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by Jumping Frog
Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:59 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Present CHL if not carrying?
Replies: 37
Views: 9465

Re: Present CHL if not carrying?

Abraham wrote:The officer stated she was appreciative of being shown the CHL as she went on to state she would've been mightily angry if the CHL hadn't been produced. My wife stated again she was not carrying. This information made no difference to this particular officer.

So, yes, there are those in law enforcement who don't know, even now, when not carrying you're not obligated to show your CHL.

My wife got the impression she'd of been in big trouble with this uninformed officer had she not shown her CHL even when it was not lawfully required.
I know people who are militant on this topic, and that is the exact reason they are pushing to remove notification from the law in Ohio (where failure to notify is equivalent to a Class A Misdemeanor). Their theory is if everyone notifies even when they are not required to do so, then the police end up expecting it from everyone even when not required. As I recall, there were even cases of people charged with failure to notify when they were unarmed, which even if charges are later dismissed still means an arrest, bond, fingerprinting, a record of the arrest on criminal background checks, and the need to hire an attorney. :roll:

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