To answer your questions: A) I hope not. B) I hope not. C) I hope not.Nano wrote:OK, I'm the STUPID one in the group. Why do I need an unbelievable number of rounds for my 9mm pistol. Are we going to war? Is a rebellion coming? Are all the guns and rounds going to be confiscated? I'm not joking, WHY? I haven't owned a gun for very long.
I don't think anyone can predict the future with 100% accuracy, so in case one of the above situations occur, it's best to be prepared. However the more likely scenario than the ones you mentioned is this: our economy collapses. The collapse of the economy can be caused by many, many things.
Advantages of stock-piling ammo:
You can hunt with it. You can protect yourself with it. You can trade it. It doesn't spoil. It's cheaper than gold (which you can't hunt with or use for self-defense anyway).