- No concealed carry in government buildings of any kind.
- No firearms on school property (including grounds and parking lot) unless you are picking up or dropping off a child
- No concealed carry on university property (including grounds and parking lot) unless it is locked in a car.
- No concealed carry in a day care.
- No concealed carry in churches unless the church gives express permission.
- Do not drink in a liquor establishment.
- No loaded long guns in a motor vehicle
So the real world application is if challenged in a private business is to simply apologize, "I had no idea, I'll leave immediately." And then leave. Do not wait for the police to arrive, simply leave. A store owner cannot detain you.
Technically, open carry is legal on OSU campus, but the real world application is someone is going to get arrested.
Finally, if you are stopped for a law enforcement purpose while carrying concealed, remember you must promptly notify the officer you are licensed and you are armed. This is the most common scenario for a CHL to get charged with a crime.