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by Smallestbodyman
Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:15 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: November 2010 Applications
Replies: 94
Views: 15088

Re: November 2010 Applications

For those of you waiting and checking the site, just be patiant. It will come. You can also email them and get a little info. But y'all can count me out of the waiting room. I got home at lunch and there was plastic in the mailbox. :woohoo I didn't get to do my Wally walk tonight but I do bowl on a league and had my bersa 380 on my left (crossdraw) and noone seamed to notice at all. Did good with not messing with it to much :thumbs2: Makes me feel much better about being able to easily hide my 45 with no problems. Good luck to those waiting and be patiant, I know it's hard! I had a solid 6 week turn around!
by Smallestbodyman
Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:34 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: November 2010 Applications
Replies: 94
Views: 15088

Re: November 2010 Applications

I'm thinking it's harder when you find out it's been mailed. I didn't look a the mailbox as much as I have been since they said it was mailed out. I'm an impationt person that's why I don't do alot of online shopping. Today has been 6 weeks since I mailed my complete packet. Since Saturday I haven't recieved any mail so I've just been checking an empty box. :totap: Any day now!!
by Smallestbodyman
Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:37 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: November 2010 Applications
Replies: 94
Views: 15088

Re: November 2010 Applications

I finnaly broke down and got ahold of the department. I called Wednesday and was on hold for 20-30 min and gave up so I just shot them an email. When I got home there was a letter in the mail from them. :drool: But no plastic :confused5 I got worried it was something bad because I've already had my app sent back to fill out a missed portion. But it was just a letter saying they recieved my app and I could check the web. It was printed the 19th but not postmarked till the 29th. But I did get a reply on my email and it said my license has been issued and mailed out on 12/02/10. That's today!!!!! :thewave Now just to wait on the mailman. :???: Its getting harder the longer the wait! Glad it's almost over. So Saturday, or Monday wally walk I can do!! I feel like a kid again, getting all excited! I know I know I hear it all the time I still am a kid! Since I'm only 27.

10-16 class taken
10-28 package completely put together finger prints, photos and all
11-13 notice recieved of app incomplete.
11-15 app mailed back to Texas
12-1 letter stating app was recieved.
12-2 email stating lic has been mailed.
by Smallestbodyman
Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:12 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: November 2010 Applications
Replies: 94
Views: 15088

Re: November 2010 Applications

Congrats utmacguy. I'm still waiting. Today's a month on mailing it off. Status still says finger prints pending and background pending. But it's said that for a few weeks now. So it could be any day, I'm Just hoping sometime the first of the month.
by Smallestbodyman
Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:41 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: November 2010 Applications
Replies: 94
Views: 15088

Re: November 2010 Applications

Newbie here. Took my class and did alright. Now just waiting like everyone else. Been spending money on holsters and trying different ways to carry while sitting around the house.
Class taken/10-16-10
packet mailed/10-28-10
checked online/11-11-10
finger prints/under review
passport photo holder/under review
background check/under review
photos excepted
everything else was excepted
at the top it says application incomplete, notifying applicant.
So now I'm waiting on the mail to see what they didn't accept. If I was a gambeling man I'd say fingerprints but that doesn't explain why my passport photo holders still under review. Guess I'll keep waiting.

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