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by speedsix
Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:04 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

...I've gained a few without it...Texas cuisine ain't exactly lo-cal...
by speedsix
Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:48 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

...since 84, I've told people here I did 20 years in La. and got out on good behavior, and haven't had ONE ask me what I mean...
by speedsix
Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:33 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

jmra wrote:
speedsix wrote:...18's old enough to sign the dotted line and put their butt on the line for the's old enough that they be given adult respect...or demand it!!! Mine would...and he'd get it...respect for Law Enforcement goes BOTH ways...
Grew up in New Orleans and legally carried in the car my senior year of high school. Signed the dotted line 3 months after graduation. Never had a negative encounter with police in an area where police had a reputation (deserved or not) of making their own rules. Always treated them with respect and got the same in return even at the lake front at 2:30 in the morning.

...NOLA has always been a ratpit...heard horror stories from cops about cops in the 70s, must have a way about you...I carried from 14 on in La...and in the car, was easier then...not so much now...
by speedsix
Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:30 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

wgoforth wrote:
speedsix wrote:...18's old enough to sign the dotted line and put their butt on the line for the's old enough that they be given adult respect...or demand it!!! Mine would...and he'd get it...respect for Law Enforcement goes BOTH ways...
I understand, and surely you know there are also at that age some very meek, easily intimidated, esp among young ladies. At 18, if someone is a couple of years maturity wise either direction makes a big difference. A 50 yo who thinks like a 48 yo isn't a big deal. But an 18 yo who thinks like a 16 yo could be. I work with young people and see it all the time. And cops would handle/treat them differently than a 50 year old. I suppose what that could mean too is that those like that may not yet be mature enough for a gun. I am thinking of my son, very mature, but quiet and always taught to be respectful to his elders and police. I am afraid he'd roll over for fact he did. Cops pulled him over one night, saying he ran a stop sign (where there wasn't one). They asked if they could search his car, and he said yes. They even frisked him and he thought too "personal." I supose the key might be to know your child enough to reccomend they carry or not.

...I taught mine to respect and support LEOs, but not to take any heavy-handed crap from them...a pro doesn't hand it out...a redneck needs to be retrained...I know some grownups who would roll over, and have...and some "kids" who know the law, know their rights, and won't be trod boys are not smart-alecs but won't put up with oppressive "authority"...and there are right ways to deal with that, too...I've seen enough bully cops and ignorant ones, I appreciate a pro much more...some of them I wouldn't even drink coffee need to treat anyone badly, let alone a kid...and from a cop's point of view, no need to tolerate it from the customer, either, and it can be dealt with one way or another...I would recommend any person who was being jacked around by an LEO to ask for a supervisor at the scene...that's usually all that's necessary for things to calm waaaaaaaaaaaay down...there's a big, usually obvious, difference between enforcing the law and pushing people around...if we don't call them on it, who will???????
by speedsix
Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:35 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

...18's old enough to sign the dotted line and put their butt on the line for the's old enough that they be given adult respect...or demand it!!! Mine would...and he'd get it...respect for Law Enforcement goes BOTH ways...
by speedsix
Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:25 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

...there are some out there who are ignorant on purpose...and some who really don't know the law...they need to be educated...and we need to quit rolling over when they make an illegal confiscation or charge us wrongfully...if we just take it, sure they'll keep doing it...we have just as much right and authority to DEMAND that THEY obey the law as they do us...a lot of Americans have forgotten that...
by speedsix
Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:32 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

...they killed that one here in my neighborhood...I know, the sign was in my yard...gone three years now...
by speedsix
Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:40 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

JJVP wrote:
speedsix wrote:...MPA doesn't have a word about son finally turned 18, but has carried his .38 in the car since the bill took soon as he got his regular DL...
You realized that he broke federal law if he was carrying under MPA before he became 18. Federal law prohibits anyone younger that 18 to possess a handgun. He was lucky he was not caught." onclick=";return false;

...your statement is in error, as your link will tell you if you see the fine print at the bottom of the linked page...he broke no Federal law at all, because I made sure he fell within those exemptions...research the actual printed Federal law that pertains, not some Public Information catchall page, and you'll have the law...that's what I realized...
by speedsix
Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:28 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion
Replies: 30
Views: 2892

Re: Between 18 and 21, and handgun possesion

...MPA doesn't have a word about son finally turned 18, but has carried his .38 in the car since the bill took soon as he got his regular DL...

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