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by BlendedWhiskey
Fri May 13, 2011 3:15 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2011 Applications
Replies: 309
Views: 54633

Re: March 2011 Applications

Even Rome was built in 59 days!!!!
There is incentive to speed up the process when the alternative is to become lion food! Hang in there, I am at 63 days since they received my packet and my license is on day 2 of "manufacturing". It's a painful process, but learned a good lesson. Envy those that receive in 30 days and be happy we aren't part of the "old" crowd that took 6 months!

Ok, maybe that doesn't help. Now I am thinking "where is my license at already?? geesh!" :smash:

On another note, if anyone hasn't joined the NRA or read Mr. Cotton's "Project One Million" thread. I would encourage you to do so, he does a fine job of putting things into perspective. While waiting just plain sucks, we have to remember our gun rights are under attack everyday! Waiting a couple months is nothing compared to what some would like to do. The best perspective I can give, every member that signs up creates yet another tick mark. When the NRA speaks or defends our rights, they do so with the power in numbers. Getting involved "after something is taken away" does nothing or takes time to rebuild. Being involved now protects your rights to carry plastic (whenever it may come) forever!

My 2 cents! :txflag:
by BlendedWhiskey
Tue May 10, 2011 5:06 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2011 Applications
Replies: 309
Views: 54633

Re: March 2011 Applications

Also, my rep was very nice and even exchanged some small chit-chat while she finished things up. I remarked "thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly, I have no doubt you are very busy". She quickly responded (and even a slight chuckle) "no problem, we have been extremely busy it seems like applications have gone through the roof recently". Which obviously leads me to believe what others have said, some people will get their license in record time, while others while get caught in the madness of CHL'ers coming through the door in record numbers.

Some days I was like most and anxious about seeing my status change, although who can't love this state. While you can't carry concealed until you have plastic, you can still travel with your weapon in your vehicle. That in itself, made the wait easier.

TEXAS rocks! :txflag:
by BlendedWhiskey
Tue May 10, 2011 4:52 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: March 2011 Applications
Replies: 309
Views: 54633

Re: March 2011 Applications

a2rbnud wrote:Registered mail materials: 2/19
Fingerprints accepted: 3/11
Still stuck in "waiting background check"
Total time: 80 days

No known legal or regulatory issues
3 emails (received useless auto replys)
4 phone calls (uh, same result as emails)

I called that wonderfully informative DPS customer service line again today. The polite customer service rep checked my application online, remarked at how overdue it was, and offered to, "walk down" and check with the person assigned to my application to, "find out" what the issue is, because, "everything seems to be complete and in order with your application". After being on hold, the CSR returned to inform me that the person handling my application has been on vacation, "and way, way behind in applications", and, "they'll try to get to it in the next week or so".
"Please call back in 10 days if you haven't received your license".


While DPS customer service is short on answers, I still suggest that everyone call and inquire as to your staus after 60 days. The CSR's can access your application and tell if a request has been made for additional materials from you.

Hopefully, I'll learn how I landed in bureaucratic purgatory, so that I may pass along any insight on how to avoid it.
For now, It appears to me that it is just plain luck as to whether you get your CHL in 50 days or 120 days.:banghead:
Well for those in the same boat, I have been lurking for 18 months, maybe longer and read this post today. My timline is similiar (class 3/06 and "pending background check" since 3/29'ish). I sent an email 10 days ago and called 5 days ago, no response! Today I thought, what the heck I might as well try again since over 60 days. Sure enough, left a VM for the rep working my file and got a return call in less than 10 minutes with "your application is complete and going to print, sorry for the delay". Everyone has had different experiences, but things I assume are:

Call BEFORE 60 days = wait longer
Be short, informative "have been in BG check for almost 6 weeks" and most important NICE! = Receptive

This process reminded me of being in boot camp all over again, double-time everyplace you go, only to wait in a long line. Now the wait is just about over and only one more thing to say!!


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