Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock

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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by NotRPB »

Mxrdad wrote:
Abraham wrote:I agree with Rotor - sounds like a dubious story.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. I agree the story seems a little off, but most real-life threats are strange to begin with. Even if its fabricated its a good discussion and food for thought. :cheers2:
The time in Houston I had a gun to my head and his accomplice held a gun on other employees, as well as the time a different store in Houston I was in was robbed by 5 armed gunmen, were also hard to believe ...
I'll be in Levalland/Lubbock area Monday and Tuesday ... no time to look for dogs though, I'm going to a funeral and taking care of a relative's final things that need doing there.

Maybe they thought you were dog leash enforcement guy or something
http://www.mylubbock.us/docs/animal-ser ... inance.pdf
At large
means an animal (excluding ster
ilized and registered cats) that
meets one (1) of the following criteria:
On premises of owner. Any anim
al not confined to the premises of
the owner by some physical means of sufficient height, strength,
length, and/or manner of constructio
n to preclude the animal from
leaving the premises of the owner.
Any animal being contained by
a fence that, because of the fen
ce’s lack of height or general
disrepair, cannot properly restrict th
e animal, shall be considered at
Off premises of owner. Any animal which is not physically and
continually restrained by some pe
rson by means of a leash or chain
of proper strength and length that precludes the animal from
making unsolicited contact with an
y person, their clothing, their
property, or their premises.
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by Salty1 »

I suggest you google Tueller Drill and watch some of the videos. The person was way to close to you for your safe being so I suggest you get some potent pepper spray for any possible future encounters. I feel you were lucky in the way it ended, it very well could have been much worse in a situation you had no control over. Be prepared for the worst and hope that day never arrives......
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by anygunanywhere »

Some of you guys need to lighten up.
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by suthdj »

anygunanywhere wrote:Some of you guys need to lighten up.
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by Excaliber »

Abraham wrote:I agree with Rotor - sounds like a dubious story.
Starting with the assumption that the facts have been accurately stated here, I have strong doubts that dogs are what those excited individuals were concerned about having photographed.

The OP may have inadvertently taken a picture of illegal activity, or a place where such activity often takes place.

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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by SewTexas »

Excaliber wrote:
Abraham wrote:I agree with Rotor - sounds like a dubious story.
Starting with the assumption that the facts have been accurately stated here, I have strong doubts that dogs are what those excited individuals were concerned about having photographed.

The OP may have inadvertently taken a picture of illegal activity, or a place where such activity often takes place.

oooo, interesting thought....OP should take a real close look at those pics.
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by hillfighter »

David45LTX wrote:He had a crazed look on his face, and I had no idea if I was about to be slashed or stabbed or what (he was within distance to easily do that). His eyes kept going back and forth between me and my dog. While raging and threatening me with the knife
Aggravated assault. Call 911.
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by shadowwalker »

It has always been my opinion that the first indication to the bad guy that you have a gun should be the flash , bang and hole suddenly appearing in the center of his chest. Display of a gun to scare them off is not an option. Having said that, you better have a valid and legal reason for your action. Someone with a knife in hand and within striking distance and making threats seems like a good reason to me. I'm no lawyer, but that looks to me to be means and intent. I just pray that I'm never in that situation.
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by billfromtx »

David45LTX wrote: He got up close and I started to explain myself thinking he just wanted to talk like a normal person would and he pulled out a folding knife with the blade open and held it out to his side and up, at eye level.
This is the point were it would have turned tragic...Knives scare me as i have seen what someone with a sharp blade can do to someone else else. I WILL NOT be carved upon!
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by David45LTX »

rotor wrote:This whole story doesn't sound real to me.
Yeah, I made it all up ... I wish ...

yeah, this all didn't happen, and I didn't have a racing heart for 12 hours afterwards and a sleepless night (I hope the same or similar happens to anyone who thinks I'm a "liar" and made this up, why would I even do that?).

Actually I shouldn't think that ... I would hope that more reasonable people wouldn't jump to conclusions and would maybe try to learn from the experiences of others (i.e. , keep in mind that things like this can happen anywhere, for any reason, or no reason -- so always be prepared and situationally aware!).

I hope that others will never experience being threatened with a deadly weapon (most won't, and I never imagined I would, outside of my military service).

