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Liberty Civil Defense ammo

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 9:45 pm
by batsibf
hey all,
I was at the USCCA Expo in Dallas a few weeks ago and picked up Liberty Civil Defense Ammo for my 45, has any one shot this ammo? I usually carry Barnes Tac-xpd. I'm really looking for something to compare it too both ammos are about the same price but losing a half pound that is a big deal in my opinion.

Re: Liberty Civil Defense ammo

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 10:47 pm
by Pawpaw
I'm not a fan of fragmenting ammo. You're starting out with a 78 grain bullet travelling at what sounds like an impressive speed. Unfortunately, when it hits flesh and bone, it breaks up into several smaller and lighter pieces. That is not a good formula for adequate penetration, and thus not a good fight stopper.

Respected and proven ammo makers go to great length to make sure their ammo does not break up. They will bond the lead core to the jacket to minimize weight loss after the bullet expands. That is the only way to ensure proper penetration, per FBI guidelines, which is still considered the gold standard.