Mouse gun/Bug Gun match Feb 24th


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Mouse gun/Bug Gun match Feb 24th


Post by solaritx »

West Houston IDPA (at the Impact Zone range) will be holding a Mouse gun/Bug gun match on Feb 24th, so put it on your schedule. Start time will be noon, but SO's will set up and shoot in the morning (so they can shoot multiple guns <g> during the day) Anyone traveling or wants to, contact me and we can see about getting you a slot with the SO's in the morning. Especially good if you want to shoot multiple weapons during the day (a mouse gun then later with a pocket revolver, etc)

I personally am going to see if I can get it done with three different weapons <g>

Here are the rules and general information:

Mouse gun match

Mouse gun (those little pocket rockets of .25 or above and generally fit in shooter’s hand)
Pocket revolver (snub j-frames and the like)
BUG Gun (small back-ups like Officer's 1911, Glock 26, etc)
Regular revolver
Regular Semi-auto

Cost: $16 for first gun / $8.00 per additional weapon or division (time and/or attendance permitting)
One can also buy two "mulligan’s" for each weapon for $3 apiece. These will be used IF the shooter wishes to reshoot a CoF. If a reshoot is done, it is immediately declared (SO will fit reshoot into rotation as he/she sees fit) and the reshoot score will be used.

CoF/Scenarios: The scenarios will attempt to give the shooter an opportunity to utilize their BUG or Mouse Gun in situations that one might realistically have to use this type of weapon. Threats will generally be from 3-10 yds from shooter, although occasionally targets may be placed at greater distances. CoF should utilize props to simulate realistic situations where a BUG/MG might be utilized. Moving props should be utilized to present shooter with a more realistic threat, but moving targets should be kept to a minimum and should be placed to give a realistic target for a BUG/MG weapon.

Each CoF will be limited to 6 FIRED rounds to neutralize all threats (threat number range from 1-5 per CoF) Additional fired rounds over 6 per CoF will be scored like a Limited Vickers IDPA stage with PE and best scored round removed from target. This will often result in a FTN.

Neutralize will be 1 scored round in the "0" down OR 2 scored rounds in the "1" down on an IDPA target. FTN=10 second penalty

There will be significantly more No-Shoots to threats than IDPA allows. Hit on No-shoot = 20 seconds per no-shoot hit. (Multiple hits on no-shoot will be scored like IDPA)

Use of cover: per IDPA

Scoring: raw time + any FTN + any No-Shoots + any procedurals = time for CoF

Gun handling: The match will be run as a COLD RANGE. Start position will be either from Low Ready or shooter will pick up weapon as directed by CoF. At the end of the CoF, and after Showing Clear, and upon direction of the SO, shooter may either use a holster/fanny pack/etc to secure cold weapon, or shooter may utilize a handgun case to secure cold weapon or in the case of a mouse gun shooter may place cold weapon inside a pants or vest pocket. Dropping a cold weapon will result in a 20 second penalty. Dropping a loaded weapon will minimally result in a 20 second penalty and can be reason for DQ at the MD discretion. DQ will be at the SO discretion for any unsafe gun handling with any shooter's appeal to MD for final decision. Safety will be of primary concern for all evolved

Safety: shooting glasses and hearing protection is required. Concealment/cover will not be required as there will not be any drawing at this match. Normal shooting safety issues will be followed. Shooter will keep finger out of trigger guard while reloading and while moving if not engaging threats.

We would love to have as many as possible shoot this match. If we can find an interest, we are thinking about expanding it to a bigger match with possible gun giveaways (BUT NOT THIS TIME)

If you are coming, let me know if you can. If you want to shoot in the morning, let me know.

Garry Newton
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Re: Mouse gun/Bug Gun match Feb 24th


Post by Skiprr »

This'll be fun!

I gotta figure out which Mouse I'll shoot; prolly the Seecamp .32...which is darned handy, but not adept to IDPA-type shooting. I'd really like to see how I do with it.

If attendance volume and time permits, I might try BUG with a Kimber.

February 24. On the calendar.
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Re: Mouse gun/Bug Gun match Feb 24th


Post by kdom »

I'll pencil this in...that weekend is looking kind of busy, but will try to make it. THe PM-9, snubby and R-9 all could use a little exercise...
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Re: Mouse gun/Bug Gun match Feb 24th


Post by solaritx »

The range looks like it will be in great shape for the Sunday match, match starts at noon.

15 stages with only a couple of shots at 10 yds and 12 yds. Everything else will be "up close and personal". It should be fast, furious, and FUN.

I have gotten a couple of people who contacted me who have stated that they were interested in shooting but didn't have a bug gun or a mouse gun........NO PROBLEM, come and shoot this with your regular gun. Remembering that the majority of gun fights happen within 7 yds and are over in seconds......well that is EXACTLY what each of these scenarios are about

See You Sunday

Garry Newton and the WHIDPA group

(SO's are shooting some in the morning, so if you can't stay for an afternoon shoot, we will fit you in with us)

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Re: Mouse gun/Bug Gun match Feb 24th


Post by kdom »

Sounds like fun!Unfortunately, I'm probably not going to make it...wife's birthday is Saturday, and it sounds like she wants me to take her fishing on Sunday, assuming the the offshore forecast holds...oh well, guess it could be worse, she could want me to take her shopping!

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Re: Mouse gun/Bug Gun match Feb 24th


Post by solaritx »

Thanks to the many that came out and shot our first Mouse gun/Bug gun Specialty match and made it the success it was.

15 stages with 1 to 5 threats. Most were 5-8 yds away from the shooter with a couple at 12 yds and 10 yds. What was really fun to watch was the shooters engaging the swinger at 6 yds with the only shooting point as the target moved between upright barrels. Also the clam-shell activator with the no-shoot popping up at 6 yds was also fun. Even with the little mouse guns, people were making the hits.

It was a eye opener for many. They got to see what worked and didn't work with those weapons they carry "as a last resort". I personally shot a Glock 30 (my Bug) and my little .32 mouse gun Kel-Tec. It was a hoot. Sam shot a J-frame .38 and had a ball as well.

It was interesting how many individuals didn't want to buy any muligans (I won't need it) but quickly found Keith and bought two as the match progressed <g> Funny how a couple of Failures to Neutralize and some hits on those No-shoots change one's mind <g>

We have several additional ideas for the next Mouse/Bug Specialty match.

Love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for the next one.

Garry N
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