Thanks for all the *helpful* responses, this is the first time I've checked back since the day I made the post (for one reason because of the post I quoted here, I knew that somebody like that would come along). Plus I've been really depressed about what happened, and am trying to not dwell upon it ( I think the doubting Thomases have never been there and can't relate).

I know it sounds bizarre, and that's one reason I didn't call the police afterwards (I was afraid they wouldn't believe me and might instead believe in whatever nonsense they might have come up with).

Actually, I have been *very* angry and depressed about what happened to me, and have been doing my best to just forgive and forget and move on (and it happened exactly as I described, except I'm not absolutely certain now as to how close the knife-wielding neighbor was to me, I think if I had been armed and prepared I would have been able to defend myself perfectly legally -- he was very close I know but perhaps not within slashing distance).

That's all unclear in my mind now, over two months later, and was even shortly afterwards (I guess maybe due to that "tunnel vision" thing I've seen others describe here). I replay it in my mind all the time though, him so near me, holding the knife out to his side, threatening to call the police on me -- as I tried to reason and apologize (though I had NO reason to) ...

I'm a home owner in the area (37th and University area, west-side, approximately), my family has lived here since 1970 (the tornado destroyed our house in East Lubbock), and I have been very saddened to see the "neighborhood" deteriorate to what it is becoming now. It's gone from being a neighborhood of older homeowners who knew each other and looked out for one another to what it is now (Tech students like these guys and other renters, mostly). It was never quite "Tech Terrace", but it was never like it is now.

I don't have my CHL yet but intend to get one soon, and will do my best to live up to the legal and moral responsibilities of that. I won't go looking for trouble with these "neighbors" , but I will not be told where I can and can't go in my own neighborhood, and I WILL exercise my rights to self-defense IF there is a next time -- for right now that is a cane, legal folding knife, or HALT! spray -- sometime in 2017 it will be a .357 .
Last edited by David45LTX on Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:44 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by Ruark »

I know this thread is a little old but I have to say something. A good attorney could skewer you on the fact that he didn't threaten you, beyond saying he'd call the cops if he saw you again. He wasn't trying to rob you or anything. Be ready, yes, but you can't grab your gun and slaughter somebody just because he's holding a knife.
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by suthdj »

Ruark wrote:I know this thread is a little old but I have to say something. A good attorney could skewer you on the fact that he didn't threaten you, beyond saying he'd call the cops if he saw you again. He wasn't trying to rob you or anything. Be ready, yes, but you can't grab your gun and slaughter somebody just because he's holding a knife.
Ya because it is natrual to walk around with a knife in your hand and confront neighbors, everybody does it these days. At a bear minimum i would have my hand on exposed sidearm. A threat does not have to be verbal to be a threat
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by TreyHouston »

Ruark wrote:I know this thread is a little old but I have to say something. A good attorney could skewer you on the fact that he didn't threaten you, beyond saying he'd call the cops if he saw you again. He wasn't trying to rob you or anything. Be ready, yes, but you can't grab your gun and slaughter somebody just because he's holding a knife.
Question: how many times does he have to slice you and stab you before you can stop the threat? Do you realize how fast people can move and get to you at 15-30 feet?
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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by ScottDLS »

Pull a knife on me...bang bang double tap to the center of forehead and heart. That's how us tactical special forces types do it. Then we call the cleanup squad to dispose of the evidence. That's what I do now that I retired from CIA specops, independent cleaner.... Check my ad in this months issue of Soldier of Fortune... :coolgleamA:
4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"

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Re: Had a Knife Pulled on Me While Walking My Dog in Central Lubbock


Post by treadlightly »

ScottDLS wrote:Pull a knife on me...bang bang double tap to the center of forehead and heart. That's how us tactical special forces types do it. Then we call the cleanup squad to dispose of the evidence. That's what I do now that I retired from CIA specops, independent cleaner.... Check my ad in this months issue of Soldier of Fortune... :coolgleamA:
I've been studying one of the all-time classic zen masters of deescalation. Highwaymen pay me to just leave. Unfortunately, my training kicks in all the time. I'm also paid to leave parties, offered raises to call in sick, and the IRS refuses to audit me.

The high price of being an operator. Dial "0" on me and you could lose your grip on reality, which, by the way, it's funny this should come up because just last week my third eldest, Larissa, was saying...

DANG IT!! Another flashback.
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