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by SewTexas
Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:10 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity
Replies: 153
Views: 21942

Re: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity

I give up guys.....I got sucked in again...I know better

I'm off the thread.
by SewTexas
Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:55 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity
Replies: 153
Views: 21942

Re: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity

he could have been guilty of mass murder, that doesn't justify the fact that they took all eyes off the house long enough for him to leave, and for EVERYONE in the house to go to sleep. if you read it, it sounds like it was hours later, like many hours, because no judge is going to want to sign a warrant at 3 AM! so let's say the drug buy went down at 3 PM and the warrant was signed by 5, because they are just speedy that way, that gave them 10 hours!!! You're trying to make it sound like it all happened in 15 minutes, but I'm just not buying it. They still didn't take a look at the cars in front of the house to see who was there? :banghead: yeh, I"m feeling better everyday about my best friend living in that area.
by SewTexas
Sat May 31, 2014 3:05 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity
Replies: 153
Views: 21942

Re: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity

EEllis wrote:
A-R wrote:
EEllis wrote:Turns out that the guy they were looking for wasn't there during the raid. The guy had sold meth to a CI and the cops went to get a warrant and came back to serve the warrant and the guy left to make deliveries. The guy had been arrested for drugs and weapons charges before at that location. This seems to be an almost gang sale situation with "guards" often being at the location. The woman knew they sold drugs at that location and reportedly, by her statements to the police, would take the kids in the back room and lock the door while business was occurring.
I have NO interest in defending throwing a flashbang near a child. And what I'm about to write is in no way a defense nor excuse to that action. But I think a point made above has been missed in the bloodlust to again indict police for using " no-knock" tactics.

How much blame for this is placed on the child's parents for allowing the child to sleep in a known drug house and/or for the drug users / dealers for using/dealing with children around?

Again, this is not an excuse/defense for the police action. Just a desire to see requisite blame/responsibility on the people who put children into a dangerous environment.

Would the reaction be any different if the child was injured in inter-gang gun crossfire? Or is this lamentable only because some of the blame can be pointed at the police?
My comments usually are just written of because of being a police "apologist" but for the most part it seems people just use the child's injury to justify what they previously believed. The woman reportedly said that she locked her kids and herself in another room when they were dealing so she was concerned about safety and the situation. Drug houses have some closing time? After what time is it that you can be sure no one would try and jack your money or drugs? Is putting your kids playpen so close to the same door that they are selling drugs out of really that good of an idea at any hour. I won't come down on the woman to hard because when the choice is homelessness or staying with a shady relative........ but how much should you blame the cops? I also haven't seen any real conversations on strategy and tactics here. Strategy because it isn't just about the one raid. Following people until you can arrest them is great, setting up stings is awesome, but how does that effect the numbers of arrests they can make? The time they have available? The cost of operations? It can't be just about what is the best way to do one arrest. It has to be the best way to perform all the tasks required.

I've read maybe 3 pretty long articles about this case, they seem pretty thorough. If you read through them you get a few things out of them.

1. a couple of people have "blamed" the parents...."why did they have the kids there in the first place" well, let's see, their house had burned down, they had 4 kids, and starting over is expensive. You go to what family you have, seek comfort and try again.
2. They had JUST gotten there that day from the readings, maybe the day before, even if the parents were "aware of the goings on" where were they to go?
3. I'm wondering if the BG had maybe moved his operations? yes, there were apparently sales that happened and were witnessed, but then he was gone, at a 'partners' house. did he try to move the biz while the family was at his house? I would if I were him, kids can't keep quiet.
by SewTexas
Fri May 30, 2014 1:57 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity
Replies: 153
Views: 21942

Re: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity

EEllis wrote:
SewTexas wrote: ... aid/nf9SJ/
with an update.
there were 4 kids inside the home! and the cops recon was simply incompetent, no signs of the kids? but there was a mini van with car seats and stickers everywhere.
BG wasn't even in the home at the time and it's probably a good thing. this could have gone so far south so quickly and I think the sheriff realizes it. I think he also realizes he may not have a job come next election.
In their defence the kids didn't live there, they were visiting. They say crib like it's a babies bed that is up high and you could see but it was a portable playpen that is low to the ground and was in the living room near the entrance. Now none of this make what happened OK but it does frame the situation a bit different.
there should be recon anytime eyes have been taken off of a sight for more than 30 seconds. And there was a mini-van with baby seats, toys and stickers parked right in front of the house, how much bigger of a sign did they need?
by SewTexas
Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity
Replies: 153
Views: 21942

Re: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity ... aid/nf9SJ/
with an update.
there were 4 kids inside the home! and the cops recon was simply incompetent, no signs of the kids? but there was a mini van with car seats and stickers everywhere.
BG wasn't even in the home at the time and it's probably a good thing. this could have gone so far south so quickly and I think the sheriff realizes it. I think he also realizes he may not have a job come next election.
by SewTexas
Fri May 30, 2014 12:13 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity
Replies: 153
Views: 21942

Re: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity

someone posted about a police friend who has the utility co call the suspect with a "problem with the bill, must be taken care of today". suspect comes down to the utility office immediately, is swept away to the police station, and then the warrant is carried out at the home.
Problem solved
no one hurt, no babies burned, scarred for life
OMG it takes imagination
maybe every police station should hire a writer
by SewTexas
Thu May 29, 2014 11:09 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity
Replies: 153
Views: 21942

Re: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity

mamabearCali wrote:What I don't get is why, in the name of all that is holy, if firearms and drugs are known to be present and are such a threat to officers lives that they have to engage in combat tactics with potential children in the home, don't they wait for the guy to be leaving 7-11 and take him there then get a warrant for the house and show up and get the evidence no drama needed.

If I can think of that, why can't they?

Like I have said before we all think we are so sofistcated in our police and criminal justice system, but in much more brutal times those who enforced the law were severely punished if they burned innocents along with the guilty.


there had to be a better way....I can come up with 3 or 4 without half trying, do they have no imagination? are they lazy? do they just not care?
this thing hit the UK newspaper, they don't care WHERE it was, it was "in the US" it doesn't matter that is was in podunck, Georgia, all police come off looking like raving lunatics. And every one of them should be angry right now.
but they won't be.
by SewTexas
Thu May 29, 2014 7:42 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity
Replies: 153
Views: 21942

Re: Breath Taking No Knock Atrocity

Oh. my.......

that is horrible!

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