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by snatchel
Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:49 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.
Replies: 71
Views: 10447

Re: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.

Ruark wrote:An attorney could have a field day if there's no documentation. The first question would be if you notified the police. If you didn't, it would be a simple matter to make you look like a gunslinging vigilante.
Yes, of course I immediately contacted the police. See previous posts.

As far as documentation goes, I agree with Speedsix. I had no reason to shoot this man on this particular night. He did not pose an immediate threat. He was not breaking in my windows or doors, or anything of the like. He was simply peeping. It was disgusting, deplorable, illegal, and incredibly infuriating, but unless the guy is a credible threat to me or mine, there is no reason to shoot him. Chase him, yes. And if I would have caught him, I almost certainly would have used force (not deadly force) to keep him there until po-po arrived.
by snatchel
Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:25 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.
Replies: 71
Views: 10447

Re: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.

speedsix wrote:...I love all you radical hearts...and I are one...I'm one to grab the light and hit the yard, dogs would just sniff him to see where he'd been and wait for a my opinion, a Peeping Tom is a rapist looking for an opportunity...and should be dealt with accordingly...

This. I'm not going to let someone on do my wrong on my property, and just wait till the police get there. It's not in my personality. It's not what I was trained to do. A lot of folks dont think you should venture out when there is no immediate threat to you or your family for safety reasons.. and that is fine. I just see things differently.

Odds are heavily in my favor that 6 years of SWCC has me better trained and tactically sound than your average thug. Chances are equally in my favor that I am better armed. I know the terrain better. If I survived heavy fighting in Afghanistan, and relatively heavy fighting in the streets of Iraq only to be smoked by some creep snooping around my house in the middle of the night, I'll accept that as Gods' will. I'm insured, and have relatively good life insurance so my wife will be able to live comfy ;-)

As far as turning Brody, the German Shorthaired loose... well, he woudn't do a whole lot. My Ridgeback would have been a different story, but he has been waiting up in Heaven for me since October. I think it's time to get a Rocky the Ridgeback JR....

Karder- I acquired 60 oleoresin capsicum rounds for my paintball gun today from a buddy of mine who works for the Sheriff's Dept. I figured Rock Salt 12 Guage rounds would also be frowned upon :(
by snatchel
Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:54 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.
Replies: 71
Views: 10447

Re: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.

Reloader wrote:You can also use 4 150W spotlights on motion detectors..set them on at dusk manually or automatic. should get a good picture and DNA samples. One of my son's idiot friend tried to pull off the screen and open the window of my teen age daughter's room..floodlights and me armed caused him to wet his pants... Didn't shoot him, but it was close. 600W focused at him allowed me to ID him just in time..cured him, too.. :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana
Dear God,

When the wife and I finally decide to have children.. please give me boys. If you decide I need girls, please grant me unlimited funds for scare tactics and legal council. Amen
by snatchel
Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:44 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.
Replies: 71
Views: 10447

Re: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.

Shooting eyes out w/ a BB gun.... That is a good idea actually. Unfortunately, I no longer own a BB gun. Sadly, my wife made me get rid of it when I started shooting squirrels out of the oak tree in our backyard for our dog to play with :(
by snatchel
Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:02 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.
Replies: 71
Views: 10447

Re: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.

Commander Cody wrote:
snatchel wrote:I ran out of the house after him, but...{quote]

Don't do that!
My yard. My rules. Some would say it isn't tactically sound to go after him... but I would do it again without second thought. I chased until the edge of my property, then let the Police Officers who responded sort the rest out.

It looks like I will be doing some shopping for a DIY security set up. Thanks for the valuable info on these set-ups...

Oh yeah, my windows will be closed from now on :)
by snatchel
Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:37 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.
Replies: 71
Views: 10447

Peeping Tom Last Night/Reccomendations needed.

I wanted to post this earlier, but I have only had af ew minutes to hop on the forum thus far this morning. Finally caught a break, so here is the story:

Last night around mindnight I was waiting for my wife to finish showering and go to bed. I got up to let my german shorthaired out to use the bathroom and as I walked by my dining room window I saw movement out of the window. We have plantation shutters on all of our windows, and we usually leave the dining room shutters open for our dog to see out- there are always cats/squirrels he watches all day. As I walked by this window and saw movement, I assumed it was a cat... until I see this thing take off, and could make out a person!

I ran out of the house after him, but he was LONG gone in the time it took me to yell to my wife to call the cops and get out the door. Police arrived and took a report, and I learned that this guy has been seen peeping in our neighborhood several times over the last year. Unfortunately, they haven't gotten a good description or caught him yet.

Lucky I didn't catch him.... wouldn't have shot him (unless he was armed/presented a threat) but it would have taken a lot to keep me from beating him. I know he was waiting for my wife to get out of the shower, she has the same routine every night and I'm sure he has had a couple of really good shows- he knew which window to wait by. Jerk.

So my mission for the day: Infrared Game Cameras. Gonna by 4 of them... one for each side of my house, and 2 for my neighbor. He has 3 teenage daughters and said that they saw him last friday creeping by one of his daughters bedroom windows. I need reccomendations on GOOD, STURDY, CLEAR cameras guys.

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