Not a Good LEO Encounter

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by nitrogen »

If only there was an organization that would step up when people's constitutional rights were violated, and pay court costs to make sure justice was done...

Seriously, though, make sure the NRA gets a call. They won't volunteer to help, by law they cannot. You have to ask.
If they don't step up, give the Texas ACLU a call as well. They might step up, too.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Rollin2008 »

Thanks for the advice, I just talked with him and showed him this thread, that's what he's doing, although he'll never get back the day he lost in an 8x11 with 10 other guys.[/

Is this considered pain and suffering??? serious??
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Fangs »

Rollin2008 wrote:
Thanks for the advice, I just talked with him and showed him this thread, that's what he's doing, although he'll never get back the day he lost in an 8x11 with 10 other guys.

Is this considered pain and suffering??? serious??
Idk about you, but my day spent at work is worth about $150, my day spent not working is worth more to me. Whether a thief sticks a gun in my ribs and takes my money or the officer wrongly arrests me and leaves me confined, I'm still out of time and or money. It might not be "suffering", but it isn't right either.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by McKnife »


We need to do anything and everything to expose the cop personally as well as the department.

Ignorance (or arrogance) of the law is NO EXCUSE, even for the cops! This is infuriating. :mad5 :fire :fire :fire :mad5 :boxing :boxing


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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Bunkins »

If it was me, I wouldnt be looking at the value of the guns, they can be replaced. It's for violating his rights, treating him as a criminal, embarrassment. THEN trying to bribe, saying they will drop the charges if they keep the guns? I dont think so..

If it was me I'd fight it with all I could muster, make it KNOWN whats going on through media channel's, sue for the return of the guns and legal fee's...... Once they find out he's suing, chances are they will back petal, quickly.. Even then I'd sue the pants off of them.. He didnt do anything wrong, he should lose nothing over it.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by seamusTX »

I second the suggestions that have been made, especially contacting the NRA, TSRA, and Texas ACLU.

With regard to the Texas ACLU, please recall that they worked with the TSRA to document the abuses of the 2005 traveling defense, which led to the 2007 Motorist Protection Act.

I don't know if any of these organizations will directly defend the guy. I wouldn't bet on it. But if they are aware of the problem, they can begin to lobby about it.

Also, if your friend lives in Mike Jackson's district, he should contact Mr. Jackson. Possibly Mr. Jackson can ask for an opinion from the Attorney General (which ordinary citizens cannot). Messrs. Jackson and Abbott are solid supporters of the RKBA.

While we would all prefer to fight this kind of injustice, it costs real money measured in thousands of dollars, which not everyone who works and supports a family can spend easily.

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by dleewo »

It's very easy for us to say that he should fight regardless of the cost, but for someone going through this, I can see how he would have the weigh the cost of the guns vs the cost of the lawyer.

For me, I would NOT be prepared to empty my 401K to fight this. That just doesn't make sense. I have a family to feed, kids to put through college in a few years and I would like to retire eventually. What is the point in winning this if you can't do any of these things in the future.

If he can get help from the NRA or some other organization, then great and that's what he should do.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Tireshred »

He's got 2 kids in college and is trying to retire in the next 5 years, I really doubt he'll fight, but I know he appreciates the support.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by TxRVer »

IMO he needs to get the charges dropped so the arrest doesn't interfere with getting his CHL or any other matters. Why not give up the guns if that'll cost less than defending himself. On the other hand, I wouldn't sign away any rights to sue them for the civil rights violation.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by boomerang »

I would write and call the offices of Governor Perry and Attorney General Abbott to complain about the abuse of office and encourage them to go after the cop and prosecutor for Official Oppression. I would file a complaint with the state bar regarding the prosecutor's misconduct. I would also contact Federal law enforcement.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by gemini »

I just want to know in what town this happened. Your buddy shouldn't
have any quams about letting you know that info. I can't imagine he's
just "ok" with letting things drop. Find out what town and post it here.

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by KRM45 »

gemini wrote:I just want to know in what town this happened. Your buddy shouldn't
have any quams about letting you know that info. I can't imagine he's
just "ok" with letting things drop. Find out what town and post it here.
I agree.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Tireshred »

I want to know too, I travel in the area several times a year, I've asked, he hasn't answered, if he volunteers it in the future I'll post, but it's his business and I'm not pushing.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by gemini »

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Captain Matt »

Tireshred wrote:A guy I work with (he took his CHL class but hasn't sent it off) was going to his deer lease a couple of weekends ago to spruce the place up. He took 2 pistols, one that stayed in his truck in the console and one he had in a holster in the passenger seat with an overnight bag on top of it. He was pulled over for speeding in a podunk little town outside of San Antonio, I don't remeber which one. The LEO asked where he was going and when he said where, he was asked if he had any guns. He said yes, the LEO moved the bag and saw the gun and arrested him for unlawful possession of a firearm. He spent 28 hours in jail, no prior record at all, not even the usual teenage stuff and he's my age, early 50's. Now they are offering to drop all charges but keep the guns. His lawyer said he could fight it and probably win, but the cost would far exceed the cost of the guns. He can't send in his CHL app until this is resolved either. I've known this guy off and on for many years, he can be a hot head, not lately though, we all get mellower with age ;-) , but he said he was polite and truthful to the LEO and I believe him. I would think having a bag on the pistol would be considered concealed? This stinks like corruption to me, but INAL.
I bet the plan from the beginning was to steal his guns. I also bet this was not the first time they used threats and extortion to steal things.
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