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Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:25 pm
by flb_78
off another forum...
CT90RR wrote:I was driving around for work yesterday and as i was turning around to go back to a drive way i missed i noticed something shiny in my lane. As I got closer I realized it was a pistol. A .45 auto Colt to be exact, and the holster was laying about 10 yards away. I picked it up and took a good look at it last night.
It's pretty beat up, looks to have been ran over more than once.

My question is two fold. Is there a way to trace se# back to the owner? And is there a good gunsmith in Houston that anyone could recomend?

Of course I want to make sure it's not stolen, or used in a crime or something, but if I can't get in touch with the owner I want to know if it's repair able.



Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:43 pm
by Broge5
Odd. I know anytime I put a book, drink, etc., on the roof of my car when my hands are full, I almost always forget and drive off. Haven't ever figured out quite why I can't seem to remember. Now I just make it a point to not do it.

I sure can't imagine doing it w/ a gun. Sure makes you wonder what the story is though.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:42 pm
by jmorris
Broge5 wrote:Odd. I know anytime I put a book, drink, etc., on the roof of my car when my hands are full, I almost always forget and drive off. Haven't ever figured out quite why I can't seem to remember. Now I just make it a point to not do it.

I sure can't imagine doing it w/ a gun. Sure makes you wonder what the story is though.
Did it with a .22 Marlin rifle once, 20 some years ago. Got quite a few looks before someone actually pointed it out. I started senior moments early.

As far as the OP's original post, could contact the manufacturer. They may not tell you who has it registered so that they don't get in trouble for releasing such info, but they should be able to tell you who sold it. And maybe the seller could contact the buyer.

You could turn it into the police. I'm sure, just like they do with found money, that they'd return it after 30 or 60 days.


Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:38 am
by CompVest
Turn it into the Police. Even if it wasn't stolen or used in a crime the owner will get notified. I am sure that everyone on this Forum if any of us would be so silly as to lose our gun (lol) would appreciate it.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:16 am
by KBCraig
The police don't know who the owner is, and are unlikely to spend the time and effort to find out.

If the owner reported it lost or stolen, and he knew the serial number, then it might show up in NCIC.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:53 pm
by Mr.Scott
CompVest wrote:Turn it into the Police. Even if it wasn't stolen or used in a crime the owner will get notified. I am sure that everyone on this Forum if any of us would be so silly as to lose our gun (lol) would appreciate it.

Could you enlighten us on how the police will notify the owner? this took place in Houston and there is no registration required.
If you turn it into the police 1 of 2 things is going to happen. It's going to go home with someone that works there or it's going to get melted down.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:38 am
by Liberty
Mr.Scott wrote: Could you enlighten us on how the police will notify the owner? this took place in Houston and there is no registration required.
If you turn it into the police 1 of 2 things is going to happen. It's going to go home with someone that works there or it's going to get melted down.
One other thing could possibly happen. A bad guy could be sent to prison. Most Good guys don't lose their guns or toss them out a car window.
I believe many of us would notify the local police if one of our handguns came up missing. Texas does maintain a database of stolen guns. Perhaps this gun is important evidence in a crime.
To not try to find the owner is almost like stealing it.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:42 am
by CompVest
My thought was that the owner would report the loss/theft to the police.

Lost Gun

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:33 am
by ambitman
Turn it into the police for the following reasons:

1. It is not your property
2. It could be crime evidence
3. It may be reported lost or stolen and the police have a report with a serial number
4. It keeps CHL good guy reputation with your local police
5. It is the right thing to do

Re: Lost Gun

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:52 am
by thankGod
ambitman wrote:Turn it into the police for the following reasons:

1. It is not your property
2. It could be crime evidence
3. It may be reported lost or stolen and the police have a report with a serial number
4. It keeps CHL good guy reputation with your local police
5. It is the right thing to do
I agree. Concise and straightforward.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:13 am
by chewy555
I say turn it in to the police. As someone who has had family have guns stolen from them. We would love to get them back. Plus as said above, it the right thing to do.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:28 pm
by flb_78
It's not me. Ive never been to Houston and frankly have little desire to ever be there.

This was someone on a motorcycle forum Im a member of. It was HEAVILY recommended to him to turn it into the police. It sounds like, from the description he posted later, that the gun is very close to being totaled. Bent slide.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:20 am
totaled or not he should still turn it into the stated above.

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:05 pm
by CompVest

Re: Anyone lose a gun in the Houston area lately?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:40 pm
by jpierce30
Turn it in to the local police. I pulled a bone head stunt several years ago and left my pistol on the tool box. It rode well for about 10 miles and fell off in the drive way of a convience store. I freaked out when I could not find my gun and immediately called the police. I was afraid some kid would find it and someone might get hurt and that would be on my conscience. Luckily some good guy found my pistol in the driveway of the store and turned it in to the police. I got it back a few days later with just a few scratches.
Some one took care of me when I made a stupid mistake, the next guy would probably appreciate the return of his gun, if nothing else just to ease his mind.