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by Medic624
Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:07 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class
Replies: 97
Views: 11635

Re: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class

matrix wrote: Anyway, just from a practical standpoint, how exactly would the government go about banning guns in this country? There are upwards of a hundred million guns/gunowners in this country. I'm just not too worried that somebody's gonna come and take them all. Logistics and all.
matrix wrote: Anyway, just from a practical standpoint, how exactly would the government go about banning guns in this country? There are upwards of a hundred million guns/gunowners in this country. I'm just not too worried that somebody's gonna come and take them all. Logistics and all.
Well this has devolved from the OP to a 2nd Amendment issue...Huh...

IMHO (for what it's worth) I don't think logistics would be as much an issue as much as a nuisance to those who feel with every fiber that the 2nd Amendment is what is standing between them and...
1. Disarming the general populace
2. Using a real (not perceived/rumored) threat of disarming as a means to gauge the "real" mettle of the millions of "legal" gun owners in this country in order to completely eradicate our Republic to the annals of history.

The 2nd Amendment (to me) is the lynchpin that holds the fibers of our founding documents together. Without the ability to protect ourselves from either a car-jacker or some misguided individuals entrusted by the Federal Government to attempt to disarm the populace it is the 27 words that comprise the 2nd Amendment that ensures our continued freedoms.

But, to answer your question posed to G26... Banning them wouldnt be all that difficult (if given the right ppl sitting on the SCOTUS) THAT isn't the issue... it's the confiscation that would be the difficult part. Not difficult in the sense of arranging, collecting, destroying etc... Difficult as in the possibility of civil uprising as a result because IMHO many will see the move as an attack on every freedom that makes them an American.

If we simply use the numbers of registered hunters in any given state as well as those who are simply shooting enthusiasts who use their weapons on a somewhat regular basis and extrapolate that out to include those who fall into that category across the nation they would quickly outnumber the standing Military and municipal police forces combined. Not to say they would ALL stand and defend their right to own a firearm but I would surmise it probably would be enough that it is as real a deterrent as anything we can conjure. That issue in of itself makes it a fool hearty idea even to make such an attempt by the Federal Govt. But, that type of thinking requires common sense and an understanding of what makes up the American Spirit... Two items that are lost on many who are far left leaning... :tiphat:

Edited for continuation of a thought...ha ha

:patriot: :txflag: :patriot:

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