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by rp_photo
Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:31 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton
Replies: 37
Views: 4808

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

I believe that an inconspcuous/slightly ugly vehicle is a good deterrent, such as what I drive.

There a few dents, small rust areas, and a missing hubcap that I leave as-is, both because I'm lazy and I feel they make the vehicle look less enticing:


Some random items and trash on the passenger floor (again due to laziness in part) adds to the "Nothing interesting here" message.

I also avoid having any affinity stickers that would reveal my gun ownership or political opinions. That's what the Internet is for.
by rp_photo
Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:22 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton
Replies: 37
Views: 4808

Re: Vehicle Break Ins-Carrollton

VMI77 wrote: This consequence is another reason why 30.06 signs are a gift to criminals. Any business that posts a 30.06 sign is not only failing to make their facility safer, they are increasing the danger and threat of violence for the larger community. But apparently, the anti-gun nuts would rather help put guns in the hands of criminals that have a CHL holder on their premises.
Justice would be served if one of those stolen guns found one of those anti-gunners, who would then be persuaded to see things as they should.

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