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by clarionite
Tue May 08, 2012 9:16 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Suspended/Invalid Licence
Replies: 72
Views: 16784

Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence

DarkSide wrote:Yall are to hard on the guy! He just another man just like you and I. How dare you scold him on his actions. Yeah she should have insurance. There are scary places in Texas where the law cant reach you. or don't want to. Your are on you own in some places and the poor people are pinned down to work and Live. I'm sure if i look in your closets ill find stuff yo don't want to be aired. Its like you don't take pride in your fellow brother. I believe members of this group aim to tare down people and not than build them up. Its not Our Job to decide who can carry a weapon. Some of you where born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Some of us come from the slums the ghettos and projects and aim to be better American citizens. Be Law abiding citizens climb form the muck in witch we came. Some of you don't need CHLS because you ride in the nice part of town in nice cars and live in nice houses. No crime. Where I have lived where people DIE! Just the other day a man was shot. A girl was dragged behind a car. I go to some slummy places cause that where my family live. Some of y'all have never faced scorpions or other gangs and never will. You live in my perfect world where the stress of your JOb is your Burden. Where I walk and others walk you a breath a away from death. You say move away or don't go there but see how you can move all your family out the hood? believe it or not Brothers there are men that carry a guns with out a license and don't care. People have full automatic weapons. They don't care if they get cought they will shoot their out and come back in and do it again. People come her to learn and share and aboard knowledge, You get in a gun fight with the wrong guy kill him and all his brothers will find you if they cant they will find your Little girls and Wife. you luck out and kill them there are many that come out to replace them. that Guy is a poor man trying to keep his head above water. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get that paper$. If you have to drive to work or school with no insurance for two weeks to get a check to latter get insurance. I don't think some of you know where this man is coming from. never been in his shoes. If you do you so busy trying to be elder men then men that actually see that in some-places your logic does not compute. there are roads cops don't patrol. I have road with quite a few LEOs in cities Ive worked as a firefighter. I called in officers i know and they say I'm not going there with out more than 6 units. that guy probs need that license more than we all do. All of us are a breath away from poverty. I have friends that are millionaires; Even they told me u can loose it all in one day. Embrace people in the Site and don't hide behind your computer and talk trash and hide behind your gun or badge or degree. You cant shot twp or more people at one time that have you surround. Think about the other person and what God would do.

Not having insurance is not a petty thing, and it's not without victims. If he can't afford the insurance, he can't afford to pay for my repairs for my vehicle or my doctor's bills when he hits me. So I have to pay more for uninsured motorist coverage. Maybe you should think of the other guy. Just because you're unable to afford insurance (actually unwilling I'm betting) doesn't mean you should put everyone else at risk. I'm sure that he never ate fast food, drank beer, smoked, went to a movie, ate a steak... You get the picture, when he couldn't afford the insurance.
by clarionite
Tue May 08, 2012 8:58 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Suspended/Invalid Licence
Replies: 72
Views: 16784

Re: Suspended/Invalid Licence

carlson1 wrote:
jz75455 wrote:
Keith B wrote:
Tbucher1218 wrote:The $250 insurance surcharge is for three consecutive years, as my son found out. So it adds up if not paid every year. Than possibly penalties for non payment.
Ahh, that may 'splain it. :tiphat:
$250 every year for three years with penalties. This is after the $300 ticket for no insurance... Fair?
The punishment must equal the wrong to be just. I do not believe this was justice. It appears to me that you received a heavy punishment for the crime.
As someone who was just rear ended two weeks ago. I don't believe requiring someone to have insurance to drive on the same public roads I drive on is wrong.
And charging a stiff penalty for those who put the rest of us at financial risk because of their greed and stupidity is fair in my opinion.

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