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by mamabearCali
Thu May 17, 2012 8:53 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obama a Kenyan?
Replies: 51
Views: 7460

Re: obama a Kenyan?

I don't think this proves him a kenyan. However, I do think it shows that he has been willing throughout his entire life to embellish stories and to portray himself as what is most advantageous to him at the moment. More than most presidents it seems to be if the company he is in requires him to be capitalist he talks about the American way, if the crowd is more socialist we hear about fairness.. If it behooves him to be a religious fellow we will hear about his faith, if the present company is more hostile to faith he will talk about bitter clingers .

So in 1991 it was beneficial for him to be Kenyan. Right now is is beneficial for him to be an American. What is the truth--darned if I know. What I do know is he is not who he said he was in 2008. I wonder if he even knows the truth. Tell enough lies long enough and the truth gets harder and harder to come by even for the spinner of the yarns.

This is a side issue, anyway. If he is not a citizen the fastest way to get him out at this point is to vote him out. If he is a citizen who cares...he still needs to go.

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