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Paypal does not allow use for firearm purchases

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:37 pm
by propellerhead
PayPal does not allow you to use their service for firearm purchases. It is spelled out in their Acceptable Use Policy. I tried to purchase a gun from someone in North Carolina and he sent me a PayPal payment request with the subject "XD45ACP". Shortly after, PayPal cancelled the request and shut down his account. He can appeal it but it's probably not worth the effort. Some of you probably know this already but some may not. I surely didn't.

So, "Never Again" shall I use PayPal for any firearm related purchases.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 3:14 pm
by barres
Not only for firearm purchases, but for firearm-related purchases. Folks on the SigForum have talked about accounts being shut down for magazine purchases. Maybe it was just because the mags were hi-caps, but still. The same California-based company holds E-bay, too, and both E-bay and PayPal have anti-gun policies. Including restricting firearm accessories to what is legal in California, even if no party involved is in California. :evil:

I stopped using E-bay and PayPal a good while back after learning of all this. Thanks for the reminder and for letting all the others here know what's going on, in case they didn't already know.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 3:45 pm
by progun47
Well, that a real good reason NOT to use them for ANY purchase, IMHO

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 3:46 pm
by dpatterson
Just dont tell paypal what the money is purchasing...

What do you expect it is California.... Wont be long before anything involving Guns, Reloading, etc will be banned from ebay...


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:03 pm
by txinvestigator
progun47 wrote:Well, that a real good reason NOT to use them for ANY purchase, IMHO
I disagree. Paypal is convenient and secure. I know I can't use them for firearms stuff, so I don't try.

I don't worry about a company's political views unless they are doing illegal or immoral things. For example, I don't have any idea their stance on gay marriage, abortion, unions vs employer rights, , immigration, or any number of viewpoints.

I have Verizon Fiber Optic cable TV service, I don't care their views on the above things either. And so-on and so-on..............

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:22 am
by BobCat
I've bought two old Dillon 450 presses on e-bay and paid via paypal. There is a guy on e-bay that sells lots of once-fired brass, and all sorts of other reloading stuff.

I read that Cummins (the diesel engine manufacturer) gave money to some anti-gun political organization years ago. Maybe they still do, or have recently. Maybe I should sell my truck to get rid of the Cummins engine - but it has almost 330,000 miles on it and the engine has never berated me for having guns or shooting them. In fact, it takes me to the range and gets me home without any complaints.

Refusing to do business with those whose views you find repugnant is up to each individual. If you don't like buying stuff from communists, good luck finding a pair of jack stands not made in China.

just my 2¢ worth (if that)

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:47 am
by Diode
I don't know, I guess it depends on how much they tick me off. If E-bay and Paypal don't want to deal firearm supplies I guess that's their right but if they were to start bashing guns and gun owners then I would treat them like I do the Dixie Chick and half of Holywood! (The 10 year old rule stops me from explaining) :cool:

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:24 am
by nitrogen
I had paypal shut down my account.
I bought a GLOCK T-shirt from someone, and apparently that tripped paypal's word filters.

Never again.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:29 am
by Diode
nitrogen wrote:I had paypal shut down my account.
I bought a GLOCK T-shirt from someone, and apparently that tripped paypal's word filters.

Never again.
I thought I paid for my holster at Crossbreed via paypal... Hmmm!

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:46 am
by progun47
I guess that I'm just different, I don't want to give money to any company that is out right opposed to a strongly held beleif of mind be it guns, abortions or what have you. I know that they are times when I can't avoid it, but I will always try to buy from some one who is at least neutral or on the same side as I am.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:54 am
by HighVelocity
I use PayPal. It's a real convenience for me. What I am spending MY money on is none of their business and I never use any language that would give them any clue what I am buying.
The only thing they need to know is the amount and who's getting it.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:54 am
by Diode
progun47 wrote:I guess that I'm just different, I don't want to give money to any company that is out right opposed to a strongly held beleif of mind be it guns, abortions or what have you. I know that they are times when I can't avoid it, but I will always try to buy from some one who is at least neutral or on the same side as I am.
Well, I wrote Paypal and asked them about it. We'll see what i get back from them.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:01 pm
by TraCoun
txinvestigator wrote:
I disagree. Paypal is convenient and secure. I know I can't use them for firearms stuff, so I don't try.

I don't worry about a company's political views unless they are doing illegal or immoral things. For example, I don't have any idea their stance on gay marriage, abortion, unions vs employer rights, , immigration, or any number of viewpoints.

I have Verizon Fiber Optic cable TV service, I don't care their views on the above things either. And so-on and so-on..............
This is the kind of thing that these people count on. They dump on gun owners, figuring not enough of them will object and will still keep using their services for other things. If we keep supporting them they don't see any reasons to change. And then they can take their profits (our money) and donate to people who can use the dollars against us.

Just MHO

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 1:06 pm
by KBCraig

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:55 pm
by Diode
Yikes, ya think there ticked?