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by gdanaher
Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:19 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

chasfm11 wrote: I cannot find a statement about which I more strongly disagree.
I cannot find a statement about which I more strongly disagree, either. I really don't think you read what I wrote.
by gdanaher
Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:24 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

Just something to ponder. Y'all are not typical of any group other than Texas CHL holders, and honestly you may not be typical of that group either, because while the number of licenses issued and active is something less than a million, the number of people who are active here is perhaps in the hundreds. How are Texas CHL holders different? They respect the second amendment, they recognize the need for self protection, and they have gone to the extraordinary lengths to train, take classes, and pay fees that many consider exorbitant, in order to exercise their rights in this state. Most people, no, nearly everyone, is less inclined to express their feelings by such an investment of time and treasure.They may spout conservatism but at the end of the day they fail to vote, they fail to think, and they fail to participate. What I get out of these discussions here is a bit of bewilderment on the part of some folks that since you think a certain way, and since many of the other group members think as you do, that the rest of the world is the same. The rest of the world you think of as actively conservative is more likely offering occasional lip service and little more. Honestly, if the majority of 'conservatives' were as intensely active as y'all are, the problems you see in the structure and execution of the government would not exist as a problem for anyone if those 'conservatives' you elected to represent your views had done their job, and performed as requested.
by gdanaher
Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:07 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

Kythas, what industry do you work in?
by gdanaher
Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:48 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

Remember, you have to show some understanding, knowledge, and judgement to get a driver or concealed license, but no such requirements are stipulated for people of child bearing age to procreate ....
by gdanaher
Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:52 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

If someone wants to be a physician, they are going to go to med school. The rules changed in Texas a few years ago that encouraged doctors to come to Texas from other states. Really didn't help get more doctors. Changing the liability exposure didn't help. Changing the tax structure didn't help. Changing the tuition forgiveness rules didn't help. Moral of the story is that doctors go where they want to go and do what they want to do. Costs of paperwork, deadbeat patients, and everything is rolled into the price I pay or the price my insurance pays. If anything good comes from this, it is that everyone will have some sort of coverage which in turn should flatten out the individual costs so that those with insurance will no longer have to be paying for the high percentage of those who don't. Final point, if all legal citizens and residents have some kind of coverage, what happens to the undocumented folks who have no insurance, no social security, no nothing except forged documents. Will this make them stand out in the system even more?
by gdanaher
Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:51 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

Bennies wrote: I just purchased a Spikes Tactical ST 15 middy. Made me feel a little better for a bit but this ruling still stings....
I think I am going to go to the range this afternoon and imagine that the target is an uninsured bad guy.
by gdanaher
Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:47 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

There are those amongst us whose health is so poor that they, until recently, did not qualify for any kind of health insurance, at any price. I know this to be true because for a long time, one of my children who inherited a bad set of genes from his birth parents, could not find any company to cover him, at any price. Yes, his medical problems are quite expensive. He lucked into a job offering a group policy that accepted preexisting conditions. Not everyone is so lucky. As you critique the health care system, keep in mind that it could be any one of you with similar issues and thank G-d that it isn't you.
by gdanaher
Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:21 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

flintknapper wrote: Replace and Repeal is the ONLY answer at this point, forget about what judge decided what...that is done and over with, we have a job to do.
So, only a foolish man would look at our existing system of health delivery and smile at its success. So a Republican Congress repeals the bill. They have to replace it with something, or their replacements are going to have to do something about health care on a national basis. What would be on your wish list for federal or state legislation that would serve to repair, clean up and adjust the traditional system of care delivery?
by gdanaher
Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:33 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obamacare upheld
Replies: 323
Views: 53828

Re: obamacare upheld

When people are asked if they support the various aspects of the law, they support them. When the same people are asked if they support the affordable care act or Obamacare, they don't like it. It's all in how it is presented. The general public doesn't know enough about the detail to make a learned decision. I haven't read the entire law either, but I've waded through a digested version of about 200 pages. I doubt that anyone here including the attorneys have taken the time to read the whole thing. Time is money. But health care has been politicized beyond all reason, and the territory it covers isn't all that new if folks would just think for a moment. Someone mentioned they were concerned about being told what car to buy. You already are, and have been for years. It's called the gas guzzler tax for lack of the real name and taxes high consumption vehicles. If you can afford that Ferrari, you can afford the tax, right? Really, nothing new. And again, if anyone here really wants to be helpful in November, move to Florida. It looks like they can use the Republican votes.

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