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I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:55 am
by cmgee67
I Bought body armor front and back plates from about a year ago and I also have a chest plate carrier they are in. Front and back panels to be exact. I am trying to figure out what the point of me owning it is besides I can. I look at it this way. I’m not a prepper but I do believe in being prepared. Body armor to me is something I’m fairly certain I’ll never have to use or put on a loved one to protect them but it’s there if I need it. To me it fits in the same category as carrying a firearm. We have it in case we need it but chances are we won’t but It’s there on the off chance. Do I encourage buying body armor? Yes. Besides the practical aspect it’s just cool and makes me happy. 😎

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:21 am
by Jusme
I am also in the process of acquiring my plates, I got a great deal on a used plate carrier a few months ago ($10) but, I had a hard time justifying to SWMBO, why I "needed" it. It will definitely not be an EDC type item, but, I can throw it in my truck, and have it available, just in case. I wore soft body armor everyday, as a LEO, and I know how hot, heavy, and uncomfortable it is, even with just level II soft armor. If I am ever in an excrement contacting the rotating turbine situation, I would feel much better having it than not. JMHO

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:55 am
by RPBrown
I have body armor for myself and my wife in case of home invasion. However, they stay in the front part of the house for easy access if we are not in the bedroom (we have a safe room off of the bedroom). We know where they are but they are not easily seen.
We do not, however, wear them outside of the house with 1 exception. If I know I am going to a jobsite in a "bad" (I know, relative term) part of town, I will put mine on under my shirt before I go to the office and then stop by the house on the way back to take it off.

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:16 am
by Abraham
Ball Park estimate for time it takes to don and if there's any difficulty getting it adjusted for comfortable wear?

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:56 am
by The Annoyed Man
I’ve thought about it, but decided for now not to buy body armor for the following reasons:
  1. If I’m ever in the situation where I need to be wearing it, then I’m in the wrong situation, and need to find myself another one, post haste.
  2. Short of wearing body armor 24/7....just like I carry my pistol.....would I ever even have enough time to put it on? No. Probably not.
  3. What I CAN control to some extent is whether or not to put myself into a body-armor-wearing situation.
  4. I’m gimpy enough and out of shape enough that I am sure I would find it hard enough just to wear a harness loaded down with magazines and carry a rifle. The added weight of AR500 plates in a plate carrier is beyond my practical capacities.
  5. I’m old and fat, and I love Jesus. Dying is the least of my fears.
Some of that, I can remedy.....specifically the aerobic conditioning part.....but my crippled spine is what it is, my worn out right knee is what it is, my no longer functioning left ankle is what it is. I can’t run to save my life, and I’m sure as hades not going to run toward the sound of the guns. It’s not that I’m only interested in me and mine, it’s that I’ve arrived at the point in life where I’m no longer that guy, and I accept that.

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:06 am
by txhighlander
The Annoyed Man wrote: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:56 am I’ve thought about it, but decided for now not to buy body armor for the following reasons:
  1. If I’m ever in the situation where I need to be wearing it, then I’m in the wrong situation, and need to find myself another one, post haste.
  2. Short of wearing body armor 24/7....just like I carry my pistol.....would I ever even have enough time to put it on? No. Probably not.
  3. What I CAN control to some extent is whether or not to put myself into a body-armor-wearing situation.
  4. I’m gimpy enough and out of shape enough that I am sure I would find it hard enough just to wear a harness loaded down with magazines and carry a rifle. The added weight of AR500 plates in a plate carrier is beyond my practical capacities.
  5. I’m old and fat, and I love Jesus. Dying is the least of my fears.
Some of that, I can remedy.....specifically the aerobic conditioning part.....but my crippled spine is what it is, my worn out right knee is what it is, my no longer functioning left ankle is what it is. I can’t run to save my life, and I’m sure as hades not going to run toward the sound of the guns. It’s not that I’m only interested in me and mine, it’s that I’ve arrived at the point in life where I’m no longer that guy, and I accept that.
I definitely can’t say it as well as you TAM so I will say all of the above :tiphat:

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:09 am
by bblhd672
Recently read an article on body armor...don't remember where. The author said if you want to find out how good your physical condition really is then wear body armor all day from getting up to going to bed for a few days, along with the rest of your EDC. Also suggested wearing it while exercising/training/shooting.
I'm kinda like TAM, too old, too out of shape and bad knees to justify spending the money on armor plates. Soft body armor perhaps, but not high up on my priority list.

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:16 am
by troglodyte
My wife and I both have a set of hard plates.

I getting my wife's set up for stashing in her hidey-hole at school. She can fall back into her storage room with her kids, get them secured, don her vest, and cover the door. She won't be moving much with it so the weight won't be a big issue.

I have mine for range work and if the zombies attack.

I don't plan on hoofing it anywhere. If I have to beat-feet I need to be light. Holding down the homestead against the marauders would be the most likely use, other than on the range.

I hope neither of us need it, and most likely won't, but for piece of mind they were cheap enough. is still running their 3 week sale. 25% off everything this week and still have carrier/plate combos on for 42-55% off. I may pick up some soft armor or trauma pads.

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:59 am
by MaduroBU
I keep an 11"x13" III-A panel in my leather satchel. I often have it with me at work or about, and could hold the bag between me and the sound of gunfire if that circumstance arose. I cannot carry at work, so it is a nice way to help escape if I'm not a target.

Maybe not for everyone, but it's an invisible, 2 lb solution that works for me.

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:53 pm
by RHenriksen
I've been using a backpack to schlep my laptop & assorted IT gear all day M-F for years. When I learned about Leatherback Gear's backpack design with two IIIa panels, I was sufficiently impressed to buy one.

Hopefully I'll never need it, but it hasn't represented any significant change in my daily routine, attire, or exertion level.

Edit: link!

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:22 pm
by Soccerdad1995
I have a carrier with hard plates next to my bed. In the event of BG's in my home, I would don it right after getting my handgun from the safe. To answer Abraham's question, mine takes as long as it takes to throw something over your head. If I have extra time, I would Velcro the side straps together, but probably not.

I also wear it with soft plates under my shirt on range trips. I'm sure everyone who has ever been to a public range understands why.

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:43 pm
by ghostrider
I sometimes wear it under my leather motorcycle jacket in winter. I figure you can't have too much armour if you experience an "involuntary dismount at high speed". :-0

oh, and "because I can" is a perfectly acceptable reason for purchase. :-)

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:54 pm
by spectre
Now you test it. :biggrinjester:

Re: I bought body armor now what?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:05 pm
by Grundy1133
IMHO i'd wear it if i ever go to a range... I've been seeing too many NDs killing people at gun ranges in the headlines lately...