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by pcgizzmo
Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class
Replies: 97
Views: 11630

Re: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class

matrix wrote:
pcgizzmo wrote:I said "Welcome" Matrix but I think I should say "Goodbye" you won't be here tomorrow. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it.
pcgizzmo, do you have a personal opinion on why you think that may be the case? Or why that should be the case? Or are you just succumbing to group dynamics and going with the flow? I'm genuinely curious. You've been one of the most fair forum members in responding honestly and fairly (again, sorry for not responding, too many to respond to). So what do you think is my cardinal sin (beyond having a different POV than most forum members)?
I could be wrong but I think Charles mentioned that you should basically change the subject and not continue in this thread. I'm not saying I agree or disagree but it's his forum. I haven't made my mind up about you yet and I honestly don't see a problem with what your discussing here except it was a trollish first post and raises suspicion that your trying to start trouble. You have conducted yourself fairly well so I'm guessing that's why your sill here.

The problem with your topic is that as you already know and I'm just stating for the sake of the post is your stepping on toes because the type of instructor you probably had in your class is very much the same audience your complaining to. Added to that it's hard to step on toes without them hurting. This being your first post, your just asking to get banned right out of the gate.

Personally I enjoy seeing people discuss both sides of the issues and hope the forum can allow that w/out people getting angry etc.. but if not then you have to respect the mods and Charles because that's just the way it is.
by pcgizzmo
Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:52 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class
Replies: 97
Views: 11630

Re: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class

I said "Welcome" Matrix but I think I should say "Goodbye" you won't be here tomorrow. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it.
by pcgizzmo
Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:12 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class
Replies: 97
Views: 11630

Re: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class

Crap! :fire I just read through all the posts. This did become a hot topic. See matrix. That's why I said what I did. :tiphat:
by pcgizzmo
Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:04 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class
Replies: 97
Views: 11630

Re: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class

matrix wrote:Well, I'm definitely glad to hear that not everyone has to sit through things like that for the sin of wanting to obtain a CHL. Popular opinion in this forum notwithstanding, not everybody who voted for Obama is a gun-grabbing, "guns-are-evil" person. I, for example, am very much in favor of the 2nd amendment and reserve my right to protect myself and my family from would-be assailants.

pcgizzmo wrote:Welcome.

Strange first post but to each his own. I agree that the political statements were uncalled for in your class but I'm sure as you already know most people actively involved in the gun community are not supportive of the current president because of his stance on guns, his attorney generals stance on guns etc..
Gizzmo, I'm glad you agree with me about the inappropriate context to be making those statements, and yes, I am totally aware of how people in the "gun community" perceive the president. I just happen to disagree with most of the "gun community." (BTW, am I in the gun community? I have a CHL, own a gun, carry as often circumstances permit, etc etc.) And why you find my 1st post "strange" is a mystery to me. It's more than tangentially gun-related (right out of forum rules), and I believe posted in the appropriate folder (political issues). What's strange about that?
Yes, I think your in the gun community. I don't always agree 100% with everyone either so that's OK. In fact I bet we all don't agree on something gun related. When it comes to politics though my guess and it's just a guess you will find most Democrat's ( Anti-gun) and most (Republicans) pro gun. Notice I said "Most" but not all. I'm also not labeling you either because I don't vote party lines. I have voted for Democrats in the past and I'm not ashamed to state it on a public forum.

Anyway, back to why I said "interesting first post" It may prove to be a hot topic for a first post which comes across a little trollish. Not that you meant it to be or that you are I just thought it was interesting that's all. Like I said. "Welcome to the forum".
by pcgizzmo
Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class
Replies: 97
Views: 11630

Re: Inappropriate propagandizing during CHL class


Strange first post but to each his own. I agree that the political statements were uncalled for in your class but I'm sure as you already know most people actively involved in the gun community are not supportive of the current president because of his stance on guns, his attorney generals stance on guns etc.. As far as taxes go it's an election year. Raising won't happen in 2012. Maybe if he win's. The government has to much control. No doubt about that but the people control it. We just keep letting them have it.

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