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by Liberty
Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:31 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Large North Texas church posting 30.06
Replies: 58
Views: 7528

Re: Large North Texas church posting 30.06

SlowDave wrote:
I think it is somewhat... selfish (dare I say) of the security force to request 30.06 posting. It makes one situation possibly better for them while creating several higher risk situations for the members. Not worth it to me. But that's just me.
I think its pretty safe to say in general, that those who wish to disarm us are not interested in our safety, and don't trust us.
by Liberty
Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:12 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Large North Texas church posting 30.06
Replies: 58
Views: 7528

Re: Large North Texas church posting 30.06

dac1842 wrote:TAC, nothing I have said is against someone exercising their right to self defense, I have stated that if a person is in immediate danger do what must be done.

Gemini, yes we have plans for several issues. all you mentioned and a great deal you havent. I will be the first to admit if a church still has their head in the sand with the "this is church it wont happen here" mentality, and has no security, or for the smaller chruches were off duty police are just plain cost prohibitive then yes response by CHL holders is a great thing to have. I am not trying to state no one has the right to defend themselves, I am a strong advocate of just the opposite. I do feel the more of a police presene there is the less need for a chl to take aciton unless he/she is in immediate danger had must use deadly force.

I know there a cops that dont put any effort into the job and they dont practice any more than a lot of chl's.We screen our officers. We keep the same ones, we treat them as family and we dont have any of the ones that there just to get a paycheck. We try to make sure that we dont get any of them that are lazy. It is not that hard to do, The person that they report to at our church is an LEO as well. but not with the same department, therefore we have eliminated the good ol boy syndrome
We have some very proactive plans in place from who can serve on the safety team, how to respond to fire, ems, weather and threats. Our plans really center on containment and isolation until the police arrive and let them have it.
The very fact that a church would post 30.06 sogns makes a statement that they don't trust us gun toters. They have that right, but that sign would make almost every member of this forum look at the place with disdain. To us its the same thing as taping us on the shoulder telling us that "Your kind isn't wanted around here." When I see a 30.06 I know its not a place that would want me or my family.

I went to an event Wedensday just as folks went to hundres of these these around this state. The people were angry, and we know a lot of of them were armed. There were lots of police at the one I went to they even had some on horse back. The police were relaxed and didn't seem worried. I'm sure they knew there were a lot of guns in this mob. Funny, though the people might have been very afraid of what their government was doing to them. All of them seemed to be behaving relaxed, and happy. A sea of strangers and the children were playing and lots of smiles. I believe that just knowing lots of the citizens were armed meant they were safe. Because they all knew these were the best behaving bunch of people you could ever get together in the state of Texas.

I am not much of a church goer, but I go toseveral different churches. Sometimes I like going to te intimate smaller church. Sometimes I like the mega church, they put on a good show music and some real great preaching. I could never go into a posted into a church who makes such a statement about one of my fundimental beliefs.
by Liberty
Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:05 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Large North Texas church posting 30.06
Replies: 58
Views: 7528

Re: Large North Texas church posting 30.06

Oldgringo wrote: This is fundamentally the same issue as countless other posts on this forum and that issue is freedom of choice.
Them's fighting words on this board!!!!

Just teasing I know what you meant. :evil2: "rlol"

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