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Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:18 pm
Check out this video on YouTube:



Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:45 pm
by terryg
We make good team!!



Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:50 pm
by The Annoyed Man
That idiot just burned up my 10 year budget of .308 ammo. What a waste. A glorious waste, but a waste.


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:00 pm
by snatchel
TAM, Ive seen those mini's in action in Afghanistan when we would do night drops from H-60's in ... questionable LZ's. They are nasty, nasty weapons. If you really want a fantastic show, shoot tracers mixed in. It looks like a laser beam.... amazing. I can tell you with absolute certainty, they absolutely HORRIFY the BG's. Too many rounds, too much firepower.


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:06 pm
by The Annoyed Man
snatchel wrote:TAM, Ive seen those mini's in action in Afghanistan when we would do night drops from H-60's in ... questionable LZ's. They are nasty, nasty weapons. If you really want a fantastic show, shoot tracers mixed in. It looks like a laser beam.... amazing. I can tell you with absolute certainty, they absolutely HORRIFY the BG's. Too many rounds, too much firepower.
Oh, I want one. I'd mount it in a turret on the top of my SUV. But it'll be just for show, 'cause I surely don't have enough money to feed that beast.


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:14 am
by karl
terryg wrote:We make good team!!


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:08 am
by The Mad Moderate
The Annoyed Man wrote:
snatchel wrote:TAM, Ive seen those mini's in action in Afghanistan when we would do night drops from H-60's in ... questionable LZ's. They are nasty, nasty weapons. If you really want a fantastic show, shoot tracers mixed in. It looks like a laser beam.... amazing. I can tell you with absolute certainty, they absolutely HORRIFY the BG's. Too many rounds, too much firepower.
Oh, I want one. I'd mount it in a turret on the top of my SUV. But it'll be just for show, 'cause I surely don't have enough money to feed that beast.
Imagine the time saved on a commute. If you see a H2 with a mini gun mounted to the top I think one would be inclined to get out of the way.

My favorite part of the video was hearing a Russian say "thats that the "heck" I am talking about!" :fire


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:07 am
by snatchel
Haha. That russian dude did crack me up as well. As far as mounting on top of the SUV... yeah, I like that. I was actually thinking it would be better used to thin out the wild pig problem we are having here in TX :)


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:23 am
by jimlongley
Kind of questionable language for a direct post on here.

It certainly puts an impressive amount of metal downrange fast, but that does not equate to firepower. True firepower is a function of rounds on target, as an example: if you light that thing up and spray for a while as you train it to get on target, and one sniper downrange, even in the beaten area, uses your huge muzzle flash to put a single .308 (or something even more effective) through your cranial vault, guess who had more firepower. Suitable for blanket coverage of questionable LZs as mentioned above, but a total waste of ammo at almost any other tactical level.

It also bothered me to see all those rounds fired at the water like that. Bullets skip, I have skipped a five inch projectile (not really on purpose) on the ocean, but we knew the range was clear for miles beyond, and at the angle he was firing, I have no doubt that hundreds of those rounds exited above those treetops in the distance.


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:26 am
by helicopterpilotdoug
snatchel wrote:TAM, Ive seen those mini's in action in Afghanistan when we would do night drops from H-60's in ... questionable LZ's. They are nasty, nasty weapons. If you really want a fantastic show, shoot tracers mixed in. It looks like a laser beam.... amazing. I can tell you with absolute certainty, they absolutely HORRIFY the BG's. Too many rounds, too much firepower.
A long time ago, in a land far, far away, the Red Platoon guys needed to do some test flights on a Cobra. They loaded up solid tracers in 4 miniguns, two in the turret, and one on each wing mount. They disabled the interrupt switch so all 4 could be fired at once. It was a night flight, and everyone gathered around to watched the show. And what a show it was. We would see 2 red streams coming straight out from the Cobra, with 2 more streams moving around from the turret like red glowing snakes. It was a beautiful sight!

If I remember rightly, there was a time limit on firing the minigun. Maybe 10 seconds per burst. It's not good when the barrels get to glowing like that! :nono:


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:03 am
by thelurker
The Annoyed Man wrote:
snatchel wrote:TAM, Ive seen those mini's in action in Afghanistan when we would do night drops from H-60's in ... questionable LZ's. They are nasty, nasty weapons. If you really want a fantastic show, shoot tracers mixed in. It looks like a laser beam.... amazing. I can tell you with absolute certainty, they absolutely HORRIFY the BG's. Too many rounds, too much firepower.
Oh, I want one. I'd mount it in a turret on the top of my SUV. But it'll be just for show, 'cause I surely don't have enough money to feed that beast.

It looks like I've found your next weapon!!!


The first response to this video is hilarious!!! :rolll


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:19 am
by thelurker
helicopterpilotdoug wrote:If I remember rightly, there was a time limit on firing the minigun. Maybe 10 seconds per burst. It's not good when the barrels get to glowing like that! :nono:
When we were decommissioning my last command, USS Tripoli LPH-10, we as Gunner's Mates were allowed to "dispose" of all of our ammo. The Navy decided not to send us up the coast to offload, so we went out to sea and fired I don't know how many tens of thousands of rounds of Browning .50, 7.62 for the M-60's and M-14's, 25mm chain guns with HEI, 20mm CIWS (FC's, not us), .45acp and anything else we had. That day was more fun than I've ever, and I mean ever had!

I remember being on the fantail and sending so many rounds out of the Browning that when we finally stopped, unscrewed the barrel and rolled it across the deck, it looked like a warped pool cue!!! Had never seen that before. We would take all the tracer rounds from the M-60 ammo and put them in an M-14 mag and shoot em into the ocean on full auto. Pretty cool to see...even in the daytime.

Also, when we'd have those guys with the funny haircuts on board, they'd let me shoot their toys, so I got to qualify on the M-16 A2, 92fs and the Barrett .50. The Barrett was simply awesome, and more manageable than I imagined.


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:19 am
by KinnyLee
thelurker wrote:
It looks like I've found your next weapon!!!


The first response to this video is hilarious!!! :rolll

Hope they have a brass catcher option with that thing. :shock:


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:28 pm
by Skiprr
KinnyLee wrote: Hope they have a brass catcher option with that thing. :shock:
Kinny, what we didn't see were the windshield wipers running on an amped-up motor, flingin' brass all over the place so the driver could see the road. :smilelol5:


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:04 pm
by TexasVet
My favorite part of the video was hearing a Russian say "thats that the "heck" I am talking about!" :fire[/quote]

He's only play Russian..

He lives in Georgia.. USA.. not the former USSR