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by JP171
Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:25 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA
Replies: 135
Views: 14048

Re: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA

chasfm11 wrote:
jmra wrote:We could just go back to the way things were on 9/10. Nay, to hard to get all that sand out of the ear holes.
The government seems to always have a similar argument. "You don't want bad things to happen to planes in the sky, do you?" No, of course I don't. At the same time, the threat of hijacking planes does not issue a license for the government to behave in anyway that it wants, including "enhanced" patdowns of 6 year old girls.

In context, TSA screening procedures are regularly being breached with far more deadly things than this 6 year old could have carried. TSA/ Comrade Napolitano doesn't want to make public how often this happens because it would be an invitation to terrorists. To me, however, the effort should be made to improve the security against real threats before we stoop to tactics like this.

One only has to look at the little girl's clothing on her slender frame to determine that should couldn't be carrying any quantity of anything. The fact that she was randomly selected among other passengers for this egregious search simply underscores the fact that TSA is targeting the wrong things. If I were just a bit more of cynical, I would suggest that incidents like this are contrived for the sole purpose of reminding the public of the awesome power of our governmental entities. It certainly serves no purpose for security.

you despicable cynic you, you know the government only has your best interst at heart :mrgreen:
by JP171
Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:04 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA
Replies: 135
Views: 14048

Re: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA

Pug wrote:
Pug wrote:It appears to be little more than an arrogant employee, poorly trained, "exerting her authority" for the humiliation of the child, the provocation of the mother, and the attention of the camera. Absolutely unforgivable idiocy.
Now that I've seen this on Fox, CBS, the Communist News Network (alias, CNN) and USA Today, I'm all-the-more convinced that the TSA agent, polite though she may have been, was power-tripping on this. Absolutely unforgivable arrogant idiocy...

JMO and I'm stickin' to it...
:totap: :totap:

with TSA its a common occurance, needs to stop, same as the stuff about interfering with a flight crew cause you look better than the flight attendants or because they don't want to do the job they were hired for but just want to get free flights all over
by JP171
Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:57 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA
Replies: 135
Views: 14048

Re: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA

believe what you will the last time I was in Tel-Aviv I didn't go thru anything like what I see the TSA doing, but I like others have to go thru security checkpoints sometimes and dislike it. it does nothging other than make some knee jerk facist feel good. there are times I do not have to go thru them, and it doesn't change a thing. and I again say that the people that do the security screenings are poorly trained, not LEO's just the same old renta cops as before and have the same attitude as before by atleast an order of magnatude if not several orders of magnatude.

and something else, when did taking a flight become a privilege granted by the federal government? there is no basis for a passanger flying on a commercial aricraft to be told its a privilege, there are no laws that prohibit poeple with few exceptions from traveling any place in this country as they see fit! I should NOT have to give up my rights to fly on an aircraft that is owned by a private company, the fed has no right to force intrusive screening nor pat downs conducted by untrained renta cops.
by JP171
Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:36 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA
Replies: 135
Views: 14048

Re: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA

I fly quite often, never been singled out, have been patted down in several airports around the world, didn't care for any of it. but again like I said the TSA (transportaion SAFETY administration is NOT a law enforecment agancy) I can't see the vid so I never commented on that just the other things I have seen by some of the security guards they employ and that they have no training to actually do the job and the arbitrary and capricious nature of the things they do.
by JP171
Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:28 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA
Replies: 135
Views: 14048

Re: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA

not that the TSA is a law enforcement agency.
by JP171
Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:39 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA
Replies: 135
Views: 14048

Re: 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA

this isn't the only time things like this have happened, a mother was detained because she refused and argued the point of her breast milk being x rayed at an airport check point, breast milk is exempt from x ray requirements, the TSA is nothing more than the same poorly trained security guards that were there before being put into a TSA uniform and paid more. They think now that they work for the government that they have police like powers and most of them are full of themselves. they need to fire all of them. look around you will find all kinds of abuses by TSA screeners and they are given carte blanche to do as they please, same as flight crew(stewardesses and stewards) under the so called interfering with a flight crew stuff. it is a recipe for abuse and needs to go away

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