strangers, but I'm on a mission to get as many women armed and in control of their destiny as I possibly can. :hurry: Given the fact that women are twice as likely as men to be attacked and comprise such a tiny number of CHL holders, it's a big job, but the pond is FULL of fish! So, far there are two converts from my church and several more from my political women's organization. In just a couple of months, that's something! We all have found out that punching holes in paper targets with bullets is a hoot!!! :fire

So, tell or don't tell? My answer is an unequivocal ... sometimes.

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Re: tell or not to tell


Post by Glock 23 »

i only tell the girlfriends (who will feel it anyways) and my one friend who sees it cause I gotta hide it in his car if we go to a bar or other restricted place.
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