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Teen Confronts Armed Burglar, Wrestles Gun Away

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:43 pm
by Paladin

"Michael Williams is 17-years-old. He came home from school Wednesday to what should have been an empty home, but the window was broken and an intruder was inside.

What Michael did next makes him a hero to his mother. Her son took on the burglar who was armed with a rifle. It happened at the family's home in the 300 block of North Parkdale in Tyler.

Michael Williams forgot his keys coming home Wednesday, but someone had already let themselves in.

"And I came home early, and I didn't have my keys so I came around the corner and saw the window cracked, and he came in the room with the shotgun," Michael says. The intruder was armed with a gun owned by Michael's dad. Some might run away, but not Michael.

He pretended to have a gun, too.

"I said I would shoot him, and he busted out in tears and gave me the gun and ran outside."

But the burglar didn't get far, he says. Michael tackled him just outside the front door.

"When I met him right here, I just gave it to him. I gave it to him."

Michael's hand is swollen from throwing a few punches to the intruder. The suspect doesn't look quite so good. 28-year-old Neil Lowry was arrested not far away and is charged with burglary and evading arrest.

Reporter: "Did you have any idea that this might have been dangerous?"

Michael: "Yeah, I had an idea, but I had to think smart, but he had the gun in his hand, and I didn't know if it was loaded or not."

Michael's mother Dorothy says God was watching over her son.

"He took a chance with his life and he came out on top, and I will forever acknowledge that it's a message from God."

Michael says he was just focused on not letting the burglar get away.

"There's only one way out, so he came through the front door and I met him."

Michael's mother, Dorothy, says an alarm system is being installed. That's the only way she'll feel secure again in her own home. "

A close call, but happy ending.

Another thought is that alarms are not all that great. They're okay, but overrated in my opinion. Armed self-defense, dogs, good locks and video cameras are all better in my experience. My parents lock up their place and have a alarm and it didn't stop them from having 2 home invasions. The criminals haven't been back since they invested in a good video surveillance system for their house. 4 video cameras covering every approach seems to be doing the job quite nicely.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:25 pm
by Baytown
I am glad to see there is hope for our future.


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:10 pm
by Greybeard
That's great, a 17-year old GG cleaning the clock of a 28-year old BG. Real glad the kid did not get hurt. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:48 pm
by 357sig
I am so glad it turned out great for the good guy.